In this guide, I will describe how to decide which stats to focus on to optimize your damage per second. I will also provide tables showing the best choices for gems to optimize dps for each class.

May 31, 2019: Corrected boost combinations for Vanguardian (I haven't done anything with food buffs yet for any of the classes)

February 28, 2019: Added light to DPS equation and explained its usage

December 18, 2018: Crystal Combat Update, major boost now gives 266 PR instead of 266.66 PR


DMG = base damage of your magic damage or physical damage depending on your class

To find this value, go to your character sheet, click on STATS, then mouse over Magic Damage or Physical Damage depending on your class.

DPS = Damage per Second

CD = Critical Damage

CH = Critical Hit

LT = Light

PR = Power Rank

HP = Maximum health after bonuses

MH = base maximum health

%MH = % bonus to base maximum health

U8, U9, U10 = Uber 8, Uber 9, and Uber 10 adventure world

VG = Vanguardian

BR = Boomeranger CB = Candy Barbarian CM = Chloromancer
DL = Dracolyte DT = Dino Tamer FT = Fae Trickster
GS = Gunslinger IS = Ice Sage KT = Knight
LL = Lunar Lancer NN = Neon Ninja PC = Pirate Captain
RV = Revenant SH = Shadow Hunter TR = Tomb Raiser


In most cases, DPS can be simplified to:

some constant * DMG * (CD * CH + 10000) * f

such that f = 4725 / (6500 + x - LT) - 0.356 - 0.004 * y and f ≤ 1 for geode topside, else f = 1

where x = {0, 3000, 5000} for {U8, U9, U10} and y = {0, 1, 2} for {U8, U9, U10}

where DMG + 14 * LT + 70 * CD + 700 * CH remains constant

and CH is less than or equal to 100.

Since gems contribute the most to stats, their PR weights are the constraints for optimization.

1 PR = 14 DMG or 1 LT or 0.2 CD or 0.02 CH

If you want to maximize DPS for geode topside then maximize LT. Otherwise, minimize LT.

DPS is maximized when CD = 10 * CH and DMG = 700 * CH + 700000 / CH.

You will not need any boosts into CH at endgame.

If you already have 100 CH, then balance DMG = 70 * CD + 7000.

For Neon Ninja, DPS is different because Heuristic Haxstar (shuriken) receives a 2.5 multiplier to CD at 3 charges. Assuming 3 normal attacks per shuriken and excluding other sources of damage such as beamers and the 250 base attack damage,

DPS = some constant * DMG * (107 * CD * CH + 500000).

Optimization occurs when CD = 10 * CH and DMG = 700 * CH + 35000000 / (107 * CH).

If you already have 100 CH, then balance DMG = 70 * CD + 350000 / 107.

These equations are usful for maximizing Neon Ninja's DPS in adventure instead of shadow towers. I didn't include the cooldowns from using flasks since I either don't use them or I use death defying vial to activate without cooldown.

Maximizing LT can result in 55% to 60% increase in DPS in geode topside compared to minimizing LT. However, you don't need to maximize LT to easily clear u10 at endgame, which is better because you can optimize DPS for shadow towers instead. LT is still a good stat to boost for players that are not at endgame, especially when meeting LT requirements for geode topside.

Extra information: HP = MH * (%MH / 100 + 1)

and HP is maximized when MH = 100 * (%MH + 100).


Suppose you have 90000 DMG, 1100 CD, and 100 CH, and you want to know what stat to focus on to optimize your dps. Using the equation I provided, 70 * 1100 + 7000 = 84000. This means you should focus on increasing CD because you want 70 * CD + 7000 = 90000. Suppose you had 80000 DMG instead of 90000 DMG. Then you should focus on increasing DMG until reaching 84000. After you reach a balance in stats, you can maintain that balance by increasing the PR of each stat equally. This is also true if you have less than 100 CH.

