
Mod Description

Improves the friendslist UI, includes TheSymbol's Favorite Friends feature.

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.
  • Add support for troves built in mod configuration.

452.8 KB

  • Added bomberroyal button.
  • Removed old legacy code for mastery 300 gold names.

450.8 KB

  • Fixed position bug when screen resolution was lower than 1920x1080

446 KB

  • Initial Release

445.9 KB


Improves the friendslist UI, includes TheSymbol's Favorite Friends feature.


Add Favorite friends to the top of your list!

Use new configuration mod "Mod Settings - Companion" to configure instead.
Use my "Configuration Creator tool" to get started. After you're done adding your friends head to the bottom of the page to download the custom prefabs_test.binfab file Then put this file at /Trove/Live/languages/en/override folder. (you can create the override folder if it does not exist).


Like and Favorite to support this mod. And remember to Follow Exodave and TheSymbolWorkshop > TheSymbol's Workshop > Click on "Follow TheSymbol"Workshop > ExoDave's Workshop > Click on "Follow ExoDave"

Comments and Likes Comments 4

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What is the max amount of players you can add in the "Friends Settings" for the top of your friends list? If I was to add anything to this MOD it would be to make the friendslist UI just like when you press the "Y" key for the collections UI. A player could click images from Favorite Friends, Club members, PvP friends, Trade friends, modders, Ban, Stream viewers, Dev's, EXT.. The idea is over kill, but I rather share my ideas then say nothing at all. P.S. Thank you TheSymbol & ExoDave you guys went above and beyond to help me set this mod up live on stream /bow respect 

Great Mod, but it dependent on screen resolution. Will it possible to make it resolution-friendly? I'm using 1366x768 resolution and the top Tab got consumed by Trove Title in Windowed mode.

Thanks for the report, it should now be fixed for lower resolution screens!

Thanks! Now it fitted in the screen resolution.

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: TheSymbol & ExoDave

Notes: Improves the friendslist UI, includes TheSymbol's Favorite Friends feature.

Mod FilesShow

  • swf 1+
    • friendslist


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Donate to ExoDave
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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 30, 2017

Updated: June 15, 2021

Type: TMOD

Originality: Collaborative Work

Trovesaurus Views: 38,879

Steam Workshop Views: 62,437

Downloads: 26,058

Visible on TroveTools