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Shadow Diamond


Crafting Material.

Created at the Ringcrafting Bench.

Imported in Patch: Ring Edition Designed by: Trove Team

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Adventures Patch Notes - November 14, 2017

The huge Trove - Adventures update includes Clubs 2.0, Club Adventures, Hero NPCs, Club Fixtures, Club Ranks and Permissions, Adventures Window, Frameworks, Forbidden Spires Biome, Tethering, Mastery, Leaderboards, Trophies, Badges and Achievements, Store...

November 10, 2017 Patch

PTS Notas del Parche - Trove Aventuras - 19 de Octubre, 2017

PTS ha sido actualizado con la expansión de Trove - Aventuras!, que incluye los siguientes cambios principales; Copia de personajes al PTS, Clubes 2.0, Aventuras de Clubes, NPCs de Heroes, Instalaciones del Club, Rangos y permisos de Club, Ventana ...

October 20, 2017 AR CL CO ES HN MX PE VE

PTS Patch Notes - Trove Adventures - October 19, 2017

PTS has been updated with the Trove - Adventures expansion including the following major changes; Character Copy to PTS, Clubs 2.0, Club Adventures, Hero NPCs, Club Fixtures, Club Ranks and Permissions, Adventures Window, Frameworks, Tethering, Mastery, L...

October 19, 2017 Patch PTS

Megalithic Update: Console Patch Notes

The Megalithic Update arrives June 27, and will bring Consoles in sync with PC/Mac features. This includes the Dino Tamer class, the Jurassic Jungle Biome and more. Source: ...

June 23, 2017 Patch

Database Update - Depth Charge

We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Depth Charge patch....

April 11, 2017 Database Update

Patch Notes - Depth Charge - April 11, 2017

Depth Charge is an event that runs from April 18, to May 2 and features a quest series with mining robots and Qubesly. Source:

April 7, 2017 Patch

Feb 24: Chaos Chest - Drop List

Consolidated drop lists from Chaos Chests as of Feb 24 Patch. Feedback thread: ...

February 25, 2015 Chaos Chest

Feb 17: Chaos Chest - Loot List

Chaos Chest gathering thread Feb 17:

February 17, 2015 Chaos Chest

Feb 11: Chaos Chest - Loot List

Dribble has posted the results of opening 500 Chaos Chests on the Trove Forums. Source: If you want to contribute to this overall list, you can take a video o...

February 11, 2015 Chaos Chest