Usages Download

Eternal Ember


Radiates a constant heat. Perfect for cooking. Its magical properties allow it to be Loot Collected back into the base materials if additional embers are created.

Imported in Patch: Adventures デザイン者: Trove Team


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Trove - Geode: PTS Items Database Update

These are the new and changed items we've detected on Trove - Geode PTS....

June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Items

Ланцюжок квестів - TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS! 21 Листопада - 4 Грудня

TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS з Вівторка 21 Листопада 2017 до Понеділка 4 Грудня 2017 (Включно) на ПК і Консолях. Закінчіть цю послідовність із 8 квестів, щоб отримат�...

November 21, 2017 Event UA

Cadena de Misiones - TURKEYTOPIA REGRESA! (21 Nov - 4 Dic)

TURKEYTOPIA REGRESA desde el Martes, 21 de Noviembre del 2017 hasta el Lunes, 5 de Diciembre del 2017 en PC's y Consolas. Terminar esta cadena de misiones de 8 pasos te premiará con un lindo [collection=collections/pet/qubesly_turkey] y [colle...

November 21, 2017 AR CL CO ES HN MX PE VE

Quest - TURKEYTOPIA RETORNA! (21 nov - 01 dez)

TURKEYTOPIA RETORNA a partir de terça-feira, 21 de novembro de 2017 à segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2017 em PC's e Consoles. Este evento apresenta 8 novas missões. Complete as aventuras! Ganhe um "Turkey Throne"!...

November 21, 2017 BR Portuguese

Quest Chain - TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS! (Nov 21st - Dec 5th)

TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS from Tuesday, November 21, 2017 to Tuesday, December 5, 2017 on PC's and Consoles. Finishing this 8 step quest chain will award you with a cute [collection=collections/pet/qubesly_turkey] and [collect...

November 21, 2017 Event Turkeytopia

Database Update - Adventures (Items and Deco)

These are the items and deco from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length. Thanks to [user=Evilagician] for help in creating the icons for fixtures....

November 14, 2017

Database Update - Adventures (Strings)

These are the strings from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....

November 14, 2017 Database Update