Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on October 4, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.

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It is used through the binfab extension setting because of daylight saving time, but the editor files provided by that mode do not work at all, strangely enough, with 12 hour (AM/PM) mode and daylight saving time. Even if it's not binfab, I hope you can set the /tcm used in the chat window manually.

No, due to how the client is built it is very hard to move windows around. There is a clickable region that is setup for each "window" that is static and cannot move, and making this take up the whole screen would break other UI elements.
By changing the chat colour from customizer, it will trigger the bug that automatic transform all your customize colour into black.
There is a current issue with the "Hide Tabbed Channels" feature. When I had it set to yes, and had a Global default tab I was not able to see All in Four's club chat without disabling these settings.
this is very dependant on how you setup your tabs, if you just used "1." as identifier that would also pull that clubs chat into the same tab, and hiding it from "All".
I would require your binfab file that causes this issue to diagnose it.
I was just wondering when badges and such get accepted/denied? I don't think i've gotten an email denying my alpha badge and i've sent in what i believe to be the required proof twice in the past 2 years but haven't gotten a reply back and haven't gotten my alpha badge ;-;
This is the pet i showed, given exclusively to participants of alpha
Allies in-game are not valid for getting accepted, since there was a time where support was giving it out to beta players by accident.
Also the date you showed on the supporter pack is the date when "closed beta" launched, if you were playing earlier than that the game type would also be stating "Trove Alpha" and not "Trove"
This mod surely got potential in terms of organizing your chat, but it comes with a few nuisances that make me not want to use it after all. Note that I was using the custom file from configuration creator.
1. There is no option to keep whispers in the 'All' tab and additionally have whispers in their individual own tab, too; even with the setting 'hide tabbed channels' disabled. You can only disable the whisper tabs completelly...
2. There is no way to disable or change the countdown sounds of the timer/x comand.
3. This mod does still add a symbol (heart) in Heart-a-Phone messages, even after 'all' symbols are disabled. You can mute Heart-a-Phones completelly, but leaving them on without symbols is no option.
4. Changing the whisper notification sound is only possible if you know the exact name of a sound...'file'? Actually I did search the whole Trove folder on my PC for the 'Play_ui_forge_use', but I could not find it. So it seems to be hidden somewhere inside another file out of sight. This leaves the only option to leave a blank if you do not like the forge sound played each time someone whispers you. A drop Box in the creator would be awesome. If not possible, then a list of available sounds can work, too.
5. What exactly does the Gold/Purple/Red Override do? And what custom coulors would or would not apply?
6. Minor bug found: After pressing Enter, your cursor goes into the message box, ready to type. Now, if you stay idle for a while and no new messages appear, then the whole chat box fades out as supposed to. But not supposed to: The chat box's scroll bar remains alone, still visible, while the related chat box vanished.
1. I exspecially like the ability to have chat tabs pre-set with the creator's file, so all tabs that you want are already there without any need to summon them via comands.
2. Time stamp and its adjustment are a great way to not get lost even in multiple chats
3. I like the coefficient calculation comand!
Suggestion for improvement:
Allow us to customize Tabs further to display and not display different chats. Example: Have one tab named 'Clubs' and have /c1, /c2, /c3, /c4 and /c5 be there. Current workaround is having a Tab named just 'c' (and hope that there will never be any channel name with a 'c'). In short: an option to make a list of visible chats (and/or whisper) for each tab.
To address your concerns, i have done some changes and will be addressing most of your feedback in the next update.
1. Will be addressed in the next update.
2. Will be addressed in the next update.
3. Will be addressed in the next update.
4. Good suggestion on adding it to the website configuration as a drop down, it will be on the website as a drop down with the next update, but for now and for future reference the place where the sound IDs are located are in the ui.txt file when you extract the client this is located here: "Trove folder/extracted/audio/ui.txt".
5. This option is available to those that want to have lets say custom name colors on everyone in a specific chat (lets say club 1), and you put author color to green, then even if a player has Gold/Purple/Red/Orange name they will be appearing in that chat (club 1) as green, toggling this will then make everyone that does not have Gold/Purple/Red/Orange name into green, and leave the Gold/Purple/Red/Orange players with their colors.
I have added a description to clarify the option a bit more, that should help to explain it, that will be added with the next update.
6. The scrollbar in the normal chat window is on the opposite side, and behaves exactly the same as you described, so it is a "bug" that is in the official chat as well but i see this as intended since you can scroll to "wake" the chat window up again, so i wont address this.
