We've just introduced Trovesaurus Gold, a way to say thanks for donating. We've given everyone 7 days of Gold to get feedback on the perks and features. And to encourage discussion, a random commenter will receive a Trove Pack.


GiveawayTop ^

  • A random commenter will receive a Trove Pack

Winner Drawn: https://www.trovesaurus.com/user=15120/elkszilla 

Comments and Likes Comments 235

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this is awesome, game is full of giveaways and cool events.

Congrats :p FOr The WInners


Congrats to the one who gets it. :D

We've just introduced Trovesaurus Gold, a way to say thanks for donating. We've given everyone 7 days of Gold to get feedback on the perks and features. And to encourage discussion, a random commenter will receive a Trove Pack. LOL <3


Its amazing!!!!!!!  I might consider actually getting it

Awesome. If I use a gif, the image that appear is the last. Email news and email patch notes not always received.

Forum metion received immediately with all post in the official forum. GJ trovesaurus staff.

First collection will always be full, following ones will just be mentions since the last update.

I see a gif.

Seems pretty good

How can I redeem the code or something

Seeing from the Gold Settings page it seems to include some very interesting features

The feature that drew most of my attention is the Forum Mentions one, havent tested it but it sounds pretty usefull



What I have in mind is that, it would be better if Trove can add more slots to your club, instead of 5 maybe they can make around 7 or 8.

Please try to read the page, this indicates that this is a feature on this website only.

very intresting


Do you have a Club? I'd like to join :)

 There are many currencies in the game, another one will just make it more complicated.


Trove need new gameplay content urgent, not new system for the player to buy stuff from the store.


New dungeons, new stuff for the players, new things!!

This isn't a currency, this is a feature on this website.

A very different way than before... and i like it!!

Gold is good!

Eh, not seeing a real benefit. Guess i'll just have to wait and see.


I really want to win this bro !

Goold ?

Maybe i will join so i can win :D and good luck everyone

it's nice not having ads lol

was very good

YOLO SO Lets see who's lucky

I think its a healthy thing to have for the site. The real supporters of the site are given awesome rewards for helping out, and everyone can see who the dedicated people are.

All the 'featured' stuff is a nice way to give back to people who are content creators and are supporters of the site.

The only thing i don't really like is that the patch notes and other news that you get in your emails should be a thing for normal members. Is it because its manually done ? Then its ok for me.

I guess it's extremely useful for those who haven't collected refer-a-friend dragon :)

Hope i win)

Hope i win lol

I really like this overall! The ad-free browsing is already enough imo, but everyhting else makes this even better!

There needs to be more perks

Why not ? ;p

Hope i win


Nice,this is cool

This is pretty good idea :D

NIce,this is cool

Making a thank-you system for donating and giving it to everyone for a while, clever. 

7 Days of GOLD And giveaway keep up the good work

It would be nice to have a tickbox menu for which mods you want to feature... Like i wouldn't want to mark some of my mods as discontinued just  to get them not to appear... maybe have it as a optional thing to choose which ones you want but still keep the automatic method incase someone doesn't want to go through all their mods and select them all.

I think that it's a good idea, I will inform etaew and see what we can do.

Its a nice chace to get a giveaway, thank for all etaew

yet but another random comment that contributes none so ever to the discussion 


Don't worry, I'll keep drawing until I find one that is appropriate :)

It's nice! You could also make some features unlock once you've donated a certain amount, like Patron Points in trove.

This topic has got me really interested.

kinda like a homebrew patron/game-wisp thing? hmm

Defenetly not a comment

This topic has got me really interested.

The perks of Trovesaurus Gold are pretty cool. I agree with the comments about the gold banner on the profile pics that it is a little much and would prefer a gold border around the profile picture and/or a gold name anywhere your username shows up on the site.

random comment

random comment

Wow!!!Your the best trove site i've ever seen the thing i was looking for 20 minutes your the only one that has the answer!!

Great Work!! Keep Up!!!

