c_p_dinotamer_ranger_ui[ainogommon & potatoeunicorn]
Usages Download

Green Dinoranger


A costume for the Dino Tamer.

Bring primordial justice to the modern age. Go forth, Dinoranger!

Imported in Patch: Into the Deep Designed by: Ainogommon PotatoeUnicorn

Database Links

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Database Update - Adventures (Strings)

These are the strings from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....

November 14, 2017 Database Update

Aino's 'I forgot how to color' Contest

[user=Ainogommon] has forgotten how to colour, help them out and earn codes! Choose from [collection=Cyberian Survivor], [collection=BL-0550-M Off-Road Custom], [collection=Jet Jammer], [collection=Macedoine Master], [collection=Star Skipper], [collection...

November 14, 2017 Art Contest Giveaway