This update adds a New Player Login Rewards system, The Square Necessities Pack, has some Club Updates including an adventures tweak and other changes.

Known IssueTop ^

  • A change in this patch will prevent purchasing more than one of any item that unlocks a collection, even if that item is tradable. This will affect the Treasure Isles merchants along with Saltwater Sam in the hub. A fix is already in progress and will be released as soon as possible.

New Player Login RewardsTop ^

  • Players now get a new bonus item every day for the next 7 days they log in, ending in a Golden Chaos Chest. Find the new icon in the lower-left side of your screen the first time you login each day.
  • Patrons will receive an additional flux bonus with these rewards.

StoreTop ^

  • The Square Necessities Pack is now in the Store! Containing a flying griffon, wings, and an ally, a framework, 7 styles and a host of useful items, it’s a fantastic addition to anyone’s collection.
  • Tomes in the Store now precisely match the name of the item you actually receive.

Club UpdatesTop ^

  • Only the first 30 enemies killed from a cursed skull will count towards Adventures or Events.
  • Increased Adventurine rewards for Adventures from the Rally of Heroes fixture based on the rarity of the Hero giving the Adventure. The amount of increase is: Uncommon - 10%, Rare - 25%, Epic - 50%, Legendary - 100%
  • Placing a Repose of Heroes fixture no longer prevents Boothilda or Davey Drowner Heroes from spawning.
  • Editing a member’s permissions no longer resets the sorting being used for the member’s list in the Club UI.
  • Updated the text in the Adventure section of the Club UI to be more accurate when a slot is empty.
  • Updated the Travelling Club Merchant Fixture bonus to require rent.
  • The world map now displays the club name even if you are not part of that club.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to upgrade a fixture after changing Primary Clubs.
  • Collecting Clubits from the Travelling Merchant fixture will now appear in the Club log.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player’s primary club to reset.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur in the Adventures tab on the Club UI.
  • Club Power Rank Leaderboard should now always populate, rather than only the week after a patch.

Additional UpdatesTop ^

  • Stun duration in PVP has been reduced because crowd control effects on players are not fun.
  • The Racing Raptor should now be extinct from the Chaos Chest.
  • Destroying signs should now give the sign back.
  • Dino Tamer pets now despawn when changing classes.
  • The effect, 'Fae-go my Ego' on the Fae Trickster Empowered Gem will now refresh the stacks if the Fae Trickster takes no damage for two seconds.
  • Power rank requirements in the Trovian Atlas are now colored red when not met.
  • The Consecutive Days Logged In Badge should now display progress correctly again.
  • Headhunters rejoice! The Hydrasnek Wall Trophy has been found inside the Shadow Hydrakken vaults!
  • Acid blocks now block health regeneration again.
  • Cinnabar now drops on the Chaos Chest common loot table.
  • Added better messaging when login fails.
  • Text in the Barber Shop should no longer flicker.
  • Being disconnected while fishing will no longer consume the lure.
  • Text on the "Go Shopping" Adventure in the Golden Thread has been clarified; any purchase (for cubits, of a free item... anything!) will satisfy this Adventure, not just claiming the Free Class Coin. This was always so but the text was misleading.
  • The “Seasonal” category under Collections > Mounts has been renamed to the “Pinata” category to more accurately reflect the mounts in the category.
  • Updated Subclass vfx and sounds to only trigger when swapping instead of also triggering when changing worlds.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Battle Level tab on the character sheet from scrolling properly.
  • Fixed an issue where, for non-English language players, Chaos Chests were incorrectly using the rare pause delay for all items.
  • Removed the extraneous leaderboard for the Dungeons Completed Weekly contest. This leaderboard will now correctly appear in rotation instead of every week.
  • Wildflower Warlock and Hiveoponic Horticulturist Chloromancer costumes now show models for the Class Gem's Green Gatling.
  • Fixed some bad geo on the [collection=Floating Tutti Fruitsicle] mount.
  • Fixed some bad geo on the Chloromancer’s Spiteful Spikelayer costume’s right foot.
  • Fixed an issue with the transparency of Blizzard Behe-Moth middle right wing.
  • Onbari’s wings should have flames instead of blocks when jumping or gliding.
  • Fixed the back left foot of the Kami Llami mount.
  • The distinctive pattern for Baesmuth’s prints now show clearly.
  • The hammer on the Frosty Workbench should no longer float.
  • Fixed the feet on the Hexflame Harrier.
  • Fixed some blocks that were failing to glow on the Chromatic Key Pad.
  • The centering of the Smoky Fox Phantom Wall Trophy has been adjusted.
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