New Items

New Items detected in Delves.

no type 2

consumable 7

@Pressure-Locked Delver's Cache
Class Boost: Level 5
이너트 지오드 기부
[Donate Inert Geodes]

봄 폭발꽃
[Spring Flingers]

Temporary 25 Dragon Coin Boost
Temporary 25 Dragon Coin Boost
Temporary 25 Dragon Coin Boost

crafting 49

심연 깃발
[Abyssal Standard]

캔도리아 전사 깃발
[Aged Candorian Standard]

마력의 깃대
[Banner Pole of the Arcane Way]

체력의 깃대
[Banner Pole of the Fortress]

근력의 깃대
[Banner Pole of the Martial Way]

캔디 수도사 깃발
캔디 소용돌이 깃발
불타는 루비 깃발
황금 도관 깃발
요정왕 날개 깃발
권총 깃발
증기 로봇 깃발
무당벌레 깃발
검 깃발
큰 눈송이 깃발
박쥐 깃발
거미 깃발
푸른 네온 시티 깃발
[Blueshift Standard]

그림자 고치 깃발
[Chrysalis Standard]

빛나는 도관 깃발
[Conduit Standard]

어둠버섯 깃발
[Darkshroom Standard]

Do Not Use
용암인간 깃발
[Firecage Standard]

해골 깃발
[Forlorn Standard]

버섯 깃발
[Fungal Standard]

초록 네온 시티 깃발
[Greenshift Standard]

벌집 벌 깃발
[Hive Standard]

타오르는 별 깃발
[Invokers' Standard]

언데드 혈통 깃발
[Lineage Standard]

불사조 깃발
[Phoenix Standard]

해적 깃발
[Pirate Standard]

앵무 깃발
[Pirrot Standard]

그림자 벌레 깃발
[Progenitor Standard]

그림자 고양이 깃발
[Prowlers' Standard]

햇빛 깃발
[Radiant Standard]

생가죽 깃발
[Rawhide Standard]

붉은 네온 시티 깃발
[Redshift Standard]

해골 전사 깃발
[Sabreskull Standard]

요정 날개 깃발
[Seedbearers' Standard]

그림자 사마귀 깃발
[Shadow Knot Standard]

태양과 달 깃발
[Sisters' Standard]

눈꽃 깃발
[Snowfall Standard]

요정 눈송이 깃발
[Snowflake Standard]

눈송이 깃발
[Snowflake Standard]

빛나는 문장 깃발
[Stalwart Standard]

선인장 깃발
[Standard of Spines]

해마 깃발
[Twinfish Standard]

노란 네온 시티 깃발
[Yellowshift Standard]


currency 2

delve 13

food 4

key 3


lootbox 5

mount 38

탈 것: 초록 광산 코끼리
[Mount: Budding Delevant]

탈 것: 귀여운 배달부
[Mount: Cute Courier]

탈것: 마법 요정돌고래
탈것: 마법 요정돌고래
탈것: 젤리 잼버리
탈것: 젤리 잼버리
탈 것: 루나클립시아
[Mount: Lunaclipsia]

탈것: 메가 메크워커
[Mount: Mega Mechwalker]

탈것: 네온 수사슴
탈것: 네온 수사슴
페퍼민트 염소
페퍼민트 염소
꼬맹이 선물 세발자전거
꼬맹이 선물 세발자전거

pet 54

펫: 이엠피
[Ally: Aemppie]

펫: 이버
[Ally: Aevyr]

펫: 흡혈 모기
[Ally: Blad the Impaler]

펫: 진홍빛 두족류
펫: 진홍빛 두족류
펫: 데스위버 레클루스
[Ally: Deathweaver Recluse]

펫: 아이스파이
[Ally: eyeSpy]

펫: 페르디난드
[Ally: Ferdinand]

펫: 페르디난드
[Ally: Ferdinand]

펫: 플리크
[Ally: Flick]

펫: 플라워가드
[Ally: Flowerguard]

펫: 꿀단지
[Ally: Honeyguard]

펫: 훅스나우트
[Ally: Hooksnout]

펫: 징글스
[Ally: Jingles]

펫: 꼬마 윕탑
[Ally: Lil' Whiptop]

