Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on October 4, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.
TheSymbols Chat Mod.tmod
Nov 16, 2016
294.67 KB
- Now loads settings from "prefabs_test" language file, using the "$totem_test_key_name" text string.
- Better structure for changing color in the backend code (still not perfect).
- Added 7 more options to configuration:
- "c_w_a=" whisper author color
- "c_w_m=" whisper message color
- "c_world_m=" world message color
- "c_c3_m=" channel 3 message color
- "c_c4_m=" channel 4 message color
- "c_c5_m=" channel 5 message color
- "debug=" shows debug values for chat messages
- Default configuration:
TheSymbols Chat Mod.tmod
Nov 12, 2016
292.7 KB
- Fixed DST (Daylight saving time): should now auto update without having to create a new version.
- Fixed Whisper Sound: Sound should now be working again.
TheSymbols Chat Mod.tmod
Nov 5, 2016
292.55 KB
- Added 3 commands:
- /tcm Used to configure the chat mod (see below).
- /tcm help Used to view the different configuration options.
- /tcm reset Used to reset the configuration options back to default. - Added configuration options for:
- Fadeout timer (default: 60000)
- Timestamp (default: 1)
- Whisper Sound (default: Play_ui_forge_use)
Sadly if you change the settings they will not be kept when you restart trove, you can however add settings into a long string to load.
Ex: /tcm ts=0;ft=15000;ws=Play_ui_forge_use - Finally updated the version string (i always forget this)
- More code cleanup.
More configuration options will come later (like colors).
TheSymbols Chat Mod.tmod
Oct 29, 2016
277.31 KB
- Fixed the colors of whispers (whisper colors was not updated before, should now be working).
- Fixed display icon of the actuall mod, derp.
TheSymbol's Chat Mod.tmod
Oct 23, 2016
251.42 KB
- Chat timeout increased from 15000 (normal) to 60000.
- Chat whisper colors changed, it should be a bit clearer.
- Added a space to separate the message timestamp from the message.
TheSymbol's Chat Mod.tmod
Oct 20, 2016
251.33 KB
- Added timestamps
Chat whisper sound.tmod
Oct 12, 2016
248.79 KB
Initial version

Created: October 12, 2016
Updated: October 8, 2022
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 166,474
Steam Workshop Views: 84,501
Downloads: 135,038
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