Jump Counter

Mod Description
Counts the number of jumps you've made

Disclaimer: this mod isn't 100% reliable, it only counts the number of jump effects there has been done on your approximate location, and will reset once the camera detects you're on a height where you should be on the floor. All of these calculations are done with the camera, in order to make them as precise as possible please zoom out the camera at its maximum

Also note that this mod has been made to at least work perfectly with every class unmounted, sadly I can't make it reset with all mounts and scenarios without making the general mod less precise

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.
This version adds the counter while leaving the jump visual effect intact

183 KB

This version makes it so that you don't have any visual effect of the jump while also having the functionality of this mod

172.6 KB

This version combines the functionality brought on this mod with my Reimagined Jumps mod into one as a way to make them compatible

184.6 KB

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fore my is not Working !

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Also the mod for the elysian wings(i forgot the exact name) is broken and i was wondering if you could replace the Midnight Mantle wings like you did in the elysian champion wings(i am so sorry if the name is wrong) with something very lightning based to match my previous thoughts. i would also like a reskin of Aevyr to match the lightning vibe. Oh and the lightning vfx of the right click for draco kinda looks weird(it shoots the electricity and then kinda vanishes its weird) So i was wonderin if you do any of my suggestions if you could fix that and make it so that it shoots and when it makes contact it kinda makes a small electricity explosion. Thanks alot if you do any of my suggestions or take inspiration from any of my suggestions i would love to use mods like these.(Maybe you could make the Mk X Spirit Armor Costume for Revenant better with the lightning theme as well cuz it kinda sucks)
Hey Cr0nicl3D3strOy3r i noticed while using your mod for lightning dracolyte vfx when i did the superjump with the volatile bounder mount it had lightning vfx but only while usin pyromagical prankster. I was wondering if you could make a mod so it had that all the time and made it look better(more suited for a lightning based jump). I really want a mod like this so if you could do this i would like it alot. If you could also make a mod to make the costume for dracolyte Pyromagical Prankster to be more lightning looking then i would really love it. Great work on the mods keep it up.

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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r

Notes: Counts the number of jumps you've made. Not 100% reliable, read the description of the mod from the site to know how to get the best result

Mod FilesShow

  • pkfx 2+
    • character_common_landing_01
    • character_jump_double_01
  • png 1+
    • jumpcounter
character_jump_double_01.pkfx character_common_landing_01.pkfx
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: March 12, 2023

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 8,020

Downloads: 3,081

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