Usages Download

Golden Hoard Dragon Soul


Consume multiple Golden Hoard Dragon Souls to unlock Golden Hoard Dragon mounts! Available from Luxion when he appears in the Trove Hub.

Imported in Patch: Geode 3 Conçu par : Trove Team

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Quest Chain - Luxion's Spring Cleaning 2019 - May 07, 2019 - May 28, 2019

There is a time for Gathering and there is a time for Cleaning. Luxion thinks so too and plans to get rid of his stock. Complete the quest chain and enjoy new stock from Luxion every Tuesday, from Tuesday, May 7, 2019 to Monday, May 28, 2019 on PC's and P...

May 7, 2019 Event

Luxion's Big Weekend

Luxion is visiting the Hub this weekend. You can find him by the dragon shrine. Trade [dragon coin]s with him to buy rare items. This appearance is special, it is the only time you can buy [golden hoard dragon soul]s without limits (all 100 instead of usu...

November 24, 2018 Luxion

Hotfix - November 13, 2018

Patch notes have been posted on the Trove Forums for an upcoming hotfix....

November 9, 2018 Patch

Luxion returns on September 15!

Luxion is back again this weekend from September 15 through September 17! You don’t want to miss your chance at incredible goodies like: Verses of Violence aura Snug Lovebug Rug mount Echo Wave Cycle mount Golden Hoard Dragon Souls to save up for unl...

September 14, 2018 Blog

Luxion Returns with 50% off Greater Dragon Caches

Remember those dark days when no one knew where to find Luxion? Well, let the sunshine in again as he has returned from paternity leave and is ready to get down to business! To help you take advantage of his visit you’ll also save 50% off Greater Drago...

August 14, 2018 Blog

Luxion is Missing!

We’ve been scouring two planets to find Luxion, but to no avail. You’d think that this is a video game and we created Luxion so we should know where to find him, but come on now…let’s just roll with it. Luxion is missing! Pick up the trail by fo...

July 31, 2018 Blog

Quest Chain - Luxion is Missing- July 31, 2018 - August 13, 2018

Luxion has gone missing! Put your dragon coins back in your wallet and help find Luxion from Tuesday, July 31, 2018 to Monday, August 13, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. ...

July 31, 2018 Event

Database Update - Geode Hotfix

We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to a recent Trove client patch, see the changes below....

July 18, 2018 Database Update