We've noticed that the vote system isn't quite ready to determine winners on this new setup so we've pulled them ourselves for this contest. You have all created some great logos, but there can only be a few winners.
Hand picked WinnersTop ^
Please note that some artists submitted several entries, and we are only featuring one as winner.
All these winners will receive a Trove Pack of their choice.
Featured Winners
We loved this entry by SkyRider3217 so much that we instantly used it as our Twitter avatar for a week and have recently added it as a logo to our header.
SkyTheVirus continues to impress with her varied style of art that she submits, this clay sculpture of the Sageosaurus mount is amazing.
Using biomes to place in the Trove logo letters and cube is a brilliant idea by Wazzup76. We'd love to see a version for Trovesaurus.
Other Winners
Random WinnersTop ^
All these winners will receive a Trove Pack of their choice.

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