For the next two weeks, to celebrate our awesome community artist SkyTheVirus we are hosting an art contest.

But we've already done one! I hear you say, however that contest related to both of the Sky Sisters, and this time we're focusing on just one!

SkyTheVirus creates awesome artwork, most of our emojis on the Trovesaurus Discord, check out her art here.


  • Create some fan art representing SkyTheVirus in the context of Trove
  • Submit your entries to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Community Draws SkyTheVirus

All work must be your own, and we encourage you to sign your character name on the entries.

As we would like you to make a reasonable amount of effort, stick figure entries in MS Paint are not permitted, neither are photoshopped images from the internet.


  • Monday, May 22, 2017 to Monday, June 5, 2017


This contest lasts for 2 weeks, so the reward base will be 2.

  • At least 2 winners selected by SkyTheVirus will receive 3x Reward Tokens
  • At least 4 winners selected by SkyTheVirus will receive 2x Reward Tokens
  • At least 8 entries selected at random will receive 1x Reward Token


Screenshot with Ally

Render and Ingame images of Dracolyte costume. Modded to look Like Commander Vitus [Scroll down for High Def. drawing references] Link to mod:

Ingame images of Shadow Hunter.

Shadow Hunter is using Hair from Commander Vitus Mod, Sharp Shooter Costume, and Versed Volleyer Bow (Epic style)

Mount is a Modded Centaur, the Q'bthuhlu Guard ( )

Link to Mod: 

Commander Vitus along with other characters players can draw for the contest. [In a side-by-side size comparison] References for each character is bellow this post.

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I know people are aware that there is a similar contest that has already ended around January. But for this its all about me! Im pretty excited to see some new art from some of our artists (old and new). Good luck everyone! (I hope Vitus doesnt drive you crazy with his insane attention to detail.)