You have heard the bellow from the skies, "Ho Ha Ho", and wondered what could make such an odd but joyous noise? Well my friends, it is time for you to sit and listen as we unfold the story of Trovemas. We will open the world on December 16th and it will be available for fun, games, and exploration until December 31st. 

Trovemas 2016

Join us starting December 20th, in the Trovemas world for gifts, fun and games. Explorations are already possible on the December the 16th.

Dates and location

Events will run from Tuesday , December 20,2016 to Saturday, December 31, 2016

World is opened on the 16th of December 

Just type /joinworld Trovemas


  • Random giveaways (new and old stuff) if SantaGort is near.
  • Quests, Quizzes, and other fun activities!
  • A magical world to explore


You have heard the bellow from the skies, "Ho Ha Ho", and wondered what could make such an odd but joyous noise? Well my friends, it is time for you to sit and listen as we unfold the story of Trovemas.

What sort of beast could make such a noise sound peaceful and full of cheer? That would be SantaGort and his Merry Minions (the Clause fellow has the copyright on deer we hear).

Once upon a time, in a world a bit away, but still within reach, there was a single man who saw sadness in the eyes of others. He wished to share his joy for the wonderful time of year. What could just a single man do to provide happiness to all those he ran into?

The answer was of course right in front of him. Become a super hero! Every superhero knows that you cannot do things without a costume. Thus, he armed himself in red, white, and lots of fluffy stuff. SantaGort came into being in this manner one wintry day. No one is quite sure who, or honestly what, he was before, but once he donned the costume, he became a force of good cheer that no one would was near could resist!


So what does SantaGort have to do with Trovemas? I mean really, what is Trovemas anyway?

SantaGort, being a minion of many worlds, realized that he could spread cheer in them all. Trove needed a celebration that suited its boxyness and playful society. SantaGort thought long and hard (5 seconds) and decided that the world needed Trovemas!

Trovemas is a celebration of the fun each of us have in our wonderful gaming world. SantaGort and his minions spend all year farming goodies to give to the good Trovians during this time of year. Typically celebrated from December 20th-31st every year, Trovemas has become a larger celebration each and every year!

Previous editions

Trovemas started small. A group of people followed SantaGort around the first year (who wouldn't want to follow a crazy guy in a red, white, and fluffy suit?) as he taught them to build new items (recipes!) and handed them shiny toys (flux). They grew so great in cheer that they themselves started handing out gifts on their own.

The second annual Trovemas grew to a few hundred of our fellow Trovians. Many more than could be recorded offered presents and toys to all those who joined in the celebration. Much fun was had as games of skill and intellect were provided. Many a blockbeer was consumed that Trovemas!

The third year as Trovemas approached, SantaGort realized that his little hamlet would be unable to contain the growing number of celebrators that were occuring each year. He flew far and wide on his sleigh and finally found the North Block. There stood a pole that grew to the sky as a beacon of hope and harmony. Here, SantaGort built the land of Trovemas so that all might enjoy this time of year.

SantaGort could not do such a massive undertaking himself, so with block dust he anointed new minions to help him spread the cheer. Coming forward were the famed Dusty_Mustard, Evilagician, Swiftnightshadow, Digiwolf, and many others who have become more legend than substance. Their help provided a wonderful world just for the enjoyment of others during the Trovemas Celebration!

The fourth Trovemas (2016)

This year (2016) we wish to invite all to celebrate Trovemas with us! We will open the world on December 16th, but official celebrations and events will start on the 20th (after patching).

From then the world will be available for fun, games, and exploration until December 31st. SantaGort and others will make random appearances to give out presents and provide Quests, Quizzes, and other fun activities! Each and every person who is feeling the Trovemas spirit is invited here to give away gifts to others and enjoy the party!

Just remember, SantaGort is always watching. He keeps a list of all the Naughty Trovians in the world. Although it is stored in the world of Trovemas, no one should seek it out to erase their names.

Merry Trovemas -- SantaGort



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Does this only work for PC? Or is it available on Xbox One?

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I'm pretty sure it's not intentional but you can get on top of the area you start off in... you know the area with all presents the fireplace and all those good things... yea you can get out of it and on top of the structure.

Any info on what days we can expect some events to happen in Trovemas? :)

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when is it going to officialy start

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I'll definitely be there

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