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Use TroveTools.NET. Or manually place .pkfx files in Glyph\Games\Trove\Live\particles\VFX\Particles\override; and .png in Glyph\Games\Trove\Live\textures\override
Conflicted with glowing ores mod :(
Still, it's a nice mod, thank you for making this :D
How do I use this mod? I get a .zip folder, and when i put in mod folder it doesnt work
It should work, also if u get the Trovesaurus Modloader (Trove Tools) u will have easier time with searching and getting the mods P:

liked this!
Replaces the Red Geode Surface with a Darker Purple Color.
Created: January 31, 2019
Updated: February 20, 2019
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 9,830
Steam Workshop Views: 894
Downloads: 4,008
Visible on TroveTools