펫: 맵퓨
[Ally: Mapphew]

펫: 올' 와블스
[Ally: Ol' Wobbles]

펫: 올' 와블스
[Ally: Ol' Wobbles]

펫: 펄
[Ally: Pearl]

펫: 플럭키
[Ally: Plucky]

펫: 퍽
[Ally: Puck]

펫: 크웰
[Ally: Quell]

펫: 날뛰는 독서광
펫: 날뛰는 독서광
펫: 샐리 스파이크
[Ally: Sally Spikes]

펫: 셸던
[Ally: Shelldon]

펫: 셔비
[Ally: Sherbie]

펫: 스키터스
[Ally: Skitters]

펫: 스카이버
[Ally: Skyver]

펫: 스링키
[Ally: Thrinky]

펫: 독성 스포어링
[Ally: Toxic Sporeling]

펫: 톡시 록시
[Ally: Toxie Roxie]

펫: 와들
[Ally: Waddles]

펫: 작은 벌집
[Ally: Wee Hive]

작은 양
[Little Lamb]

작은 양
[Little Lamb]



검댕 만땅 그림자 양말
검댕 만땅 그림자 양말
작은 루돌프 썰매
[Teensy Tinsel Team]

트로비안의 보물 가득한 양말
트로비안의 보물 가득한 양말



recipe 36

장식용: 심연 배너
[Decorative: Abyssal Standard]

장식용: 푸른 네온 시티 배너
[Decorative: Bluefort Standard]

장식용: 그림자 고치 배너
[Decorative: Chrysalis Standard]

장식용: 빛나는 도관 배너
[Decorative: Conduit Standard]

장식용: 어둠버섯 배너
[Decorative: Darkshroom Standard]

장식용: 용암인간 배너
[Decorative: Firecage's Standard]

장식용: 생가죽 배너
[Decorative: Frntsvn. Standard]

장식용: 초록 네온 시티 배너
[Decorative: Greenfort Standard]

장식용: 벌집 벌 배너
[Decorative: Hive Standard]

장식용: 해적 배너
[Decorative: Pirate Standard]

장식용: 앵무 배너
[Decorative: Pirrot Standard]

장식용: 그림자 벌레 배너
[Decorative: Progenitor Std.]

장식용: 그림자 고양이 배너
[Decorative: Prowler's Standard]

장식용: 햇빛 배너
[Decorative: Radiant Standard]

장식용: 그림자 사마귀 배너
[Decorative: Shadow Knot Standard]

장식용: 눈꽃 배너
[Decorative: Snowfall Standard]

장식용: 빛나는 문장 배너
[Decorative: Stalwart Standard]

장식용: 선인장 배너
[Decorative: Standard of the Cactus]

장식용: 해골 배너
[Decorative: Standard of the Forlorn]

장식용: 버섯 배너
[Decorative: Standard of the Fungus]

장식용: 타오르는 별 배너
[Decorative: Standard of the Invoker]

장식용: 불사조 배너
[Decorative: Standard of the Phoenix]

장식용: 해골 전사 배너
[Decorative: Standard of the Sabreskull]

장식용: 태양과 달 배너
[Decorative: Standard of the Sisters]

장식용: 눈송이 배너
[Decorative: Standard of the Snowflake]

장식용: 요정 날개 배너
[Decorative: Std.d of the Seedbearer]

장식용: 해마 배너
[Decorative: Twinfish Standard]

레시피: 광산 대형 폭탄
[Recipe: D-4 Charge]


skin 8

unlocker 121

3일 패트론 이용권
[3 Day Patron Pass]

@Delve Creature: Ampcannon Golem
이너트 지오드 확장권
[Inert Geode Wallet]

이너트 지오드 확장권
[Inert Geode Wallet]

이너트 지오드 확장권
[Inert Geode Wallet]

기억의 증표: 암페리아
[Memento: Amperia]

기억의 증표: 베일파이어 드래곤
[Memento: Balefire Dragon]

기억의 증표: 검은 앵무 선장
[Memento: Black Pirrot Captain]

기억의 증표: 블레이드봇
[Memento: Bladebot]

기억의 증표: 푸른 앵무 선장
[Memento: Blue Pirrot Captain]

