Thanks for taking part in our celebration for Aynat, here are the results of the contest.

Please note that Tanya's primary language isn't English, so bare that in mind when reading her comments.

I really love this because it is SO CUTE, he has taken all pictures and done a really good job. It includes my two favourite costumes, my cats, my pet banana and even has my hair style from my streams!! Haha, i think he documented it very well and did the most cute work I've seen!

I'm like this when I finish work. I love to stay in bed with my cats. He documented with all pictures of my contest and has done a really good clean draw! He has drawn my piercings too! Awesome

I have decided to choose the best handmade drawing. a very laborious drawing that includes my cats and the photo I have in the stream! Even if did misspell my name, I may change it to Anayat! Good job, he has drawn everything very well.

I think he has drawn me prettier than my picture! Now seriously, he has drawn me very well and I love the details and the textures. Very pretty!

Tanya's Cat Lorem Ipsum Edition


Featured Art Comments:

Due to a manipulation of the original photo this entry is not eligible for a contest reward.

KingKong vs Brisa


Featured Art Comments:

Thanks for entering, however this violates the rule where all art must be your own work and this uses images from a movie.



Featured Art Comments:

Submission is pending an author check

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