Endgame Gem Boost Combinations

Link to spreadsheet: Boost Combinations

Assuming CH on weapon is used, CH ring is used, and all gems have CH except for cosmic gems:

PC has about 11.586 extra CH.

FT, GS, IS, SH have about 20.586 extra CH.

The rest have about 9.086 extra CH. If using Hungry Hydrakken, add 3% CH.

If you have enough extra CH, you may reroll it for MH and/or %MH. You get 0.5 %MH per trove mastery level so optimal combinations can vary. Increasing your max health will increase the damage done by Spirit Surge.

For all classes, LL subclass is used unless specified. LT is minimized. Head, weapon, and face have CD except for NN. Assume the ally used doesn't contribute to DMG, CD, and CH. Allies that give a % bonus to DMG are okay. No subclass means there is no contribution to DMG, CD, and CH from the subclass. For example, using PC or KT subclass doesn't contribute to DMG, CD, and CH. For NN, I use the Hungry Hydrakken ally, PC subclass, and Magic Find + Attack Speed + Movement Speed gear to quickly do dungeons in adventure while benefiting from magic find. I included CB (no subclass) because the extra flasks from KT subclass might be needed for speedruns. For LL, I don't know what subclass provides the most benefit, but I included a table for the BR subclass.

The combination 5/4/10/8 + 1/2/3/3 represents the combination for the non-cosmic gems + the combination for the cosmic gems. The 5/4/10/8 means 5 boosts to DMG and 4 boosts to CD in total for your non-cosmic empowered gems and class gem, and 10 boosts to DMG and 8 boosts to CD in total for your non-cosmic normal gems. The same format applies to 1/2/3/3 for your cosmic gems. I recommend aiming for a combination that is easier for you to accomplish with your gems. The difference between the top combinations is very small and not worth spending a lot of time and resources to go from one to another. I recommend aiming for a combination with more flexibility and a balance of boosts to both DMG and CD. The endgame boost combinations are expected to change as they add more dragons to the game. I added rankings for +10% cosmic so you can plan ahead for the cosmic dragon (assuming there will be one) that gives 10% bonus to your cosmic gems.

Base Value = DPS without the constant and divided by 100 million. The base value for NN is calculated by using NN's DPS without the constant and divided by 10.7 billion. To calculate the coefficient, multiply the base value by (1 + bonuses) * (1 + class bonus) * 1 million. CB and LL receive a 30% class bonus, BR receives a 10% bonus, and the other classes don't receive any bonus. For example, a GS with 6/3/8/10 + 0/3/5/1 combination and 600 trove mastery will have a coefficient of 3.86128623552 * (1 + 0.2 + 0.15 + 600 * 0.0015) * 1 million = 8687894.02992. Each trove mastery level gives a 0.15% bonus, Chronomancer Qubesly gives a 20% bonus, and the level 3 Shrine of Ferocity fixture gives a 15% bonus. Don't worry if the coefficient doesn't exactly match other people's calculations, especially for NN because I use a specific equation for its DPS. My base values are good approximations to the actual values, but there is more rounding that is difficult to determine. Rounding does not appear to affect the rankings of the combinations. Bonuses do not affect the rankings.

For speedruns, I recommend using Stinging Curse, Spirit Surge, and Berserk Battler for your empowered gem abilities. I don't think they are required, but try to get them if you can. Actually, Stinging Curse doesn't do much damage, so you can replace it with anything else such as Pyrodisc or Explosive Epilogue. For farming adventure with NN, I recommend Pyrodisc, Vampirian Vanquisher, and Spirit Surge.

Here is a guide for rerolling gems: Gem Reroll Strategy

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Hello Architect, I would like to ask you, if the spreadsheet still applies to the new tomb raiser after his rework or it should be changed/adjusted.
Here im posting the first 10 builds.

