Bloxx the Playful
10 5



Aumenta un 10% la velocidad de recarga.

Al dañar enemigos, se tiene la posibilidad de incendiarlos con fuego.

Siempre está inventando nuevos juegos y reinventando los antiguos.
10 punto(s) de maestría
Diseñado por:



Obtained exclusively through the Mega Menagerie Pack  for 29 . 99 USD

Found in the following Trove Store Packs:

Has items to inflate "value".

Last updated 6 years ago

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.

? RANGO DE PODER POWER RANK is granted by Equipment, Collectables, Character Levels, and various other sources. It serves as a loose measurement of how effective you are when it comes to combat in Trove. Many worlds require a minimum Power Rank value before you are allowed access.

Diseñado por: B_Y3LL0W Xythrin

Themes: Toy Block

Icon blueprint: c_c_dragon_baby_toyblock_ui[b_y3ll0w,xythrin]

Updated: 6 years ago |

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

Additional Information


Bloxx the Playful was previously included in an ally mod pack, a thread posted in the Trove Forums by B_Y3LL0W, featuring the newly introduced Toy Block theme.

Last updated 6 years ago

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