Shadow's eve is Back! Enjoy some scary adventures and Trick or treat? Earn Shadowy Seals to craft unique collections at the Shadowy Station. From Tuesday, October 23, 2018 to Monday, November 05, 2018 on PC's and Consoles.
#1/8 Complete a Shadow's Eve Adventure (1)
Shadow's Eve 2018 1/8: Trovian! It's me, Qubesly! Awaken your Drak-o-lantern and don your spooky costumes - Shadow's Eve has returned. Visit Skelly, Booradly, and Spooklia in the Trove Hub. They're offering a special token called the Shadowy Seal in exchange for assistance.
Shadowy Seals can be used at the Shadowy Station in the Hub to craft special rewards.
Daily NPC Adventures for Shadow's Eve can be found in the Trove Hub near the Shadow's Eve pumpkin house.
Reward: Shadowy Seal 2018 1
#2/8 Complete Pumpkin Lairs (3)
Shadow's Eve 2018 2/8: Pumpkin Lairs have risen across the landscape of Trove once more. Let's go check them out!
Pumpkin Lairs can be found randomly in any biome.
Reward: Shadowy Seal 2018 1
Added Information:
- Pumpkin Lairs spawn in every biome.
#3/8 Collect Pumpkins (50)
Shadow's Eve 2018 3/8: Pumpkins are my favorite part of Shadow's Eve. Carved into decorations, eaten in a pie, or used to create something new at the Shadowy Station!
Pumpkins can be acquired through Gardening or from finding pumpkin patches growing in Cursed Vale biomes. They are also found in Shadow's Eve Mystery Boxes. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
Reward: Shadowy Seal 2018 1
Added Information:
- There are special lairs around with pumpkins to pickup.
#4/8 Collect Candy Corn (5)
Shadow's Eve 2018 4/8: Candy Corn: love it or hate it? No matter how you feel about those colorful little candies, they're definitely worth collecting at this time of year. Let's go get some!
Candy Corn can be acquired from completing Pumpkin Lairs. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
Reward: Shadowy Seal 2018 1
#5/8 Craft a Nightmare Mystery Box (1)
Shadow's Eve 2018 5/8: Before you devour those sugary kernels of joy, did you know they're not just for eating? I prefer to turn them into other treats! Why not craft a Nightmare Mystery Box from the Shadowy Station in the Hub?
Reward: Shadowy Seal 2018 1
#6/8 Complete 1-Star Dungeons (50)
Shadow's Eve 2018 6/8: Did you hear? Todstrom has shown his cowardly face again, this time in 1-Star Dungeons in the Cursed Vale!
Complete 1-Star Dungeons in any biome. Todstrom may appear in 1-Star Dungeons in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve, but his trick is your treat! Defeat him to receive extra rewards.
Reward: Shadowy Seal 2018 1
#7/8 Kill Bare-Bones Skeletons in Cursed Vale (100)
Shadow's Eve 2018 7/8: I've always liked Cursed Vale but this time of year its denizens are out in droves, especially the bare-bones skeletons. Someone needs to do something about those guys, no bones about it!
Bare-Bones Skeletons can be found wandering any Cursed Vale biome.
Reward: Shadowy Seal 2018 1
Additional information
- There are two different Cursed Value Subbiomes
- One spawns skeleton Vikings
- One spawns Bare-bone skeletons and Armored skeletons
#8/8 Kill a Frozen Dracolich (1)
Shadow's Eve 2018 8/8: Have you ever seen a Dracolich? They reside in the Permafrost biome and horde their treasure below the ice. It is said that dispatching a Dracolich during Shadow's Eve will assure a Merry Snowfest down the road. Will you help end this celebration with a bang, Trovian?
Dracolichs can be found as Dungeon and Lair bosses in any Permafrost biome.
Reward: Shadowy Seal 2018 1
Daily Adventures
You can find the adventures quest giver near the Halloween pumpkin this year. It will give 3 different adventures. At this stage, we are not aware of the number of times you can complete these.
Halloween Adventures:
- Complete a 3-Star Dungeon
I need your help searching for hoarded candy. I know they're hiding it from me!
Complete a 3-Star Dungeon in any biome. - Throw Bombs in Bomber Royale
My friends prefer treats but everyone knows TRICKS are the best part of the season. Let's go cause some havoc!
Throw 20 Rubber Bombs, Lava Bombs, and Big Bombs in Bomber Royale. - Collect 3 Pumpkins
Mmm, pumpkin pie is the best! Plus you can carve jack-o-lanterns while it bakes.
Pumpkins can be found growing in large patches in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve. They can also be grown and harvested through the Gardening profession. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
Daily login Bonusses
- 2018-10-23:
Chaos Chest 5
- 2018-10-24:
Gem Booster Box 3
- 2018-10-25:
Empowered Gem Box 1
- 2018-10-26:
Dragon Coin 5
- 2018-10-27:
Bound Brilliance 3
- 2018-10-28:
Gem Booster Box 3
- 2018-10-29:
Empowered Gem Box 1
- 2018-10-30:
Chaos Chest 5
- 2018-10-31:
Lapis Luckbug 5
- 2018-11-01:
Dragon Coin 5
- 2018-11-02:
Bound Brilliance 3
- 2018-11-03:
Chaos Chest 5
- 2018-11-04:
Empowered Gem Box 1
- 2018-11-05:
Lustrous Gem Box 1