Rank Rank with +10% Cosmic Combination Base Value
1 3 7/2/7/11 + 1/2/3/3 3.820294412
2 6 6/3/5/13 + 3/0/4/2 3.820294392
3 7 3/6/9/9 + 3/0/4/2 3.820294366
4 10 1/8/18/0 + 0/3/1/5 3.820294315
5 2 4/5/11/7 + 1/2/3/3 3.820294312
6 1 0/9/16/2 + 2/1/2/4 3.820294241
7 5 9/0/1/17 + 3/0/4/2 3.820294148
8 8 0/9/13/5 + 3/0/4/2 3.820294068
9 11 4/5/14/4 + 0/3/1/5 3.820293947
10 1 1/8/15/3 + 1/2/3/3 3.82029394



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How did you achieve 115.4% boost for your magic damage? Is it solely because of mastery? or are there any factors that helped you reach that??


"Each trove mastery level gives a 0.15% bonus, Chronomancer Qubesly gives a 20% bonus, and the level 3 Shrine of Ferocity fixture gives a 15% bonus."

geode topside is coming out soon and ive been trying to learn how to optimize my gems, because there adding three new gems, 2 lessars and 1 emp. I dont like relying on ppl telling me a build, but i just dont understand your post. im using 4/5 12/9 but i dont know where to add the squares to on the new gems was wondering if u could help out. in the meantime ill try to make sense out of your post, im not to good with math. i hope you can help out.


edit: the best i came up with was to go as 6/6 15/9. i just kinda kept the ratio the same if that makes sense. still cant figure out ur guides i still suck at math. but i havent given up yet.

I can't make any recommendations for u10 yet since it is still being tested and subject to change. I would need to figure out how the new "light" stat works too.

The question on everyones mind may be, if I gear for shadow towers can I still do U10? Short Answer - Yes if you use dmg emblems at this time of writing.

Let's pretend we want to farm U10 on a 5/7 15/9 Gunslinger (formally 3/6 13/5), our Base Light should be ~3800L rating fully augmented/gear/pearls, and you'll be doing about 22.6% of your normal damage.

I'll compare damage numbers from Overcharged (in millions, dmg emblem), taking boosts out of MD or CD.

Our Base with no Light boosts: 160.971 x 0.226, 36.38m

-2800MD|+200L: 158.196 x 0.255, 40.34m

-40CD|+200L: 158.219 x 0.255, 40.34m

In this case, is a 1.7% dmg ST reduction worth a 3.9~4% dmg increase in u10? Is it even necessary? (3) 36 or 40 million dmg shots don't change any outcomes to wether a U10 mob dies in less hits.


You want the NN? Haxstar below

Same layout No Light boosts: 496.667 x 0.266, 132.11m, still overkills

No emblem: 198.666 x 0.266, 52.84m, could oneshot most 1*'s

-2800PD|+200L: 195.241 x 0.255, 49.78m, uh oh we're worse off

-40CD|+200L: 195.179 x 0.255, 49.77m, not good


Things could change but that's how they are at this time. Not having a fully agumented NN myself, I hit for 97m and if I can only get around ~68% of that in the least likely of cases, 65m? dmg emblems are here to stay for farming.

After thinking about it, the answer is already in the guide: "After you reach a balance in stats, you can maintain that balance by increasing the PR of each stat equally." 14 DMG = 1 PR and 1 CD = 5 PR. However, you will also be getting more dmg and cd from the crystal gear, so that might change the optimal boost ratios a little bit. It is up to you if you want to maximize or minimize light. At this point, the % DPS gain by changing the ratios a little bit is very small if you already use a boost combination from the guide, so you can simply give an equal amount of boosts to CD and DMG on the new gems if you want to minimize light.

im not palnning on using my gs for u10 farming, i like to use my ninja for uber worlds, so im not very worried about light on my gs. ty for the replies.

I was curious why 5/4 10/8 fell off your GS sheet after Geodes release so I made my own calculator, a couple times.. to account for various rounding. Anyway I made a video to demo why I'm certain the way your list is presented may not be reflective of peoples goals.

edit 10/22 - after that video was made I re-arranged my dragon order* and noticed blocktron was left out, the majority of my top 99.99% for NN (HHH. & haxstar) really had only changed order.**

*I had added AS dragons cause I had planned to expand into DPS calculations but with trion selling off their games I'm hesitant to do any further work.

