The community bug tracker is now in read-only mode - Please see the gamigo knowledge base for Bug Reports for Trove. Links to this page will be removed March 1, 2025.
Can't Reproduce
We can't reproduce this bug, please let us know if there are more specific steps needed.

May 5, 2022
Aug 11, 2022
Discord Report Wizard
Issue Details
Loading screen never ends when a portal is interacted with multiple times. Sometimes fixes by doing /tutorial and leavingExpected:
For the loading screen to end, and to appear in the world as usualReproduce:
Go to a Geode caves portal (not aware if it happens with all portals/worlds), doesn't matter whichPress E a few times before the loading screen appears
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This still happens, can happen with any portal (and even using the atlas some times) what happens (i think) is you entering the portal client-side, but the server doesn't register it, so you see a loading screen without any loading text, while on the server-side you're just standing still doing nothing. I think the easiest way to replicate it is by pressing E while walking towards the portal, so you hit it as soon as it's within range client side, but server side being slightly delayed would not see you as being in range - At least this is how it's happened most times when i've encountered the bug
Not sure if there was something going on at the time this report was put in, but I cannot reproduce this issue in the current game. Spamming the interact key on the portal to a world doesn't seem to have any negative effect on getting into the world that portal is for. If there's any more info to help reproduce this please update this issue.