The GOLD feature gives users even more reasons to donate. It means they're getting their own donator perks, which is very often used when promoting something on, persay, Kickstarter or Patron. Good thinking!!

This gold feature is cool. Players that support the site can express their own profile images and have perks on clubs, referral and mod feature functions. I think having a Gold Name is a better way of showing that you are a gold member rather than a banner. XD

I like gold.

I do like the concept of Gold and I can certainly see the perk in a lot of the features, (especially the streamer advertisement), but on the constructive side, I will admit that the GOLD banner on the avatar itself feels obtrusive to me. Perhaps a small golden cubit in the top right corner of the avatar could server as a great indication of Gold status as well, without needing to take up as much space? Just my own opinion. :)

I agree it is something that we will be looking into. So that it no longer looks so obtrusive. Thank you for your feedback

Gold seems like a good idea to encourage people to help support the site to make it even better then what it is. :)

oo, gold is so uselful

I love all of Gold's current features and hope to see more in the future.

yall on gold? damn, seems like a cool idea to support the web


The Gold membership is a good idea.

Automatic Entry to Givaways with gold with be awesome!

I don't know, that seems too automated.

It seems a common request, but to be fair it's only a button to enter a giveaway.

I might add Giveaway notification emails as an option though.

Great way to get people donating and commuting!

Nice job.

its well done, i really check trovesaurus.com every day.


you help the community with infos and database and always those nice giveaways :)


and i like new things like overview with cc rotation.


keep goin!




wow. security of my account is improved. thank you.

The refer part liking it ^_^


 I love the patch note emails.

gold seems like a great idea for more sponsership keep it

Well, after that unexcepted maintance, everything looks fine here on this site and I wish that you guys will stay on that path ;o)

I love Trovesaurus! Always helpful!

i like the random refer link as well, even for a referal or two a week its well worth it

the random refer a friend link its pretty cool adn useful thanks for the gold membership

I commonly use this Website to track down obscure information that's not regularly updated elsewhere, and find it extremely helpful when needing a quick look throught the Models to find a Blueprint. I appreciate all that you are, and all that you guys do, and I will be supporting Trovesaurous Gold.

I think this will be a great system as itbenefits the site quite alot and regular user will have it so they can acess all content faster. its a win win. great idea. also all money will help the site and keep it running.

Gold is a cool idea!

 Looks like a pretty good idea! The perks are great and helps to benefit the site. If you use the site a lot for information and such I would donate to help keep it alive!

Feel like the current gold features are enough for now.

As for new additions or changes, maybe early access to new releases of the website, like a beta version of some kind?

[Deleted User]





A little panda.

make it so you can get it not only by contest as far as i now ign THE_MAD_K1LL3R


\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ IGN: NikonPix

I think this is a good way to support the site and also give yourself some benefit on the site.

Gold :o? Cool~

What is this XD I'm Gold D Roger? okno

I'm not sure how this would make people feel, but how about giveaways only got Gold members?

Its hard to convince ppl to pay for a forum of a free to play game.

Gotta have some exlusive perks to sweeten the deal

Yeah that would be a good idea

maybe gold member could use costom profile pics(it would have to be monitered because we all know why.)

You can now report user profiles to us which you think we should take a look at.

It's free so we should be thankful about it :) be thankful for what we have :)

Trovesaurus Gold seems cool, its a perfect way to feature people who wanted to donate and help out Trovesaurus. #donated :)



So in my opinion the Trove Gold is actually pretty good. It allows for special and often amusing titles. No ads is great for obvious reasons and I do like the random featured stream. So current thoughts are that Gold is a pleasant experince that adds useful non-critical things, and I currently I feel there is no pressure to actually buy it. That last bit is crucial as countless people hate being pressured into any 'premium' service that locks away critical serives for those without. So my current verdict is a thumbs up. But can we have the make-your-own-titles a normal feature, please.

idk do u have to pay? it doesnt seem like that great of perks for more than like say a $1

yes when you're not gold you got to donate money to get gold but it's not much... $0.17 for a day so $5 a month

Deep I want that gold I'm new to trove and love it so much I would b cool 2 get a little bump towards my mount coll croon possibly

Kippo :)

Nice feature, I was really surprised when i found out you can find gold members' refer-a-friend links randomly on Trovesaurus! 

