To celebrate Etaewfest this year we are doing something different. Last year we asked the community to draw pictures of my character, I can't ask that again! This year it's all about the mustaches!
As well as the art contest, there will be a giveaway appearing during the day!
Check out the celebrations last year: https://trovesaurus.com/page=1745/etaewday-celebrations
Example by [user=Pasteis]
- Draw a Trove related topic with a suitable Qubesly or Etaew mustache
- Ideas (but not limited to)
- Your character, or friends character
- A npc or boss
- A mount or ally
- Submit your art to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag, Stachlicious Etaewfest
- All work must be your own
- Stickmen, screenshots, builds and manipulated images from the internet are not permitted
- Please sign your work with your character name or online handle to help identify it as yours and original
- Wednesday, August 30, 2017 to Wednesday, September 13, 2017
- 2 first place winners, chosen by Etaew, get 3x Reward Tokens
- 4 second place winners, chosen by Etaew, get 2x Reward Tokens
- 8 runners up, selected at random, get 1x Reward Token
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