Idea Generator
Generate ideas for Art or Mods with a random selection of Biome, Class, Costume, Ally, Mount, Wings, Weapon, Face and Helm.
Generated Results
Ice Sage
The Ice Sage is a cryptic spellcaster with an unerring sense of everything cool. Chill foes with magical crystals and summon deadly falling icicles, then use your ultimate to freeze enemies solid and leave them helpless.
Tannenbomber, the Harbinger of Tidings
Spreads joy and prosperity to friend and foe alike. \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +0.8% Critical Hit, +500 Magic Damage and +50 Magic Find.
The Scarlet Shrike
Ally to the Red Hawk, this super sidekick always has your back when you need it.
Mag Rider
Rickety Minecart
Rattle and roll all along the rail towers.
When equipped, use [HK:EquipCart] and move over a Mag Rail to ride!
Windcatcher Webwings
It boggles the mind that some spiders are capable of sailing the breeze with a single strand of silk.