기억의 증표: 푸른 게
[Memento: Blue Crab]

기억의 증표: 본 블레이드
[Memento: Bone Blade]

기억의 증표: 동굴 박쥐
[Memento: Cave Bat]

기억의 증표: 동굴 거미
[Memento: Cave Recluse]

기억의 증표: 동굴 예티
[Memento: Cave Yeti]

기억의 증표: 사이버드론
[Memento: Cyberdrone]

기억의 증표: 디컴파일러
[Memento: Decompiler]

기억의 증표: 심연의 말벌거미
[Memento: Deep Waspider]

기억의 증표: 디아트리마
[Memento: Diatryma]

기억의 증표: 새끼 드래곤
[Memento: Dragon Whelp]

기억의 증표: 반딧불이
[Memento: Firefly]

기억의 증표: 비행 캐논봇
[Memento: Flying Cannonbot]

기억의 증표: 생강 쿠키맨
[Memento: Gingerbread Man]

기억의 증표: 거대 베일팬텀
[Memento: Greater Balephantom]

기억의 증표: 아이스 자이언트 킹
[Memento: Ice Giant King]

기억의 증표: 비취 혼령
[Memento: Jadebound Phantom]

기억의 증표: 랭키 러처
[Memento: Lanky Lurcher]

기억의 증표: 용암 딱정벌레
[Memento: Lava Beetle]

기억의 증표: 용암 게
[Memento: Lava Crab]

기억의 증표: 마그맨
[Memento: Magman]

기억의 증표: 마그맨
[Memento: Magman]

기억의 증표: 마그미토
[Memento: Magmito]

기억의 증표: 초록 앵무 선장
[Memento: Green Pirrot Captain]

기억의 증표: 메가톤 마리골드
[Memento: Megaton Marigold]

기억의 증표: 모레이 매지션
[Memento: Moray Magician]

기억의 증표: 머핀맨
[Memento: Muffin Tough]

기억의 증표: 네온 지하
[Memento: Neon Underground]

기억의 증표: 해적 포수
[Memento: Pirate Cannoneer]

기억의 증표: 해적 선원
[Memento: Pirate Sailor]

기억의 증표: 파운드 케이크
[Memento: Pound Cake]

기억의 증표: 케찰코아툴루스
[Memento: Quetzalcoatlus]

기억의 증표: 스켈레톤 나이트
[Memento: Reanimated Knight]

기억의 증표: 붉은 게
[Memento: Red Crab]

기억의 증표: 붉은 드래곤
[Memento: Red Dragon]

기억의 증표: 붉은 막대사탕맨
[Memento: Red Popman]

기억의 증표: 그림자 버섯왕
[Memento: Shadowshroom King]

기억의 증표: 샤칸
[Memento: Sharkhan]

기억의 증표: 심해 샤칸 예언가
[Memento: Sharkhan Deep Seer]

기억의 증표: 샤칸 헌터
[Memento: Sharkhan Hunter]

기억의 증표: 스켈레톤
[Memento: Skeleton]

기억의 증표: 여우 혼령
[Memento: Smoky Fox Phantom]

기억의 증표: 붉은 앵무 선장
[Memento: Red Pirrot Captain]

기억의 증표: 스틸스티처
[Memento: Stiltstitcher]

기억의 증표: 스팅드레이크
[Memento: Stingdrake]

기억의 증표: 테이저로이드
[Memento: Taseroid]

기억의 증표: 벌집
[Memento: The Hive]

기억의 증표: 테리지노사우루스
[Memento: Therizinosaurus]

기억의 증표: 트리케라톱스
[Memento: Triceratops]

기억의 증표: 엄브럴 셰이드핀
[Memento: Umbral Shadefin]

기억의 증표: 언데드 엠퍼러
[Memento: Undead Emperor]

기억의 증표: 언데드 해적 포수
[Memento: Undead Pirate Cannoneer]

기억의 증표: 언데드 해적 선원
[Memento: Undead Pirate Sailor]

기억의 증표: 베스라크나
[Memento: Vesracna]

기억의 증표: 감시 호박
[Memento: Watchful Gourdian]

기억의 증표: 와이트 킹
[Memento: Wight King]

기억의 증표: 레이스
[Memento: Wraiths]

패트론 (1일)
[Patron (1 Day)]


wings 2

Changed Items

Changed Items detected in Delves.

