It's the time of year where we celebrate two Trovians who get along really well. Submit art of Trove characters in love for a chance at some Trove goodies.
- Create some Trove related art that features love between Trove related subjects
- This isn't limited to two people, it can be npcs, you can love your sword, you can love your ally or mounts
- Submit to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag #Trovians in Love 2018
- Wednesday, February 7, 2018 to Wednesday, February 21, 2018
- Entries that meet our minimum criteria will be rewarded with a Reward Token
- 4 additional entries that we highlight will receive another Reward Token
Optional Task
- Create some art based on
ButtGoblin's Gunslinger
- Submit to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag #EyePoppinSlinger
5 winners chosen by ButtGoblin can select one of the following:
- Baleful Bulltergeist
- Tundra Thunderer
- Torched Taurus
- Neon Swathcutter
- Shock! The Monkey
- Bon Bomba
- Infineon Frigate
- Wayfaring Warbear
- Trovian Tumbler
- Trovian Defender (Knight Costume)
- Mecha Dracolyte (Draco Costume)
- Shadowscorn Saboteur(LL Costume)
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