Enchanted Wood
Crafting Material.
Usually found growing in the Fae Forest, Medieval Highlands, or Cursed Vale biomes, but also obtainable through Gardening.
Tervezte: Trove Team
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Additional Updates 2 new tiers of Signatory ringboxes can be crafted at the Ringcrafter's Bench: Royal and Gilded. Royal ringboxes guarantee a Crystal 2 or better ring, and Gilded guarantee a Crystal 3 or better ring. These require 5 Ringcrafte...
This years Sunfest event gives access to craft a bunch of items from each factions workbench respectively for their coins. Previous years allies can also be crafted for those who missed them in 2019. Doing the delves for the new flux currencies is the ma...
July 17, 2021 Sunfest 2021
Help the D'hevs and take care of their allies while they are busy doing the awesome for us! Tuesday, August 28, 2018 to Monday, September 11, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. ...
August 28, 2018 Event
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Eclipse Update....
August 22, 2017 Database Update
The T-shirt takes on a whole new meaning with these gorgeous, Trove inspired designs! Now you can wear a bit of Trove with you wherever you go. Collect four brand new T-shirts emblazoned with that special Trove attitude. Please Note: Delivery is US o...
May 2, 2017 Blog
Consolidated drop lists from Chaos Chests as of Feb 24 Patch. Feedback thread: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?12604-Chaos-Chests-(24-02-2015) ...
February 25, 2015 Chaos Chest
Chaos Chest gathering thread Feb 17: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?11936-Chaos-Chests-((17-02-2015))...
February 17, 2015 Chaos Chest
Dribble has posted the results of opening 500 Chaos Chests on the Trove Forums. Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?10436-Chaos-Boxes-%2811-02-2015%29 If you want to contribute to this overall list, you can take a video o...
February 11, 2015 Chaos Chest