Summer is Upon us! Enjoy this pre-summer event. Amberine will make you wear something fancy from Tuesday, June 11, 2019 to Monday, June 24, 2019 on PC's and Consoles.

Even before doing any quests, you are rewarded with Confetti Ball 1

1/6 Choose your Summer Look

Splendid Summer 1/6: Hi Trovian, it's me Amberine! We don't have seasons on Geode but Trove never seems to stop changing and becoming more beautiful. 

You should be proud of your planet and of yourself. Choose a summer look to celebrate!

Rewards: Chaos Chest 10

Take down Trovians in Bomber Royale (2)

Splendid Summer 2/6: The best place to show off your look is on the Bomber Royale victory screen. Take out some other Trovians and see if you can come out the victor.

- Winning a Match is rumored to also work.

Rewards: Forge Fragment 30

Complete Club Adventures (3)

Splendid Summer 3/6: Showing off and being proud shouldn't be about fighting though. It should be about you. Make other Trovians proud too by helping them out. Complete Club Adventures to give back to your community.

Rewards: Empowered Gem Box 6

Complete Outpost Adventures (3)

Splendid Summer 4/6: Trove is looking great but I've heard there are others in need of assistance. Go help some Kami in Luminopolis or Geodians on Geode. Its time to celebrate!

Rewards: Dragon Coin 25

Improve your Gems (15)

Splendid Summer 5/6: Its time to treat yourself to some upgrades and be proud of what you have accomplished. Upgrade your gems and show them off.
Any attempts to upgrade your gems will count, even if they do not succeed.

Rewards: Rainbow Squirrelbert

Complete 5 Star Dungeons (10)

Splendid Summer 6/6: I'm proud of how far you've come. Gather some friends and help me back on Geode, Trovian. Take out some 5-star dungeons and help bring back the light. Happy Splended Summer!

Rewards: Lustrous Gem Box 6

Daily Login Rewards

Like the previous event, you actually have to do something to claim your rewards for the daily login rewards:

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I'm sorry but whoever keeps throwing pvp into questlines needs to be frickin shot... IT HAS NO PLACE FOR QUEST LINES

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My first event with the game and honestly I was surprised with how engaging it was! Particularly the fact that it uses alot of the different game play styles to get all the rewards!

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