As for your suggestion i will add it to my to-do list, and will address it in a future update.
All is "default" so it does nothing if you do not have any other tabs (whispers or other channels).
Read the manual and everything is explained there.
Countdown timer commandを英語ではない言語では正しく動作しないようです。
:translated text
The Countdown timer command does not seem to work correctly in non-English languages.
I think this is because it responds to the channel name "World".
This thing uses a language whose world chat name is not "World", and it can be confirmed that it works when joining the "World" channel.
This mod already uses language system of Trove, so it seems to be able to fix this.
The StringID of the World Chat channel name needed to fix it is "$Channel_World".
one more
Is there any way to change daylight saving time settings?
There is no daylight savings time in my country, so the time indicated by the chat mod is incorrect.
Is Their Anyway To Set Tabs To Specific Chats So I Don't Have To Type /2 or /1 Everytime I Switch Between World/Global Chat?
For some reason the chat mod is messing up my Atlas. I'm not sure if it's conflicting with another mod or not, but when I disable it, my Atlas works again. However, it seem to start after that last update with Trove. Before that, I never had any problems with my Atlas.
Since the last patch the emoji list icon is being permanently displayed on the left side of the chat box under the all tab. Is there anyway to disable this as it's never been there before at least for me
Shame it can't seem to just make chat text bigger, other than that it's real nice.
Also I changed my c_club1_m colour which was nice, but when typing a message the little bit on the left to show to which channel you're typing to is still the old colour, which is confusing (and I wanted to change it so it stopped looking the same as world) ... I then changed c_club1_a presuming that's what that was, but I guess that's just for names in that channel, so any way to change the bit in to the left of where you type?
Also I like that you can see whispers in tab, in case chat is busy ... but I also want them to still appear in my "all" tab, any way to do that? I have hide tabbed channels set off.
The one last thing (that might already be in with the spam settings) is getting rid of the "SoAndSo Looted a rare ___ from ___" messages unless it's to the club channel, I don't really care what strangers got.
In that prefab creation tool thing the bits to do with the clock mod don't work, I can't correct the time (it's off by an hour) nor is it changing to a 12hour clock... but if I try to alter it at all then the entire thing stops working (I guess all those crazy symbols and weird formatting maybe gets undone if you open and save it in notepad or whatever).
Also something, not sure if it's this mod, has gotten rid of the thing that'd flash up on the right that'd say "new adventure added" I kinda miss that, was handed when repeatedly doing outposts to make sure you got it...
Hey, I'm trying to configure your mod to play a different sound when I receive a whisper. I want to use foley/0087.ogg (https://trovesaurus.com/sound/179). How should I format it for the configuration to work?
How does someone acquire the twitch badge next to their name? And what requirements would they need to meet?
Fill out the application here but the requirements are:
* 1000 followers on Twitch.
* Proof of ownership of the channel
And here I was confused by the many pepoDerps worried my game was broke. Well played Symbol, well played. pepoDerp (Reposted, hadn't fixed my icon last post, new to actually commenting on the site.)
Just noticed (updated the mod today from an older version) a bug - you can't right/left-click the chat (and nicknames) while the chat is "closed".
So, checking the single private message has went from a simple "hold the "release mouse" button, hover on the tab, click to see, and click again to get back into the channel you were prior to that" to the "open the chat, click the tab, click the previous tab, close the chat" (which requires that you drop either WASD or mouse to press Enter).
The first action cound be done while running, fighting, ect, in split-second. As for the second one - you have to stop (unless you're flying/sailing), and use a keyboard, which adds an inconveniance.
The last version that was free of that bug is 2.0.8.
I'm very tempted to use the mod as I used to, but I'm stuck at that older version atm, because of that bug.
No mod interfering involved - I tested this with a single mod (this one) being active.
Made a vid (first half is the new 2.1.1 version, the second half is the old 2.0.8 one): https://youtu.be/V8OhvqixOaE
There is a conflict between Hydra icon and Shadow Hunter acronyme.
By typing SH for shadow hunter in ST channel, it return the Hydra icon. see below
Creating override folder to save the configuration file generates some kind of bug that disables all other mods that where working inclunding TheSymbols.
Create a configuration file http://www.orw.se/mod/?page=config and it will allow you to save them.
Used that mod just for the timestamps and personal message sounds.
And now it even shows graphical emojis. =D
Hi WolyMix,
Sorry for the late reply (i do not get notified here about comments, so i might miss them)
What do you mean by "Command has to take the chat time?" could you ellaborate a bit more on what you mean, thanks.
If you want me to respond quickly send me a direct message here on trovesaurus and ill respond much faster.

Created: October 12, 2016
Updated: October 8, 2022
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 166,356
Steam Workshop Views: 84,501
Downloads: 134,997
Visible on TroveTools