Usages Download

Class Coin


Use to unlock a class for free. Or loot collect it for 3 Double Experience Potions.

Cannot be used to unlock the Solarion, Bard, or Vanguardian.

Imported in Patch: Class Coin Edition Designed by: Trove Team

Cannot be traded

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September Site Update

Thanks everyone for continuing to be a part of this community, I've been super busy this month and haven't been able to work on as much as I've wanted to. However things did get done, keep reading for the list of changes....

October 1, 2016 Site

Dino Tamer and Jurassic Jungle are live!

Welcome to the jungle, we’ve got fun and games – and dinosaurs! The Dino Tamer and Jurassic Jungle biome are now live! The Prehistoric Pack is still available for anyone who wants to dress their Dino Tamer for success, rock out on the back o...

September 13, 2016 Blog

Patch - The Mighty Jungle - Sep 13, 2016

Jurassic JungleThe Jurassic Jungle biome is now live! It has new decoration recipes, styles, and enemies! It will start showing up randomly in Prime adventure worlds. Have fun! Includes a Dino Egg Temple lair from stedms! The Dino Tamer is now av...

September 13, 2016 Patch

Convert Class Coins into XP

Have a lot of Class Coins? If you’ve already unlocked all our classes and want to give yourself a quick XP boost then read on, friends. Break down a Class Coin in the Loot Collector to receive an XP Coin! How much experience does that represent? Enoug...

August 31, 2016 Blog

[PT-BR] Patch - Prehistoric Preview - August 30, 2016

Tradução das informações do patch notes da atualização de 30/08/2016...

August 30, 2016 BR Patch Portuguese

Patch - Prehistoric Preview - August 30, 2016

Prehistoric Pack! The Dino Tamer early access has arrived! Get your hands on this class before everyone else, exclusively available through the Prehistoric Pack! The Prehistoric Pack contains:The Dino Tamer Class Jurassic Jungler and Road Warr...

August 30, 2016 Patch

Trove Class Trials: Try Before You Buy!

It’s our pleasure to introduce Class Trials! Take every Trove class for a test drive before you pick a favorite. Trying out a new class is easy: Open the Class menu (press J) Click the Trial button on any class you haven’t unlocked E...

June 14, 2016 Announcement

Introducing the Trove Essentials Pack!

The Trove Essentials Pack has everything you need to jumpstart your adventures as a new Trovian! Get enough Class Coins to unlock any ten classes so you can face your foes in new and interesting ways. Take to the skies with the molten fury of...

May 10, 2016 Announcement

Rise of the Shadow Tower Update - Patch Notes

The Rise of the Shadow Tower Update introduces the Lunar Lancer and Shadow Tower. Source: ...

September 15, 2015 Patch