During December we're hosting several contests for the Snowfest theme. Artists, Builders and Modders are invited to our party.


Thursday, December 1, 2016 to Monday, January 9, 2017

Extended to Monday, January 9, 2017.



  • You can enter into multiple categories
  • You can enter multiple times per category
  • You can only win a category once
  • Rewards may change subject to feedback


  • Create fan art that relates to Snowfest, Ice Sage, or other Arctic / Christmas topics
  • Upload your entries to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Snowfest ART Contest

All art must be your own work, we encourage you to sign your name on entries.


  • 1x Griffon
  • 3x Major Winners of 3 Reward Tokens
  • 9x Minor Winners of 1 Reward Token


  • Create a mod that adapts an element in trove to an Arctic / Christmas version
    • Allies / Mounts / NPCs / Costumes are all welcome (more or less anything reasonable)
  • Submit your entry to the Trovesaurus Mods section and then add it to the Snowfest 2016 Contest Mod Pack.


  • 1x Griffon
  • 3x Major Winners of 3 Reward Tokens
  • 9x Minor Winners of 1 Reward Token

Builders / Other

  • Take the best looking screenshot that you can of thats fits the Arctic / Christmas theme
    • This could be a build, your character, a biome, a cornerstone, just make it fit the theme and look pretty (hide UI and think about positioning)
  • Upload your entry to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Snowfest SCREENSHOT Contest


  • 1x Griffon
  • 3x Major Winners of 3 Reward Tokens
  • 9x Minor Winners of 1 Reward Token
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Art! Is time! Wooohooo! 

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Can we enter an art piece if it's already an entry for another contest if it matches the theme still?

I don't see why not.

A bunch of questions:


1: Do i understand it right that we can win multiple categories ?

2: Do i understand it right that you wont visit any buildings but only judge the screenshots?

2.1: In case the answer for 2 is yes , can you do a real building contest ?

3: Can we considere the griffon as the 1st prize ?

If you have winning quality entries as an artist, modder or screenshot, you can in theory win 3 prizes.

Correct I won't visit the builds in person, the time involved would be too great, so take the best picture you can as the main, if you want to add additional pictures you can link them as an album.

The Griffon is probably the 1st prize since claiming them usually would be 2 major wins.