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Golden Ticket Chest


Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a wide range of exciting items.

Imported in Patch: May 23, 2017 デザイン者: Trove Team


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Trove - Going Green! Hotfix 3 - July 11, 2019

SunfestThe Golden Ticket Chest 2019 no longer spawns a pinata when claimed. ...

July 12, 2019 Patch

October Update - DB Update

Check out the changes to the Trovesaurus database from the October Update....

October 17, 2018 Database Update

Celebrate the Return of Sunfest

Residents of Trove and Geode alike will join together to celebrate the luminescent power of the Sun Goddess during our first ever interplanetary Sunfest! 8 new adventures will take you on a journey across Trove and beyond! That’s right, you’ll be ab...

July 10, 2018 Blog

Quest Chain - Sunfest 2018- July 10, 2018 - July 23, 2018

Praise the Sun Goddess! Days be long, hot and sunny. Join us in the celebration of Sunfest from Tuesday, July 10, 2018 to Monday, July 23, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. ...

July 10, 2018 Event

PTS Strings - Geode

We've generated a list of String changes from the current live client to Geode on PTS....

May 18, 2018 PTS Geode Strings

Credit Packs and Golden Ticket Chests!

We’re adding bonus Golden Ticket Chests to the 8,500 and 18,500 Credit Packs! These special lockboxes may contain a variety of loot including Gem Boosters, Dragon Coins, or Chaos Cores. Source:

December 12, 2017 Blog

Sunfest - Shadow Pinatas Invade

Summer is here! The party that was promised... just slay those shadow pinatas for us.. while we get everything ready. Tuesday, July 11, 2017 to Tuesday, July 25, 2017 on PC's and Consoles.  ...

July 11, 2017 Event