  • 그림자 열쇠 - description changed
    • from 'Use to open a tower vault for a massive amount of loot.\n\nThis key can be used at the end of Normal floors of the Shadow Tower.'
    • to 'Legacy Item. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Shadow Keys will eventually fade back into Shadow.'
  • 파티용 피냐타
    [Party Animal]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Party Animal when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Party Animal when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 그림자 피냐타
    [Shadow Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Shadow Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Shadow Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 익스플로시브 에필로그
    [Explosive Epilogue]
    - description changed
    • from 'Empowered Air Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time. This gem has a cooldown.'
    • to 'Empowered Air Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.'
  • 익스플로시브 에필로그
    [Explosive Epilogue]
    - description changed
    • from 'Empowered Water Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time. This gem has a cooldown.'
    • to 'Empowered Water Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.'
  • 익스플로시브 에필로그
    [Explosive Epilogue]
    - description changed
    • from 'Empowered Air Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time. This gem has a cooldown.'
    • to 'Empowered Air Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.'
  • 익스플로시브 에필로그
    [Explosive Epilogue]
    - description changed
    • from 'Empowered Water Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time. This gem has a cooldown.'
    • to 'Empowered Water Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.'
  • 익스플로시브 에필로그
    [Explosive Epilogue]
    - description changed
    • from 'Empowered Fire Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time. This gem has a cooldown.'
    • to 'Empowered Fire Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.'
  • 익스플로시브 에필로그
    [Explosive Epilogue]
    - description changed
    • from 'Empowered Fire Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time. This gem has a cooldown.'
    • to 'Empowered Fire Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.'
  • 클럽 피냐타
    [Curious Clubyata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Clubyata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Clubyata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • +50% 크리스탈 포션
    [+50% Crystal Gathering Potion]
    - description changed
    • from 'Increases Crystal Gathering from all sources by 50% for the next hour!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.'
    • to 'Increases Crystal and Shadow Shard Gathering from all sources by 50% for the next hour!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.'
  • 크레딧 주머니
    [Credit Pouch]
    - description changed
    • from 'Can be sold in the Marketplace for flux. The auction buyer will automatically redeem it for 250 credits.'
    • to 'Can be consumed for 250 credits.'
  • 축하용 피냐타
    [Celebratory Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Celebratory Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Celebratory Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 제련 조각 제조법
    [Forge Fragment Formulae]
    - description changed
    • from 'Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 100 Forge Fragments. This effect can only trigger once a week.'
    • to 'Produces 100 Forge Fragments when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Found rarely in Lesser Geodian Topside Caches.'
  • 레전더리 책: 코스믹 가루 모음집
    [Legendary Tome: Cosmic Dust Omnibus]
    - description changed
    • from 'Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 5,000 Cosmic Dust. This effect can only trigger once a week.'
    • to 'Produces 5,000 Cosmic Gem Dust when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.'
  • 레전더리 책: 크리스탈라인 코어 개요서
    [Legendary Tome: Crystalline Core Compendium]
    - description changed
    • from 'Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 50 Crystalline Cores. This effect can only trigger once a week.'
    • to 'Produces 50 Crystalline Cores when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.'
  • 가을 피냐타
    [Autumn Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Autumn Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Autumn Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 샴로킨 피냐타
    [Shamrockin' Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'A good luck charm for safe travels.\n\nSpawns a Shamrockin' Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'A good luck charm for safe travels. Spawns a Shamrockin' Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 가을 피냐타
    [Autumn Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Autumn Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Autumn Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 카오스 상자
    [Chaos Chest]
    - description changed
    • from 'Open for crafting materials, chaos cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.'
    • to 'Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.'
  • 작은 크리스탈 은닉품
    [Lesser Crystal Cache]
    - description changed
    • from 'Open for Geodian crafting materials, or [things]!'
    • to 'Open for Crystals or rarely Drillbits, Crystal Pinatas or Bronze Companion Eggs!'
  • 카오스 상자
    [Chaos Chest]
    - description changed
    • from 'Open for crafting materials, chaos cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.'
    • to 'Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.'
  • 카오스 상자
    [Chaos Chest]
    - description changed
    • from 'Open for crafting materials, chaos cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.'
    • to 'Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.'
  • 여름 피냐타
    [Summer Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Summer Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Summer Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 타이소리온의 금화