Really nice feature, e-mail notifications goes really well, and it's cheap ! :D

Very nice and very good

It's a good membership for trovesaurus!

-It gives you the option of custumization for your profile

-Email notifications are useful


It's pretty nice! it let's you costumize your profile (way more than it previously did) and it is cheap. 


I think that you could add something that would let you know (via email) that someone liked your comment (+1) ou desliked it (-1) or even if someone replied to you on a coment. It would also be nice if you could add an email notification when either someone won a contest or just received a trovesauros email message so you could come and read it on the website.


keep up the good work!

You already get email notifications if people reply to your comment or receive a private message, this is for all accounts. I think emails on comment votes might be too much.

the Trovesaurus Gold is cool but I think you email notifications should be exclusive for everyone. . . also the profile image customization is good 

The price is so cheap :O!

Very nice

Interesting feature, but i doubt remove ad gonna be useful since alot people are using adblock. Also, it will be good if there are free in-game items for buying gold member.

This is really great system it lets people customize more freely and if your a small streamer you can feature you stream and eailer i wrote a comment about features that probably should be added


Neat /Bender.  I do not mind that Trovesaurus uses ad, --albeit them being non-instrusive textual ads-- as a sort of a way to gain finances.  I only block ads on sites if they have auto-play, sound, or wish to infect my computer.    AdBlock Episode by Jim Sterling | Imgur

 I think it looks good, but why not a email to remember about trovesaurus contests and giveaways?

The giveaways are really helpful :P

I think is pretty nice, like Trovesarus Patron xD

cool, just a little upgrade of the GOLD sash and maybe a gold frame. Good Job Love it

I think something a lot of people like are the giveaways, if they had automatic entry for having gold that could be cool

This looks like it will be at a good price with a few nice perks. Not necessary but could be useful. Good job Trovesaurus people.

I really like how this was added and given to everyone for a week meaning we can now have a Custom Banner and a Custom Profile picture for week. I really like the look of the site with no ads. One question. If we edit out banner and profile picture, will it stay after the Gold goes away?

The custom settings you make will be saved, but they won't take effect when you don't have gold. You can get them back by getting gold again.

good iniciative

Add Payment Using MOL Points :C (for those who dont have paypal)

OH mann Gold is awesome:D





By having Gold settings it made a lot of things I was having problems with before much easier. I love being able to change my profile picture and assign different options at the click of a button. Very handy!

[Deleted User]

Gold is the best

You will only be rewarded in public for the things you practice in private.

     - Unknown

ty guy. i love you

[Deleted User]

looks very clean, I like the options for streamers to have there status on here.

The gold feature is really good, it offers almost instant notification on news, updates , giveaways etc. It's really worth it not only to get fast info but to support the site so it can provide us such great features.

Ayyy ez gold ez life benefits for days :>

Cool! No Ads for 7 days !

[Deleted User]

plz be me XD


Hey, that's pretty good!

damn this is goin to be fun


So everyone gets gold?

For 7 days to find bugs with the system, test it out and see if they want to pay for it after :)

Thanks, i was wondering why i got it since i didn't pay anything :D

Also, is there anyway that you might make like a lifetime/ 1 Year of Patron *coughcough* i mean Trovesaurus Gold giveaway? Most of us surely would appreciate it. You also could just throw in 1 day of Trovesaurus Gold as a reward in contests.

[Deleted User]

I have used your website for 10 month, and never desapointed about :p , Thank you Trauvesaurus !

Thank you for hard work Trovesaurus !

