We have a crowded calendar, but some people we can't forget. For the next two weeks (to help with the load) we are celebrating the cakeday of our friend Bananaboms.
People may know him from the Trovesaurus Discord mod team, as well as for providing the hawkward and mostly derpy Sageosaurus Discord bot.
- Create some fan art representing Bananaboms in the context of Trove
- Submit your entries to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Community Draws Bananaboms
All work must be your own, and we encourage you to sign your character name on the entries.
As we would like you to make a reasonable amount of effort, stick figure entries in MS Paint are not permitted, neither are photoshopped images from the internet.
- Wednesday, April 12, 2017 to Wednesday, April 26, 2017
The reward base will be 1.
- At least 1 winners selected by Bananaboms will receive 3x Reward Tokens
- At least 2 winners selected by Bananaboms will receive 2x Reward Tokens
- At least 4 entries selected at random will receive 1x Reward Token
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