New Strings
New Strings detected in Delves.
The Delve Workbench in the Trove Hub has been set up so you can craft Banners using the Standards rarely found in Pressurized Caches. Craft one for a reward!
Craft a Light Banner
Use the Delve Workbench in the Hub to craft a Light Banner
Much of the corruption in Delves can be found within the Bosses who guard over the portals into the deeper Depths. If you can destroy 3 of these Bosses, we will reward you!
Defeat Delve Bosses
Take down 3 Delve Bosses
We're studying the Inert Geodes found in the Delves. Use the Delve Workbench next to me to Donate some for a reward!
Donate Inert Geodes
Donate Inert Geodes at the Delve Workbench in the Hub
Have you heard of Delves?! We've managed to open some gateways deep into a series of dangerous cave systems FILLED with bad guys! I wouldn't recommend going in there, but my boss said to give these rewards to any Trovian brave enough to even try to help push back this terrible wave of shadow corruption!
Gone Delvin'
Enter a Delve
Many Geodians have been captured by the Bosses lording over all denizens of the Delves. Please find and rescue any Captured Geodians you can!
Rescue Captured Geodians
Find a Captured Geodian in a Delve
Trovian! The Bosses of the Delve caverns can spread corruption even to inanimate objects! If not consumed, these objects will Decay and their corruption will be released back into the Delve caverns, or–worse–Trove and Geode themselves!
Corrupted Memories
Consume a Delve Memento from your Inventory
The Delves are WEIRD, Trovian! The last time I opened a Pressure-Locked Delver's Cache I got my reward, but then it rematerialized right in front of my eyes! You should try!
Confusing Temporal Parabox
Open a Pressure-Locked Delver's Cache
We've built special keys just for the mysterious Shadowy Soul Vaults found deep within the Delve caverns. You can craft one at the Delve Workbench next to me. I've heard the vaults only spawn if you go three floors deep.
Shadowy Soul Vault (Depth: 25+)
Use a Delve Shadowkey on a Shadowy Soul Vault within Delves
Final Chaos Factor reward granted.\nCome back tomorrow for more rewards!
Chaos Factor reward granted!\nYou have {0} rewards remaining today.
Earned with Chaos Factor, complete dungeons for more!
Earned with Chaos Factor, come back tomorrow for more!
New Player Daily Login Patron Bonus (DAY 5)
New Player Daily Login Patron Bonus (DAY 4)
New Player Daily Login Patron Bonus (DAY 1)
Final New Player Daily Login Patron Bonus!
New Player Daily Login Patron Bonus (DAY 6)
New Player Daily Login Patron Bonus (DAY 3)
New Player Daily Login Patron Bonus (DAY 2)
Class Level
Biome Mementos
Boss Mementos
Creature Mementos
Collected Mementos. Mementos are found in the Delve caverns and provide Mastery.
You took too long to reach or defeat the boss and cannot go any deeper. Hold [HK:Homeworld] to exit this Delve. If you do better next time a device to advance deeper will appear.
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. Life is short in {0}
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. A lair with {0}... ok, that's tough
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. Who would have thought {0} creatures would be so difficult
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. Died to {0}
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. Spelunking through {0}, oof!
[HK:Loot] to resurrect. {0} sure makes things rough
{0}'s tombstone
A low rumble marks the awakening of a powerful creature.
You need to be present for a majority of the boss battle for a chance at rarer loot.
Press [HK:Loot] to venture even deeper in the Delve
Next Tier
{0} players summoning portal Stand close for faster summoning {1}%% completed
Please wait, next depth under construction
Press [HK:Loot] to summon portal
Depth {0} Ready Station
That player is queued for a delve, and cannot join you in PvP.
Defeat the boss in {0} minutes or the world will shutdown.
Defeat the boss in {0} minutes and {1} seconds or the world will shutdown.
You have only {0} seconds to defeat the boss!
Please finish soon - this delve world will have to shutdown in {0} minutes.
Please finish soon - this delve world will have to shutdown in {0} minutes and {1} seconds.
Delve world will shutdown in {0} seconds!
Delve Cavern
You cannot enter PvP while queued for Delve.
You've increased your challenge depth
Challenge Progression Locked! You did not defeat the boss within the time limit and will not advance your challenge depth. You can still defeat the tier boss and collect their loot.
Challenge Progression Locked! You did not get to the Cursed Skulls within the time limit and will not advance your challenge depth. You can still defeat the tier boss and collect their loot.
Press [HK:Loot] to travel to the forward-most respawn point on this Tier
Defeat all enemies in a room to unlock Transport Locations on this Tier
No room has been completely cleared of enemies yet on the current tier.
Intra-Delve Transport
Furiously Unbridled
Reactive Distance Shielded
Physical Immune
Physical Resistant
Distance Shielded
Chicken Summoning
Spore Carrier
Magic Immune
Magic Resistant
Turret Summoning
Cool Steppin
The Floor is Lava II
The Floor is Lava
Boney Grasp
Lowered Expectations
Vulnerable I
Vulnerable II
Vulnerable III
Hardened I
Hardened II
Hardened III
Hardened IV
Hardened V
Trigger Finger
Get ready, {0} is going to rush the delve with {1} players.
