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Ancient Gears


Geode Cave Crafting Material.

Scavenged from the deepest corners of Tier 5 of the Geode caves.

Imported in Patch: Geode Conçu par : Trove Team

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Found in the following Lootboxes:

Lootbox Amount Rarity
Moonglow Grotto Vault 6 Common
Sunken Sunvault Vault 6 Common
Verdant Veins Vault 6 Common
Refurbished Crystallogy Vault 9 Common
Refurbished Crystallogy Vault 13 Uncommon
Refurbished Crystallogy Vault 13 Rare
Builder's Box 25 Rare
Builder's Vault 25 Common
Builder's Vault 50 Uncommon
Builder's Vault 100 Rare
Builder's Chest 50 Rare
Luminous Reliquary 105-150 Rare
Greater Crystal Cache 169-253 Common
Starter Greater Crystal Cache 169-253 Common