Ланцюжок квестів - TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS! 21 Листопада - 4 Грудня
TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS з Вівторка 21 Листопада 2017 до Понеділка 4 Грудня 2017 (Включно) на ПК і Консолях. Закінчіть цю послідовність із 8 квестів, щоб отримати милого [collection=collections/pet/qubesly_turkey] і [collection=collections/mount/recliner_turkey].
Квестові завданняTop ^
#1/8: Вбийте Dream Gobblers (50)
Turkeytopia 2017 1/8: Gobble gobble, Trovian! Qubesly here to tell you that Turkeytopia is upon us. Those pesky Dream Gobblers have invaded Dragonfire Peaks once again. Will you help me drive them away before they eat me out of house and home?
Нагорода 1x Gabby Gobbler
A new friend you rescued from the Dream Gobblers.
Додаткова інформація:
#2/8: Вбийте Cupcake Caliph в Candoria
Turkeytopia 2017 2/8: You know what chasing turkeys puts me in the mood for? Dessert! But those wicked Cupcake Caliphs in Candoria stole all my pumpkin pies.
Travel to Candoria and defeat a Cupcake Caliph boss in a 1-Star dungeon to return Qubesly's pies.
Нагорода 1x Empowered Gem Box
The pies have been returned to their rightful owner.
Додаткова інформація:
- Шукайте 1 Зіркове підземелля з цим босом в Uber 2.
#3/8: Зберіть Primordial Flames (100)
Turkeytopia 2017 3/8: Thanks for getting my pies back, Trovian. Now we just need to get the vegetables and stuffing piping hot and ready to eat. Go to Dragonfire Peaks and bring back some Primordial Flames. I'll get everything else ready.
Primordial Flame blocks can be found uncommonly in any biome.
Нагорода 5x Bound Brilliance
Those blocks are hot enough to cook a turkey.
Додаткова інформація:
- Можна збирати в Neon City (Uber 3) або краще в Dragonfire Peaks (Uber 5)
#4/8: Зберіть Blank Scrolls (10)
Turkeytopia 2017 4/8: I'm almost ready to start baking but I need something to bind the Eternal Ember together. Once it's finished, our meal should cook perfectly. I think some Blank Scrolls will do the trick.
Blank Scrolls are most commonly obtained by deconstructing recipes found in Recipe Lairs.
Нагорода 10x Chaos Chest
These Blank Scrolls will make excellent firestarters.
Додаткова інформація:
- Можна отримати розклавши 10 рецептів
#5/8: Зробіть Eternal Ember
Turkeytopia 2017 5/8: We're almost ready, Trovian. Go to the Wheel of Seasons and craft an Eternal Ember. I'll use it to make a delicious Turkeytopia Feast when you return!
The Wheel of Seasons Crafting Bench can be found in the Hub or placed in your Cornerstone or Club World.
Crafted using: Wheel of Seasons (Winter)
Primordial Flame 100
Blank Scroll 10
Нагорода 5x Bound Brilliance
Now we're cooking!
Додаткова інформація:
- Верстак Wheel of Season вкладка Winter
#6/8: Завершіть 3 PVP Матчі
Turkeytopia 2017 6/8: The food is in the oven and will be ready soon. While we wait, why not stretch your legs? I hear the Battle Arena is popular this time of year.
You can enter the Battle Arena portal from the Hub.
Нагорода 10x Bound Brilliance
Go team, go!
Додаткова інформація:
- PVP - Player vs Player (Гравець проти Гравця)
- Портал знаходиться в Хабі зправа від статуї
#7/8: Вбийте Піратів в Lost Isles (20)
Turkeytopia 2017 7/8: I invited Saltwater Sam to have dinner with us, but he said he's too busy dealing with Pirate Sailors at the moment. Maybe if you help him out he'll be able to join us after all.
Sail or fly to the Lost Isles and defeat some cutlass-weilding Pirate Sailors!
Нагорода 25x Diamond Dragonite
Saltwater Sam is on his way to dinner.
Додаткова інформація:
#8/8: Вбийте Saloonbot Mayor в Desert Frontier
Turkeytopia 2017 8/8: I almost forgot! We're missing the most important part of the meal. I need some Seasonal Sasperilla from Desert Frontier. The Saloonbot Mayor stole the last of this year's stash. If you can get me a bottle I have a special gift for you, your very own Turkey Throne!
Нагорода 1x Turkey Throne
A gift from Qubesly in the spirit of Turkeytopia.
Додаткова інформація:
Стаття написана завдякиTop ^
Parent Page
Quest Chain - TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS! (Nov 21st - Dec 5th)
TURKEYTOPIA RETURNS from Tuesday, November 21, 2017 to Tuesday, December 5, 2017 on PC's and Consoles. Finishing this 8 step quest chain will award you with a cute [collection=collections/pet/qubesly_turkey] and [collection=collections/mount/recliner_turkey].
Evilagician November 21, 2017
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