For the whole month of February we are encouraging artists to submit their interpretations of the Pirate Captain class, this was chosen from a poll in the Trovesaurus Discord server.
- Create Trove related fan art for the Pirate Captain class
- Submit to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Pirate Captain Contest
All work must be your own. Screenshots, builds, and manipulated images from the internet are not permitted. Please sign your work to help identify it as yours and original.
- Wednesday, February 1, 2017 to Wednesday, March 1, 2017
- 6 winners will be chosen by Trovesaurus to receive 3 Reward Tokens
- All other entries will receive 1 Reward Token
Rewards will be distributed through the Trovesaurus Rewards system. Reward amounts are subject to change based on participation.
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can we do more than one entry? or single pic only? i made 2 drawings, cant decide which to turn in