To celebrate our friend SkyRider3217 who has often been lumped with her twin for our previous draws, we have chosen to do an individual contest.
SkyRider runs the Trove Wiki, and while technically a rival to Trovesaurus, Rider has supported us in several ways such as managing the Mods index and drawing the Sageosaurus.
- Create some fan art representing the character used by SkyRider, see inspiration images below.
- Upload to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Community Draws SkyRider
- All work must be your own
- Stickmen, screenshots, builds and manipulated images from the internet are not permitted
- Please sign your work with your character name or online handle to help identify it as yours and original
- Monday, August 14, 2017 to Monday, August 28, 2017
As a 2 week contest, the reward base is 2.
- 2 winners chosen by SkyRider will receive 3x Reward Tokens
- 4 winners chosen by SkyRider will receive 2x Reward Tokens
- 8 entries chosen at random will receive 1x Reward Token
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I've always thought of Trovesaurus as a more updated database while the wiki is slower to update but more in-depth