    [Mark of Ty]
    - description changed
    • from 'Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Tysorion' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disapear at the end of Sunfest.'
    • to 'Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Tysorion' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disappear at the end of Sunfest.'
  • 카리스의 금화
    [Carysian Ducat]
    - description changed
    • from 'Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Carys' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disapear at the end of Sunfest.'
    • to 'Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Carys' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disappear at the end of Sunfest.'
  • 파나티아의 금화
    [Panatean Ante]
    - description changed
    • from 'Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Panatea' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disapear at the end of Sunfest.'
    • to 'Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Panatea' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disappear at the end of Sunfest.'
  • Chinhairs of the Idol - description changed
    • from 'Redeem at your House Purveyor in the hub for a permanant banner signifying your house loyalty.\n\nThese hairs will disapear at the end of Sunfest.'
    • to 'Redeem at your House Purveyor in the hub for a permanent banner signifying your house loyalty.\n\nThese hairs will disappear at the end of Sunfest.'
  • 태양의 축제 황금 토큰
    [Golden Sunfest Token]
    - description changed
    • from 'Redeem at Qubesly in the hub for a banner signifying loyalty to one of three Trovian dragons and their Houses\n\nThis token will disapear at the end of Sunfest.'
    • to 'Redeem at Qubesly in the hub for a banner signifying loyalty to one of three Trovian dragons and their Houses\n\nThis token will disappear at the end of Sunfest.'
  • 크리스탈 피냐타
    [Crystal Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens.\n\nSpawns a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens. Spawns a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 파티용 피냐타
    [Party Animal]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Party Animal when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Party Animal when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 네온 시티 테라포머
    [Neon City Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Neon City. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Neon City. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 황야의 사막 테라포머
    [Desert Frontier Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Desert Frontier. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Desert Frontier. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 타뷸라 라사 테라포머
    [Tabula Rasa Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into a blank slate. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into a blank slate. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 평화로운 언덕 테라포머
    [Peaceful Hills Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Peaceful Hills. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Peaceful Hills. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 중세 고원지대 테라포머
    [Medieval Highlands Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Medieval Highlands. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Medieval Highlands. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 이상한 골짜기 테라포머
    [Uncanny Valley Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Uncanny Valley. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Uncanny Valley. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 도마뱀 늪지대 테라포머
    [Saurian Swamp Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Saurian Swamp. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Saurian Swamp. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 네온 시티 루미노폴리스 테라포머
    [Neon City Luminopolis Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into Neon City's Luminopolis. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into Neon City's Luminopolis. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 평화로운 들판 테라포머
    [Peaceful Field Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Peaceful Field. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Peaceful Field. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 평화로운 들판 테라포머
    [Peaceful Field Terraformer]
    - name changed from 'Peaceful Field Terraform' to 'Peaceful Field Terraformer'
  • 선홍색 모래바다 테라포머
    [Cerise Sandsea Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Style a zone based on the Geode Cerise Sandsea. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Geode Cerise Sandsea. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.'
  • 선홍색 모래바다 테라포머
    [Cerise Sandsea Terraformer]
    - icon changed from to
  • 영원한 얼음의 땅 테라포머
    [Permafrost Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into Permafrost. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into Permafrost. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 저주받은 계곡 테라포머
    [Cursed Vale Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Cursed Vale. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Cursed Vale. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 프리가의 프오르드 테라포머
    [Frigga's Fjord Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into Frigga's Fjord. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into Frigga's Fjord. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 보물섬 테라포머
    [Treasure Isles Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into Treasure Isles. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into Treasure Isles. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 후회의 바다 테라포머
    [Sea of Regret Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Regret. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Regret. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 캔도리아 테라포머
