We’ve got some cool new buddies for you, just in time for next week’s Sunfest!
Companions are stat-boosting pets that will give you the edge in Geode’s caverns. Equip a companion at the start of your expedition to gain extra Lasermancy, Movement Speed, Energy Regeneration and G.A.S., as well as boosts and reductions to Modules!
Every Companion starts as an egg, loaded with potential but not very useful on its own. You’ll need an Egg Incubator to hatch your new best friend! Trovesaurus has all the info you need to care for your Companions . This is a must-have reference guide!
Different Companions have different abilities. They can be boosted even more with the Companion Trainer! This requires Bond Crystallizers (which you can craft at the, you guessed it, Crystallogy Workbench). Learn more about Crystallogy from our friends at Trovesaurus.
Keep in mind that stats from Companions only apply while you are inside the Geode Caverns! However, you can apply the look of any of your Companions to your allies when you adventure through the lands of Trove.
Meet some new Geode Companions!
Howlug (common version) – is it a caterpillar? A fancy slug? Whatever it is, it’s definitely a good friend. This Howlug is also found on the Trove Store in the Companion Pack 1.
Hoppet (uncommon version) – we’re pretty sure this blinky guy is fueled by hugs, and only found in Purple Caves
Gleemer (rare version) – the sweetest little wriggly space-reptile you ever did see! Green caves are its natural home on Geode.
Also, we wanted to give a quick head’s up that Sunfest is back starting on July 3rd with all new adventures and rewards, including a return of the 2nd stat reroll event all that week. Join us for the celebration and let the sun shine in!