Delve DownpourTrove Pack

1600 Credits

Quench your crystal gear in to rainin' down the hurt! Includes 375 Crystalline Core, 650 Forge Fragments, 5000 Nitro-Glitterine, 100 Tentacles, 22 Pearls of Wisdom, 10 Golden Souls, 10 golden Watering Cans (tradable) and 9999 Glim.

Price History

2023 Mar 22 to Mar 29 1600 Credits 0
Base 1600 Credits 0 | |


크리스탈라인 코어
[Crystalline Core] x375

This core in the hands of the Shaper could be morphed into an energy source powerful enough to act as the heart of an Ancient.

Obtained daily by completing 5 Star Dungeons within the time limit and from opening Geodian Topside Caches.

제련 조각
[Forge Fragment] x650

A small piece of the forge used by the Shaper.

Obtained by Loot Collecting Crystaline Gear.

황금 영혼
[Golden Soul] x10

Crafting Material.

Found rarely within ore nodes in most biomes.

[Nitro-Glitterine] x5,000

Crafting Material. A sparkling, highly volatile ore.

This ore is found uncommonly on the Geode Topside.

지혜의 진주
[Pearl of Wisdom] x22

Forging Material. Used to add new stats and stat boosts to equipment.

Found rarely when defeating enemies and Loot Collecting equipment.

큐'브툴루의 촉수
[Tentacle of Q'bthulhu] x100

Forging Material.

Found by defeating invaders and by Loot Collecting rare equipment.

[Glim] x9,999

Trading Material. Exchange for items from the pirates of Treasure Isles.

Obtained by Loot Collecting fish and breaking plants in the world.