    [Candoria Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into Candoria. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into Candoria. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • Sea of Regret Styler - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Regret.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Regret. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • Sea of Deep Regret Styler - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Deep Regret.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Deep Regret. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 평온의 바다 테라포머
    [Sea of Tranquility Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Sea of Tranquility. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Sea of Tranquility. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 금지된 산맥 테라포머
    [Forbidden Spires Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into Forbidden Spires. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into Forbidden Spires. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 아레나 평탄화 장치
    [Arena Flattener]
    - description changed
    • from 'Flatten a region that can become an arena or minigame.'
    • to 'Flatten a region that can become an arena or minigame. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 아레나 기반암 평탄화 장치
    [Arena Bedrock Flattener]
    - description changed
    • from 'Flatten a region to bedrock that can become an arena or minigame.'
    • to 'Flatten a region to bedrock that can become an arena or minigame. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 깊은 후회의 바다 테라포머
    [Sea of Deep Regret Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Deep Regret. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Deep Regret. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • Tundra Terraform - description changed
    • from 'Terraforms a biome into Frozen Tundra.'
    • to 'Terraforms a biome into Frozen Tundra. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • World Expansion Terraformer - description changed
    • from 'Transform the Sea of Regret into something useable. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Transform the Sea of Regret into something useable.\n\nWarning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones."'
  • 움푹 패인 모래 언덕 테라포머
    [Hollow Dunes Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Style a zone based on the Geode Hollow Dunes. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Geode Hollow Dunes. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.'
  • 움푹 패인 모래 언덕 테라포머
    [Hollow Dunes Terraformer]
    - icon changed from to
  • Field Terraform - description changed
    • from 'Terraforms a biome into a Peaceful Field.'
    • to 'Terraforms a biome into a Peaceful Field. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • Tundra Terraform - description changed
    • from 'Terraforms a biome into Frozen Tundra. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraforms a biome into Frozen Tundra. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • Field Terraform - description changed
    • from 'Terraforms a biome into a Peaceful Field. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraforms a biome into a Peaceful Field. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 화산지대 테라포머
    [Volcanic Fields Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Volcanic Fields. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Volcanic Fields. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 원시 보존구역 테라포머
    [Primal Preserve Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Terraform a zone into the Primal Preserve. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Primal Preserve. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 풍화된 황무지 테라포머
    [Weathered Wastelands Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Style a zone based on the Geode Weathered Wastelands. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Geode Weathered Wastelands. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.'
  • 풍화된 황무지 테라포머
    [Weathered Wastelands Terraformer]
    - icon changed from to
  • 지오드 비행로 테라포머
    [Geode Skyway Terraformer]
    - description changed
    • from 'Style a zone based on the Geode Skyways. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.'
    • to 'Terraform a zone into the Geode Skyways. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.'
  • 지오드 비행로 테라포머
    [Geode Skyway Terraformer]
    - icon changed from to
  • 여름 피냐타
    [Summer Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Summer Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Summer Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 로맨싱 피냐타
    [Romancing Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'There's no candy in the world worth breaking its heart.\n\nSpawns a Romancing Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'There's no candy in the world worth breaking its heart. Spawns a Romancing Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 봄 피냐타
    [Spring Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Spring Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Spring Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 아레나 평탄화 장치
    [Arena Flattener]
    - description changed
    • from 'Flatten a region that can become an arena or minigame.'
    • to 'Flatten a region that can become an arena or minigame. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.'
  • 클럽 피냐타
    [Curious Clubyata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Clubyata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Clubyata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 크리스탈 피냐타
    [Crystal Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens.\n\nSpawns a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens. Spawns a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 카오스 코어
    [Chaos Core]
    - description changed
    • from 'Used to craft rare chaotic collectibles at the Chaos Crafting bench.\n\nAcquire from Chaos Chests and by deconstructing Chaos Chests rewards.'