How about a reward point system? I'm not talking about reward tokens but points to where when you get so many you get a reward token and the amount of points is dependant upon how much you donate. I think that would encourage more and more people to donate and get gold as the only way to get a rewards token right now is to win contests.

other then that it looks great on a profile and has a lot of beneficial rewards as it sits

OR even better then a way based on how much you donate make it where you get a point per contest you enter and just like last suggestion so many points can get a reward token so like if you enter something like 10-20 contests even if you don't win any of them you can still get a reward token, and I bet that if a reward point system was implemented especially if you needed gold a lot of people would buy gold just so they could work on getting reward points for a token so they could get a guarenteed reward even if it took a while

I think that trovesaurus gold is a great way for the people who use the site frequently to be able to get more out of it, and what is a giveaway site without subscription? I think this is a great idea and definitely will improve trovesaurus because of all the donated moonies.

This is a pretty good way to reward avid users of the site. Personally I don't use it enough to find the worth of it, but this is the best step in the right direction to make this site a BIG part of the community

more golden dayzzzzzzzz please :D


I'll be honest. I don't notice anything different except the gold banner on my Picture. I know there is a list of things that this does which I'll look into later, but at the moment not much has changed for me.

Most of the settings need to be activfated, take a look at the button in the top left :)

i like it. Nice job guys 

IS a Way to recognise the people who have contributed to trovesaurus

Well... This is great, but it's not that much I think. Personally, I don't find the need to get one.

Love it so far. It's a real nice way to give back to the donors.

[Deleted User]

this is really really good it will get more players to the play the game more :)

This is damn awesome good job!

Okay. I've found out  how to feature mods. Here's my feedback. It should not feature discontinued mods.

i agree with this. no point featuring all those terrible discontinued mods or even better, being able to select individually which mods you want to feature in the settings.

Also, the featured mod list looks fairly long so why not have it as one from each category at the most and then make them fade out/in slowly over time in a random order without it causing lag. Should be nice.

I've randomized the featured mods, and limited to 1 each time. Also it no longer features "Accepted" or "Discontinued" mods.

I've seen a few mods being featured. How do I feature my mod?

The new gold feature seems like a nice touch to the site.

Sounds petty fine for me 


A golden frame would be nice rather than a sash. But hey its awesome and I like it so far!

OOh I like your dagger title, and yeah gold frame might be an option, the ribbon seems to have issues with the width of the image right now so it hangs off.

I have to agree with this, especially since one of the features of Gold is being able to use a custom image (which you might not want to be partially blocked by the sash).

Thanks for the free week, it is nice being able to try out the features before making a longer-term decision!

Nice Work with the gold!

All i can say is that it runs smoothly, but i would suggest maybe working on a some more privileges for those who donate, like whats been said already ( Gold-only events and special access)


Thanks for all the hard work over the years!

Dude this a nice people becuase then the people who have gold you can do special giveaways for them that are big and probably you can notify them if they have won a contest by emails if they dont tend to check troveasurus alot and also with contest the random choosing they can probably have a better chance at winning

Emails are already sent out when Trovesaurus Mails are sent :) That is a public feature not limited to Gold.

Nice. Could be added a special giveaways per month for gold members, maybe trove packs.

We'll probably do a Gold only draw, will have to think about limitations, such as having gold for the past month, or 2 weeks in a month.

Nice. I hope this'll work :D.

Nice. I'm liking it so far.

It's really nice, i would suggest to add Gold exclusive giveaways and also 2x chance to win a normal giveaway. PS: Im glad you're back :)

Seems cool!

Sounds like a great feature!

Been messing around with it a bit, and it seems pretty cool. Customization is always fancy. I was going to suggest Gold-only giveaways, but it seems you're already working on it... If you implement the shoutbox again, maybe make a Gold only channel?

Nice xD, aways nice help you. For now i can say that the Gold is a great idea and.. ye... its alot better without ads xD

[Deleted User]

Sounds interesting :D


Ethan notice me

This is damn awesome good job!

