- Add support for troves built in mod configuration.
- Added bomberroyal button.
- Removed old legacy code for mastery 300 gold names.
- Fixed position bug when screen resolution was lower than 1920x1080
- Initial Release
Improves the friendslist UI, includes TheSymbol's Favorite Friends feature.
Add Favorite friends to the top of your list!
Use new configuration mod "Mod Settings - Companion" to configure instead.
Use my "Configuration Creator tool" to get started. After you're done adding your friends head to the bottom of the page to download the custom prefabs_test.binfab file Then put this file at /Trove/Live/languages/en/override folder. (you can create the override folder if it does not exist).
Like and Favorite to support this mod. And remember to Follow Exodave and TheSymbolWorkshop > TheSymbol's Workshop > Click on "Follow TheSymbol"Workshop > ExoDave's Workshop > Click on "Follow ExoDave"

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What is the max amount of players you can add in the "Friends Settings" for the top of your friends list? If I was to add anything to this MOD it would be to make the friendslist UI just like when you press the "Y" key for the collections UI. A player could click images from Favorite Friends, Club members, PvP friends, Trade friends, modders, Ban, Stream viewers, Dev's, EXT.. The idea is over kill, but I rather share my ideas then say nothing at all. P.S. Thank you TheSymbol & ExoDave you guys went above and beyond to help me set this mod up live on stream /bow respect
Great Mod, but it dependent on screen resolution. Will it possible to make it resolution-friendly? I'm using 1366x768 resolution and the top Tab got consumed by Trove Title in Windowed mode.

Created: July 30, 2017
Updated: June 15, 2021
Type: TMOD
Originality: Collaborative Work
Trovesaurus Views: 38,847
Steam Workshop Views: 62,437
Downloads: 26,053
Visible on TroveTools