Cyberian Survivor Giveaway

Thanks to Ainogommon we are giving away 20x [collection=Cyberian Survivor] costumes for the
Dino Tamer.
The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 20
20x Cyberian Survivor
20 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward
2,016 Signups
0.99% chance to receive 1 reward
Jesteure - Cyberian Survivor
illuminate228 - Cyberian Survivor
RyvrStar - Cyberian Survivor
MRTitan - Cyberian Survivor
Trover1997 - Cyberian Survivor
Naomesegue - Cyberian Survivor
kylecorr - Cyberian Survivor
TheReprobate - Cyberian Survivor
Popbojo - Cyberian Survivor
SimpleTimelord - Cyberian Survivor
Pongel - Cyberian Survivor
Ifeelyahbruh - Cyberian Survivor
2Shadow1 - Cyberian Survivor
Greggore - Cyberian Survivor
MrLucas777 - Cyberian Survivor
BossxPryoz - Cyberian Survivor
Saberzoom - Cyberian Survivor
guduvi212 - Cyberian Survivor
TurBlay - Cyberian Survivor
JESGA - Cyberian Survivor

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I want this mount because im a new player in this site !!!! Good Luck To All Players
i was get banned and i cant genter in the gywaeays now in not banned this is a costume well is i win it i can loot it?well good luck for everybone
OH MY GOD GUYS I looked at past giveaways and the winners were mostly PC trove players...I think if your a PC player you have better chance on winning prizes!...:( That sucks.
I know multiple on ps4 who won giveaways here. Personally I won art contest.
There's just few people who would like to win like you or me and the more time pass the more they are cause for our luck trove and trovesaurus communities are growing imo.
You play trove think this way:
You need to be lucky to win here lesser than how much you would need on trove to find any dragon frags/dragonite pouch/aura/Griffon talisman and so for sure. the real ridicolous chance to win it's rng based
Good luck man :)