Thanks for taking part in SkyRider3217's art challenge where you were asked to take part in drawing Trove fish. Here are the results, the highlighted winners will receive a [collection=Bubbling Biofield] aura code in their mail.
LED-Lit Lionfish shown above is created by
Highlighted Winners
The style is very nice as usual and each interpretation of the chocolate fish is amazing and detailed.
A very different aproach. Not only the fish are present but characters were made based off these fish. Very nice work.
Really nice details on a very common lava fish, looks very spooky in a way. Really nice work.
Very different than the bunch, a hand-drawn style of a Gryphish. The amount of details is impressive almost life-like. Very nice work.
A very simple style but it is well balanced with the radiant and lunar fish.
Additional Winners
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you so much for entering the Bubbling Biofield contest – that's such an adorable interpretation of the fish! However, this piece feels like it was rushed so we can't accept it yet, you still have some time left from the contest so you could keep working on it some more and submit again, though. Keep up the great work, boss!

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