Delve DownpourTrove Pack

1600 Credits

Quench your crystal gear in to rainin' down the hurt! Includes 375 Crystalline Core, 650 Forge Fragments, 5000 Nitro-Glitterine, 100 Tentacles, 22 Pearls of Wisdom, 10 Golden Souls, 10 golden Watering Cans (tradable) and 9999 Glim.

Price History

2023 Mar 22 to Mar 29 1600 Credits 0
Base 1600 Credits 0 | |


水晶核心概略 x375

This core in the hands of the Shaper could be morphed into an energy source powerful enough to act as the heart of an Ancient.

Obtained daily by completing 5 Star Dungeons within the time limit and from opening Geodian Topside Caches.

熔炉碎片 x650

A small piece of the forge used by the Shaper.

Obtained by Loot Collecting Crystaline Gear.

金魂 x10

Crafting Material.

Found rarely within ore nodes in most biomes.

硝基闪光粉 x5,000

Crafting Material. A sparkling, highly volatile ore.

This ore is found uncommonly on the Geode Topside.

智慧珍珠 x22

Forging Material. Used to add new stats and stat boosts to equipment.

Found rarely when defeating enemies and Loot Collecting equipment.

克苏胡的触手 x100

Forging Material.

Found by defeating invaders and by Loot Collecting rare equipment.

格利姆 x9,999

Trading Material. Exchange for items from the pirates of Treasure Isles.

Obtained by Loot Collecting fish and breaking plants in the world.