We've wanted to sell our own logo designs and t-shirts for a while and have investigated a few possible stores. We've settled on Redbubble due to the way they deliver globally and have the store able to display in several currencies.

NotesTop ^

  • Permission has been granted by the artist to sell their work on our store
  • Artists receive a free version of their design as a t-shirt to check the quality
  • 10% of all sales (over the base price) will go to the artist
  • 0% of sales go to Trovesaurus (at this time)
  • We'd like to add a new item each month to the store from a different artist, and may include some form of user voting

First Design: Qubesly ApprovesTop ^

Our first offering is the Qubesly Approve design by SkyTheVirus.

We've enabled the following styles, all have a range of tshirt colours:

  • Unisex, Classic, Tri-blend, Women's Fitted Scoop, Women's Fitted V-Neck, Women's Relaxed Fit, Women's T-Shirt, Unisex Tank Top, Men's V-Neck, Women's Racerback Tank, Men's Baseball 3/4, Long Sleeve, Sweatshirt, Lightweight Hoodie, Lightweight Sweatshirt, Hoodie (Pullover), Hoodie (Zipper)

Visit Qubesly Approves by SkyTheVirus store page on Redbubble

FeedbackTop ^

I'd like to know a few things going forward:

As a player

  • Are you interested in buying Trove fanart related merchandise?
  • From the Redbubble directory, what other types of items would you like to buy (not just t-shirts, perhaps mugs or cushions)
  • What fanart would you like to see us add to the store next month? (pending approval from artist)

As an artist

  • If you want to participate and have your designs appear on the store, send me a private message


Comments and Likes Comments 1

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I am a relatively new fan-artist, and I am thinking about participating, but should I maybe gain some ground and popularity/publicity first?

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