It's time for us to host another building contest, this time the topic is creating your own Geodian home. We ask builders to create and submit screenshots of their builds for a home for their character, their companion, or both.


  • Build (in Trove) a home for your character or your companion in a Geodian style
  • Take screenshots of your build
  • Submit a main screenshot to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag #Geodian Home

Additional screenshots can be added in the text area of the uploaded art page, complexity of the build (aim for a cornerstone size), and how well it matches the Geodian theme are something we'll be critical of.

The builds must be your own.


  • Tuesday, September 25, 2018 to Tuesday, October 9, 2018


  • Entries which are valid and have made appropriate effort will receive 1x Reward Token
  • Highighted entries will receive an additional 1x Reward Token
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