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T-122: A few (potentially all) crystal ring abilities stop working after dying and releasing in a delve wor

No Description





Fixed In-game
Fixed on the live servers





Jan 26, 2022

Jul 7, 2022



ab 3 years ago Ticket T-122 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 936020744641585193
    [type] => 0
    [content] => A few (potentially all) crystal ring abilities stop working after dying and releasing in a delve world until you re-equip the ring. Ones I bothered testing are:
- Blast Bow
- Clone Jutsu
- Dance Partner
- Skellbiggle-Split
All stopped working after dying and releasing in a delve world.

1. Enter a delve world
2. Use a ring ability to confirm it works
3. /respawn and release
4. See that the ring ability no longer functions
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 89918356290797568
            [username] => ab
            [avatar] => 23c5afb38258370b23ad024277fc1958
            [discriminator] => 3772
            [public_flags] => 512

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-26T22:12:15.947000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array


A few (potentially all) crystal ring abilities stop working after dying and releasing in a delve world until you re-equip the ring. Ones I bothered testing are:
- Blast Bow
- Clone Jutsu
- Dance Partner
- Skellbiggle-Split
All stopped working after dying and releasing in a delve world.

1. Enter a delve world
2. Use a ring ability to confirm it works
3. /respawn and release
4. See that the ring ability no longer functions

LunarStation 3 years ago Ticket T-122 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 936029334802690078
    [type] => 0
    [content] => just commenting this was reported during pts and hasn't been addressed
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 523714260090748938
            [username] => LunarStation
            [avatar] => 9c7df68e7492c68e0da276e69a40793d
            [discriminator] => 2050
            [public_flags] => 0

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-26T22:46:24.001000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array

    [message_reference] => Array
            [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
            [guild_id] => 118027756075220992
            [message_id] => 936020744641585193

    [referenced_message] => Array
            [id] => 936020744641585193
            [type] => 0
            [content] => A few (potentially all) crystal ring abilities stop working after dying and releasing in a delve world until you re-equip the ring. Ones I bothered testing are:
- Blast Bow
- Clone Jutsu
- Dance Partner
- Skellbiggle-Split
All stopped working after dying and releasing in a delve world.

1. Enter a delve world
2. Use a ring ability to confirm it works
3. /respawn and release
4. See that the ring ability no longer functions
            [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
            [author] => Array
                    [id] => 89918356290797568
                    [username] => ab
                    [avatar] => 23c5afb38258370b23ad024277fc1958
                    [discriminator] => 3772
                    [public_flags] => 512

            [attachments] => Array

            [embeds] => Array

            [mentions] => Array

            [mention_roles] => Array

            [pinned] => 
            [mention_everyone] => 
            [tts] => 
            [timestamp] => 2022-01-26T22:12:15.947000+00:00
            [edited_timestamp] => 
            [flags] => 0
            [components] => Array



just commenting this was reported during pts and hasn't been addressed

Xaoti 3 years ago Ticket T-122 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 936042659947085875
    [type] => 0
    [content] => This also applies during a club pvp match. If you have a ring effect, it would be active when you first spawn and would only go away when you die
    [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
    [author] => Array
            [id] => 859935861843951636
            [username] => Xaoti
            [avatar] => 40e328a8f8914e56c8932a464e247a7f
            [discriminator] => 4268
            [public_flags] => 0

    [attachments] => Array

    [embeds] => Array

    [mentions] => Array

    [mention_roles] => Array

    [pinned] => 
    [mention_everyone] => 
    [tts] => 
    [timestamp] => 2022-01-26T23:39:20.963000+00:00
    [edited_timestamp] => 2022-01-26T23:39:23.332000+00:00
    [flags] => 0
    [components] => Array

    [message_reference] => Array
            [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
            [guild_id] => 118027756075220992
            [message_id] => 936020744641585193

    [referenced_message] => Array
            [id] => 936020744641585193
            [type] => 0
            [content] => A few (potentially all) crystal ring abilities stop working after dying and releasing in a delve world until you re-equip the ring. Ones I bothered testing are:
- Blast Bow
- Clone Jutsu
- Dance Partner
- Skellbiggle-Split
All stopped working after dying and releasing in a delve world.

1. Enter a delve world
2. Use a ring ability to confirm it works
3. /respawn and release
4. See that the ring ability no longer functions
            [channel_id] => 812354696320647238
            [author] => Array
                    [id] => 89918356290797568
                    [username] => ab
                    [avatar] => 23c5afb38258370b23ad024277fc1958
                    [discriminator] => 3772
                    [public_flags] => 512

            [attachments] => Array

            [embeds] => Array

            [mentions] => Array

            [mention_roles] => Array

            [pinned] => 
            [mention_everyone] => 
            [tts] => 
            [timestamp] => 2022-01-26T22:12:15.947000+00:00
            [edited_timestamp] => 
            [flags] => 0
            [components] => Array



This also applies during a club pvp match. If you have a ring effect, it would be active when you first spawn and would only go away when you die

Issue Details

3 years ago MeanMug changed status from Acknowledged to Fixed In-game
3 years ago MeanMug changed status from Reported to Acknowledged

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