This update adds a New Player Login Rewards system, The Square Necessities Pack, has some Club Updates including an adventures tweak and other changes.
Known IssueTop ^
- A change in this patch will prevent purchasing more than one of any item that unlocks a collection, even if that item is tradable. This will affect the Treasure Isles merchants along with Saltwater Sam in the hub. A fix is already in progress and will be released as soon as possible.
New Player Login RewardsTop ^
- Players now get a new bonus item every day for the next 7 days they log in, ending in a
Golden Chaos Chest. Find the new icon in the lower-left side of your screen the first time you login each day.
- Patrons will receive an additional flux bonus with these rewards.
StoreTop ^
- The Square Necessities Pack is now in the Store! Containing a flying griffon, wings, and an ally, a framework, 7 styles and a host of useful items, it’s a fantastic addition to anyone’s collection.
- Tomes in the Store now precisely match the name of the item you actually receive.
Club UpdatesTop ^
- Only the first 30 enemies killed from a cursed skull will count towards Adventures or Events.
- Increased
Adventurine rewards for Adventures from the
Rally of Heroes fixture based on the rarity of the Hero giving the Adventure. The amount of increase is: Uncommon - 10%, Rare - 25%, Epic - 50%, Legendary - 100%
- Placing a
Repose of Heroes fixture no longer prevents Boothilda or Davey Drowner Heroes from spawning.
- Editing a member’s permissions no longer resets the sorting being used for the member’s list in the Club UI.
- Updated the text in the Adventure section of the Club UI to be more accurate when a slot is empty.
- Updated the
Travelling Club Merchant Fixture bonus to require rent.
- The world map now displays the club name even if you are not part of that club.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to upgrade a fixture after changing Primary Clubs.
- Collecting Clubits from the Travelling Merchant fixture will now appear in the Club log.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a player’s primary club to reset.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur in the Adventures tab on the Club UI.
- Club Power Rank Leaderboard should now always populate, rather than only the week after a patch.
Additional UpdatesTop ^
- Stun duration in PVP has been reduced because crowd control effects on players are not fun.
- The
Racing Raptor should now be extinct from the
Chaos Chest.
- Destroying signs should now give the sign back.
- Dino Tamer pets now despawn when changing classes.
- The effect, 'Fae-go my Ego' on the Fae Trickster Empowered Gem will now refresh the stacks if the Fae Trickster takes no damage for two seconds.
- Power rank requirements in the Trovian Atlas are now colored red when not met.
- The Consecutive Days Logged In Badge should now display progress correctly again.
- Headhunters rejoice! The
Hydrasnek Wall Trophy has been found inside the Shadow Hydrakken vaults!
- Acid blocks now block health regeneration again.
Cinnabar now drops on the Chaos Chest common loot table.
- Added better messaging when login fails.
- Text in the Barber Shop should no longer flicker.
- Being disconnected while fishing will no longer consume the lure.
- Text on the "Go Shopping" Adventure in the Golden Thread has been clarified; any purchase (for cubits, of a free item... anything!) will satisfy this Adventure, not just claiming the Free Class Coin. This was always so but the text was misleading.
- The “Seasonal” category under Collections > Mounts has been renamed to the “Pinata” category to more accurately reflect the mounts in the category.
- Updated Subclass vfx and sounds to only trigger when swapping instead of also triggering when changing worlds.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Battle Level tab on the character sheet from scrolling properly.
- Fixed an issue where, for non-English language players, Chaos Chests were incorrectly using the rare pause delay for all items.
- Removed the extraneous leaderboard for the Dungeons Completed Weekly contest. This leaderboard will now correctly appear in rotation instead of every week.
Wildflower Warlock and
Hiveoponic Horticulturist Chloromancer costumes now show models for the Class Gem's Green Gatling.
- Fixed some bad geo on the [collection=Floating Tutti Fruitsicle] mount.
- Fixed some bad geo on the Chloromancer’s
Spiteful Spikelayer costume’s right foot.
- Fixed an issue with the transparency of
Blizzard Behe-Moth middle right wing.
- Onbari’s wings should have flames instead of blocks when jumping or gliding.
- Fixed the back left foot of the
Kami Llami mount.
- The distinctive pattern for Baesmuth’s prints now show clearly.
- The hammer on the
Frosty Workbench should no longer float.
- Fixed the feet on the
Hexflame Harrier.
- Fixed some blocks that were failing to glow on the
Chromatic Key Pad.
- The centering of the
Smoky Fox Phantom Wall Trophy has been adjusted.
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