    • to 'Used to craft rare chaotic collectibles at the Chaos Core Crafter.\n\nAcquire from Chaos Chests and by deconstructing Chaos Chests rewards.'
  • 그림자 열쇠 조각
    [Shadow Key Fragments]
    - description changed
    • from 'Crafting Material. Use to craft a Shadow Key at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Shadow Keys are used at the end of Normal Shadow Tower floors to open vaults for massive amounts of loot.\n\nFound by completing dungeons in Fae Forest (Uber-1) or higher Prime Worlds.'
    • to 'Legacy Crafting Material. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Shadow Key Fragments will eventually fade back into Shadow.'
  • 달의 열쇠 조각
    [Moon Key Fragments]
    - description changed
    • from 'Crafting Material. Use to craft a Moon Key at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Moon Keys are used at the end of Hard Shadow Tower floors to open vaults for massive amounts of loot.\n\nFound by completing dungeons in Uber-6 and Uber-7 Prime Worlds.'
    • to 'Legacy Crafting Material. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Moon Key Fragments will eventually fade back into Shadow.'
  • 그림자 파편
    [Shadow Shard]
    - description changed
    • from 'Crafting Material. Used to craft mounts and items on the Shadowy Market such as Shadow Caches.\n\nAcquired from enemies in the Shadow Tower.'
    • to 'Crafting Material. Used to craft mounts and items on the Shadowy Market such as Shadow Caches.\n\nA plentiful crafting material found in Delves.'
  • 2019 그림자 씰
    [Shadowy Seal 2019]
    - description changed
    • from 'Can be used at the Shadowy Station in the Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2019 event, these coins will disapear shortly after the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.'
    • to 'Can be used at the Shadowy Station in the Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2019 event, these coins will disappear shortly after the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.'
  • 2018 그림자 씰
    [Shadowy Seal 2018]
    - description changed
    • from 'Can be used at the Shadowy Station in the Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2018 event, these coins will disapear at the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.'
    • to 'Can be used at the Shadowy Station in the Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2018 event, these coins will disappear at the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.'
  • 달의 젬 열쇠
    [Moon Key Gem]
    - description changed
    • from 'Crafting Material. An old item, place in a Loot Collector for something useful.'
    • to 'Crafting Material. An old item, place in a Loot Collector for something useful. Extra Moon Key Gems will eventually fade back into Shadow.'
  • 그림자 젬 열쇠
    [Shadow Key Gem]
    - description changed
    • from 'Crafting Material. An old item, place in a Loot Collector for something useful.'
    • to 'Crafting Material. An old item, place in a Loot Collector for something useful. Extra Shadow Key Gems will eventually fade back into Shadow.'
  • 일식의 열쇠 조각
    [Eclipse Key Fragments]
    - description changed
    • from 'Crafting Material. Use to craft a Eclipse Key at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Eclipse Keys are used at the end of Ultra Shadow Tower floors to open vaults for massive amounts of loot.\n\nFound by completing dungeons in Uber-8 and Uber-9 Prime Worlds.'
    • to 'Legacy Crafting Material. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Eclipse Key Fragments will eventually fade back into Shadow.'
  • 일식의 열쇠 - description changed
    • from 'Use to open a tower vault for a massive amount of loot.\n\nThis key can be used at the end of Ultra floors of the Shadow Tower.'
    • to 'Legacy Item. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Eclipse Keys will eventually fade back into Shadow.'
  • 겨울 피냐타
    [Winter Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Winter Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Winter Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 봄 피냐타
    [Spring Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Spring Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Spring Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 마스터리 피냐타
    [Mastery Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Mastery Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Mastery Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 별빛 피냐타
    [Starglint Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Starglint Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Starglint Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 겨울 피냐타
    [Winter Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Winter Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Winter Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 코스튬: 데모닉 인페르노
    [Costume: Demonic Inferno]
    - description changed
    • from 'Demonic Inferno costume for the Candy Barbarian class\n\nDesigned by PROfessOriginal'
    • to 'Demonic Inferno costume for the Candy Barbarian class\n\nDesigned by Evilagician'
  • 코스튬: 데모닉 인페르노
    [Costume: Demonic Inferno]
    - description changed
    • from 'Demonic Inferno costume for the Candy Barbarian class\n\nDesigned by PROfessOriginal'
    • to 'Demonic Inferno costume for the Candy Barbarian class\n\nDesigned by Evilagician'
  • 그림자 피냐타
    [Shadow Pinata]
    - description changed
    • from 'Spawns a Shadow Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.'
    • to 'Spawns a Shadow Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.'
  • 달의 열쇠 - description changed
    • from 'Use to open a tower vault for a massive amount of loot.\n\nThis key can be used at the end of Hard floors of the Shadow Tower.'
    • to 'Legacy Item. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Moon Keys will eventually fade back into Shadow.'
  • 테스트 배너 - icon changed from to