Removing the ads is probably my favorite feature for this, cause I usually run adblocker for most sites since it'll make my browser so slow to load if I don't, and it's a convinient way to support this site with added eatures to those who do.

Yeah it's a feature we've offered to donators for a while but people didn't seem to notice it. You have always been able to donate to remove ads. But now we're making it more public and offering a bunch more options to donators.

The pricing is good and trovesaurus gold is kinda like patron in trove :)

The pricing is nice.

Personally love it, its kinda a way to help the site aswell, I do love the features but maybe for some users it may be kinda useless unless that is they want more customization on their proofile.

And thanks for the 7 days of Gold.

What kind of customization would you suggest? I tried to have it so that all gold features were optional, apart from hiding ads.

[Deleted User]



Hello guys , is it  possible to get chest again ? :D

ID IG : iDuncan

[Deleted User]


Gold feels like a good way for the site to get some more money to help run the site, only thing that seems a little bit "meh" so to speak (Not trying to be offensive or anything) is how you must have a good account in order to receive emails about news, stuff like that seems like it should be free for all players and users with gold would probably want to be active on the site anyway to get their money's worth. Maybe having the ability to customize font color and background color/patterns/images would be a nice feature for Gold users too.


Well, that's my two cents. :P

Not sure how to edit on an iPad, but Gold*. :P

I'm not sure how my servers would handle sending out hundreds of emails at a time. Is why I want to limit it for now.

Ok, other than that I think this is a great idea! Not too pricey like some other memberships I've seen, and packed with a ton of features to make it worth it, nice job!

Gold is a nice idea, but just feels like it's not nescessary. The changes/additions aren't really beneficial to me as they are, so would it be possible that something like for three months consecutive gold you get a Trove Pack? Probably not the best idea though...

We haven't announced it, but I am looking at gold only giveaways. It's just figuring out a way to do that to avoid people who sign up for gold for a day during the giveaway.

That's amazing! love you guys

Anyone know how you use the featured livestream box in the settings? Do you put a url in? but that doesnt save it... Do you put a name in? that doesn't save it either?. Anyone know how it works?

channel name, but they need to be online for it to display

Great Idea! Can see more people donating with this idea 

Having my own profile icon is much more better than having a normal image though what would be nice is the option to Critique art work. It might be something I would like but I dont know if other people would be interested.


Other than that its pretty good to have.

The featured mods look pretty useful. Or atleast should be once not everyone has gold. featured clubs idk about because club list still seems empty to me (and i still need to request me being able to claim my own club...) profile picture and banner are nice things to have as gold only and the title.... yea that looks ok. I think this gold thing looks pretty good. 


Well saying that i didn't mind the adverts because adverts dont bother me unless they are like terraraia's gamepedia which causes more lag than the game itself just having wiki open for it because of all the ads...


So yea i think its cool.


The email notifications im not sure about... i thought there was a way to do that using trove's forums... i never really looked much tho. livestreaming notifications could be good i suppose. i just wish the website chat box was back again.... that would attract more constant viewers so it would make the livestreaming notification stuff more visible at the right time.

Trove forums don't send out emails. I've been relying on this email notification system to help me stay in touch when people mention my name or Trovesaurus there for the past few years.

Shoutbox might make a return, it was used a lot. I had hoped people would pick up Discord because of it, and that channel is growing.

the thing with shoutbox that make it good was that it was the easiest place to chat online when not ingame because trove's own website doesnt have an official shoutbox. while i quit trove for a while i played starmade and their shoutbox gets used loads (it has colour writing and pictures) even though their community is tiny.

From what i remember about the old shoutbox i dont think it will have much space for titles or the words "gold" over the profile picture. i suppose maybe the name itself could be changed into gold letters? (or any other colour if a yellow/gold is too hard to see)

Will there be some kind of review system for custom pictures before it gets updated like how artwork is for new people?

Probably more like a "report user" button.

This is a good idea! I hope many people donate, as I would but I cannot due to my financial issues.