Augmented Maniac PackTrove Pack

150 18500 Credits 123.3 Credits per Mastery

Added during Crystal Combat update sold on the Trove Store for Credits | |


임파워드 젬 상자 간행본
[Empowered Gem Box Edition]

Produces 1 Empowered Gem Box when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.



빌더의 우수한 집중력
[Builder's Superior Focus] x20

Gem Augment. This item gives a large augment to one stat on a gem, and that gem's Power Rank. Used at the Gem Forge. Crafted at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.

클래스 젬 열쇠
[Class Gem Key] x5

Use this key on an Everdark Vault.

Everdark Vaults appear in the Shores of the Everdark after winning a battle in a colosseum.

This key grants an Empowered Gem for the ACTIVE CLASS at the time of use.

젬 부스터 상자
[Gem Booster Box] x200

Open for Gem Dust, Boosters (Jade Clovers, Glittering Horseshoes, Lapis Luckbugs), Augment Materials (Binding Darkness), Golden Gem Keys, or rarely an Empowered Gem Box or Ninth Life booster.

임파워드 젬 상자
[Empowered Gem Box] x20

Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.

반짝이는 젬 상자
[Lustrous Gem Box] x20

Open for a Builder's Focus or a Contained Chaos Spark!