Empowered Gem Box
Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.
Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon Diseñado por: Trove Team
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Greetings, folks! On Monday, April 2, 2018 we ran into a few bugs that were very frustrating. The bonus day for Shadow Towers wasn't properly applied to Caches and Souls, plus there was general instability that added to these problems....
April 5, 2018 Announcement
A Hero Rises! from Вівторка 27 Березня 2018 до Вівторка 10 Квітня 2018 до 14:00 за Київським часом на ПК та Консолях. Release your inner hero and join the fight against the Amperium!...
March 27, 2018 UA
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Trove - Heroes update and detected the following new client strings....
March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Strings
A Hero Rises! from Tuesday, March 27, 2018 to Tuesday, April 10, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. Release your inner hero and join the fight against the Amperium!...
March 27, 2018 Event
Les épeuves de Saint-Cubrick! du Mardi 13 Mars 2018 au Mardi 27 Mars 2018 sur PC et Consoles. Complète les épreuves du noble chevalier du royaumes des cieux! Illutration principale de [user=32405]...
March 14, 2018 FR
The Trials of St. Qubeslick з Вівторка 13 Березня 2018 до Вівторка 27 Березня 2018 до 13:00 за Київським часом на ПК та Консолях. Complete the trails of this noble knight of the Sk...
The Trials of St. Qubeslick! from Tuesday, March 13, 2018 to Tuesday, March 27, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. Complete the trails of this noble knight of the Sky Realm! Header image by [user=32405]...
March 13, 2018 Event
Hellbugs in Love 2018 з Вівторка 13 Лютого 2018 до Понеділка 26 Лютого 2018 (Включно) на ПК та Консолях. ...
Hellbugs in Love 2018! from Tuesday, February 13, 2018 to Tuesday, February 27, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. Share the L.O.V.E. and smash those hugging Hellbugs during this two-week event....