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use more shades/colors/material maps, show the minions and the golem that u modified too, also make weapon and helmet style

Okay, thank you for the feedback. It's my first mod, heh. I'll try to modify the golem and minions, since I haven't done that yet. I'll also make the weapon and helmet. Wish me luck!
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: SummerLeo_XD
Tags: Costume,Tombraiser
Notes: Pls Work
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 15+
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_chest
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_core
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_hand_l
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_hand_r
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_hips
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_shoulder_l
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_shoulder_r
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_skirt_front_01
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_skirt_front_02
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_skirt_front_03
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_skirt_l_01
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_skirt_l_02
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_skirt_l_03
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_skirt_r_01
- c_p_tombraiser_lvl1_skirt_r_02
Starter Level Tomb Raiser
Created: September 15, 2020
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,881
Downloads: 54
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