Thanks for taking part in our 3rd Anniversary Art contest here are the results as judged by SkyTheVirus and SkyRider3217.
- Does it bring players together for Sage's party?
- Is it ascetically pleasing?
- Does it stand out above the rest.
Surprise!!! by DC013
The style is very pleasing and brings together so may trovians! I love it!! The color palette is subtle
This just looks adorable! I love the color palette and style. It really does picture the party going on. Sneaky Revenant on the top corner though :P
This collage style is really well crafted. I appreciate this type of style and I think it's worth something! Great job!
It's simple but I like it. The facial expression on Sage is derpy and cute and... is that a Shield ally on the revs head XD. I like your work, so I give you props on tha
All the characters on this are so cute, not to mention Etaew taking a block of that cake. Amazing work!
A very unique art style, really stands out and looks really good. Great job!
Such a cute scenario as a surprise party. Very good.
An out of the ordinary comic entry for the anniversary contest. Very funny and hand drawing style is nice too.
Featured Art Comments:
This art contains images from the internet, this breaks the "must be your own work" rule.
Featured Art Comments:
This entry uses assets from the internet, this breaks the "must be your own work" rule.