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Jack the Hammerhead


Trailing the sandy shores with both eyes open.

Imported in Patch: Crack the Court 设计者为: TFMHisztike


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Jack the Hammerhead - Art Challenge Results

Thanks everyone for taking part in our art challenge to draw [Jack the Hammerhead] for [TFMHisztike], we have the results ready for you!...

November 17, 2021 Art Contest Results

Jack the Hammerhead - Art Challenge

For the next two weeks [TFMHisztike] is challenging our Trove artists to draw [Jack the Hammerhead] mount for a chance to unlock it....

November 3, 2021 Art Contest

Future Chaos Chest rotations from accepted mods in the Crack the Court patch

The Crack the Court patch has arrived, along with this an update to the game client. With this update, the Trove team have indicated the following mods were accepted. We've extracted the following information from the client about future Chaos Chest rota...

March 24, 2021 Mods