**If you watched it you would know the NN combinations listed in this guide are ranked around 50~70th place with the dragons that were released at that time of the guide.

Currently, the endgame boost combinations is obsolete. I've mostly stopped playing trove and I need to replace the GPU on my main computer, which has my spreadsheet for gem calculations. I use a different formula to calculate dps for NN as explained in the guide, but I don't know if you use the same formula. I might come back to trove in 1 or 2 months after fixing my computer, and I might make a user friendly version of my spreadsheet to share as well as update this guide.

Likely right about the NN, since I base his coef off of the shuriken. I didn't read far enough for that one line mentioning his 'dps', which may come to mean a mix of his basic attacks and shuriken?


However my main concern was GS, I can confirm my current numbers ingame ( If I peel away the current stuff I'm pretty close to you ( but the exclusion of 5/4 10/8 on your list was very likely a mistake.


I'll be comparing gem boost layouts on PTS to my sheet whenever it comes online. I use summerhaas's specific numbers for the stats of the gem boosts rather than an approx.

Wasn't able to match the NN-HHH. sheet after combining damage sources* also, by quite an amount still. *(3) Basic attacks & Shuriken.

I updated the guide. For NN, I use movement speed on my gear instead of CD.


I changed the way I account for rounding as explained near the end of the guide. I had done several experiments to try to figure out how they round but there were inconsistencies across the classes. For FT, PC, and NN, I tried matching the exact damage values from abilities by making adjustments to md, pd, cd, and bonus, but there was no solution that fit the data for all 3. This probably means there are small decimal values in the base stats or other sources. For FT, GS, IS, making adjustments didn't change the rankings, so I decided to no longer make adjustments. It is also time consuming to make the adjustments unless I write a program for it...

It's good to see 5/4 10/8 on your list again for GS.

I may never be able to disprove 0/9 as the top in-game but I can share how I came up with my stuff (imgur) that hasn't yet been able to be widely confirmed.

Compare the boost layout to the 'GEM|DMG|CD' table, so something like 2/7 would be sum(6323.3,3733.4)*1.1 rounded down to the tenth then repeat for the second gem but then the third is sum(6323.3)*1.1 also rounded down to the tenth, then sum those emp gems along with the sum of ((lesser gems*lesser gem value)+(boost value*boosts))*1.1, equipment (dragons, fixtures, gear), and base stats, and then finally round down to the whole number. All that for Damage, the only thing that's different for CD is I leave the final tenth value intact. As you know, DMG% just scales the numbers higher.

I'm curious, what does your 5/4/10/8 dmg/cd numbers come out to be (since we can double check with a post I made earlier).. I will go back and try to calculated it the way you describe.. at the time of this writing I have to get up in 7hrs.


Personally my NN uses CD/MS MS/ER CD/MS, because I used to dragon hunt spamming backflip in the water and needed the ER from ring&wpn to stay topped off. I can switch back to MS/CD but perhaps people may pefer AS? on a class that already hit's thrice within a second (156AS). If you're one shotting I suppose the only thing left is to trim time attacking down.

Weirdness with abilities is something I agree on, I'm seeing like 1.197/6.1 coef for fae's basic/ego attack, I haven't gone back to confirm all the skills with a CD change yet to see if maybe it's some weird crit multiplier. I'll have to devise some simple calculator to flush that stuff out. And I cannot confirm pfiffels base damage numbers for skills, they don't reflect some dmg#'s in game either, and I'm not currently familiar with how to derive those skill base damage numbers yet. That's why I truncate my dmg calc/coef numbers to certain points to a degree I feel confident.

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I appreciate the post Geode update to this guide, I had just been wondering to myself how much of an impact there was.

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what the heck

I noticed you never recieved a reply, are you confused by something that I may be able to help explain. 

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