The community bug tracker is now in read-only mode - Please see the gamigo knowledge base for Bug Reports for Trove. Links to this page will be removed March 1, 2025.

T-151: Trying to clear depth 178 this week with Chloromancer as you'd do on most bosses. However the boss took almost no damage as most shots missed

No Description





Acknowledged by The Trove Team as a bug






Mar 22, 2022

Aug 3, 2022


Discord Report Wizard

.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-151 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 955925258106454067
    [type] => 0
    [content] => 
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 425403525661458432
            [username] => .Trove Bot
            [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f
            [discriminator] => 6130
            [public_flags] => 0
            [bot] => 1

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [type] => rich
                    [description] => **Context**
Chloromancer gatlings missing the majority of their shots against certain delve bosses with the Gladiator deltalith (WP and Pin most obvious examples)
                    [color] => 16730880
                    [timestamp] => 2022-03-22T20:25:41.643000+00:00
                    [fields] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [name] => Trove IGN
                                    [value] => Boldd
                                    [inline] => 1

                            [1] => Array
                                    [name] => Platform
                                    [value] => PC
                                    [inline] => 1

                            [2] => Array
                                    [name] => Expected
                                    [value] => Expected the shots to hit the boss and deal damage like it does on any other boss
                                    [inline] => 

                            [3] => Array
                                    [name] => Observed
                                    [value] => Trying to clear depth 178 this week with Chloromancer as you'd do on most bosses. However the boss took almost no damage as most shots missed
                                    [inline] => 

                            [4] => Array
                                    [name] => Reproduction Steps
                                    [value] => Enter delve with Gladiator WP or Pinata (Challenge delve depth 178 in the week of 21 March - 27 March)
Place down chloromancer gatlings and see the shots go right through the boss
                                    [inline] => 

                            [5] => Array
                                    [name] => Media
                                    [value] => Empty
                                    [inline] => 


                    [author] => Array
                            [name] => Bug report by Boldd#1469
                            [icon_url] =>
                            [proxy_icon_url] =>

                    [footer] => Array
                            [text] => Reported via Bot



    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-03-22T20:25:41.765000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


Trove IGN





Expected the shots to hit the boss and deal damage like it does on any other boss


Trying to clear depth 178 this week with Chloromancer as you'd do on most bosses. However the boss took almost no damage as most shots missed

Reproduction Steps

Enter delve with Gladiator WP or Pinata (Challenge delve depth 178 in the week of 21 March - 27 March) Place down chloromancer gatlings and see the shots go right through the boss



Issue Details



Chloromancer gatlings missing the majority of their shots against certain delve bosses with the Gladiator deltalith (WP and Pin most obvious examples)


Expected the shots to hit the boss and deal damage like it does on any other boss


Enter delve with Gladiator WP or Pinata (Challenge delve depth 178 in the week of 21 March - 27 March)
Place down chloromancer gatlings and see the shots go right through the boss
3 years ago MeanMug changed status from Can't Reproduce to Acknowledged
3 years ago MeanMug changed status from Reported to Can't Reproduce

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Comments and Likes Comments 4

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I misunderstood the report, got it logged now. Thanks!
Idk how you can't reproduce it.
Open a delve with the Gladiator deltalith on the boss (Pin / Weeping Prophet are the most obvious ones)
Throw some gatlings down and half of their projectiles will go straight through the boss instead of hitting it
Compare with the same boss without gladiator and the difference should be obvious
I don't have the ability to go back in time and play the delve that was active at this specific depth, but I cannot reproduce this issue in current delves with the Chloromancer and the Gladiator deltalith active. If this still occurs and you've got more info, please update this.