Press [HK:Loot] to join/leave the Public Delve Queue with your current CLASS Class Changes: Locked Invites: Return Invites Only Difficulty: Public Delve Score of queued Players
Press [HK:Loot] to queue for this Challenge Delve. Biomes: Depth-Locked Invites: Return Invites Only Mounts: Delve Restricted Depth: {0}
Press [HK:Loot] to queue for this Private Delve. Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Public Delve Score of queued Classes {0}
Press [HK:Loot] to rush launch Queued Players: {0} {1}
Press [HK:Loot] to send ready message Queued Players: {0} {1}
Press [HK:Loot] to un-queue from this Challenge Delve. Biomes: Depth-Locked Invites: Return Invites Only Mounts: Delve Restricted Depth: {0}
Press [HK:Loot] to un-queue from this Private Delve. Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Public Delve Score of queued Classes {0}
Public Delve Queue
{0}'s Delve Queue
Clear all {1} {0} to checkpoint this room.
Clear all {1} {2} {0} to checkpoint this room.
Clear all {0} to checkpoint this room.
[HK:Loot] to summon {0} - {1}
[HK:Loot] to summon {0} - {1} - {2}
[HK:Loot] to summon {0}
Shadowy Monolith
Cave Bats
Dragon Whelps
Hive Bees
Amperium Hive Drones
Candy Cornets
Cave Beetles
Lava Beetles
Jade Scarabs
Amperium Infantry Drones
Gingerbread Men
Red Popmen
Muffin Toughs
Dark Mushroom Men
Cyberian Androids
Undead Emperors
Vespucci Dragon Ogre
Ricci Dragon Ogre
Sharkman Raider
Sharkman Shaman
Sharkman Spear
Terracotta Warriors
Inflammatory Ivies
Megaton Marigolds
Incendiary Irises
Amperium Launchers
Blue Crabs
Red Crabs
Lava Crabs
Crustacean Corsairs
Giant Dragonflies
Red Dragons
Watchful Gourdians
Smoky Fox Phantoms
Permafrost Guardians
Emerald Iguanas
Pirate Cannoneers
Pirate Sailors
Undead Pirate Cannoneers
Undead Pirate Sailors
Amperium Punchbots
Pound Cakes
Biped Cannonbots
Amperium Mobile Artillery
Flying Cannonbots
Amperium Robowraiths
Jadebound Phantoms
Amperium Spiderbots
Cave Recluses
Simian Troglodytes
Avian Troglodytes
Saurian Troglodytes
Anuran Troglodytes
Boneblade Wraiths
Cave Yeti
Directionally Challenged
Defeat the Lair Boss
Empty rooms of creatures: {0}
Empty a room of creatures to make a checkpoint
{0} of {1} required players have approached the skull pile.
Journey through the portal to the next tier of the delve
Kill {1} creatures: {0}
Defeat Monoliths: {0}
Activate the remaining Monolith with [HK:Loot] and defeat its guardians
Hold [HK:Homeworld] to exit this Delve
Use the Ready Station to summon a portal to deeper Depths
Activate the Cursed Skulls to summon the Lair Boss.
Delve objective completed
Re-adjusts the current class's delve depth when consumed.
Delve Class Depth Restorer
This device would have no effect on your {0} depth. You can try again with a different class.
Your current {0} depth is set at {1}; Would you like to reset this to a depth of {2}?
Flakbeard's Hideaway
Corners of Q'bthulhu's Realm
Primordial Pit
Toxic Tunnels
Mega Dark - Gloom
Mega Dark - Dusk
Mega Dark - Shrouded
Mega Dark - Midnight
Mega Dark - Everdark
Depth {0}
That is a closed delve world.
That is a Geode cave.
That delve world is already locked to 8 players.
You are already in a delve world.
That is a PvP world.
Fling pretty flowers!
Spring Fling
Metrics have been exported to '{0}'.
Developer Metrics are included, use '/nogm' to exclude them.
Thank you for playing Trove to an extent where you are using this command. We work hard to make new fun things for players like you. We are always looking for constructive feedback and reading the forums. If you have anything you would like to say to us make sure you say it there. Have a wonderful day. <3 Meowser Updated to support subclasses and hashing by Dan, the Pan. uwu
Failed to open or create {0}:
Failed to truncate {0}.
Geode Mastery Rank
Limited ({0})
You have reached the maxium amount of this item in your inventory.
You can only add {0} more of this item to your inventory.
Deepest PRIVATEeers (RECENT)
Deepest Diggers of PUBLIC (RECENT)
CHALLENGE: Deepest 3-Tier Clear
CHALLENGE: Fastest 3-Tier Clear
PRIVATE: Deepest 3-Tier Clear (WEEKLY)
PRIVATE: Fastest 3-Tier Clear
PUBLIC: Deepest 3-Tier Clear
PUBLIC: Fastest 3-Tier Clear
You are {0} ({1}%) less magical.
[Mastery Info]
You gained {0} {1} for collecting the {2} memento!
You are already queued to delve.
Failed to rush the queue.
You have rushed the queue.
You have been queued to enter a delve.
Failed to queue for a delve.
You have been removed from the delve queue.
The matchmaker did not understand your request.
You are not queued for any delves.
Deepest Private Delve Depth
Delves Completed
Private Delves Completed
[Player Metric Info]
A Trovian outside the club
Cannot be used in this world.
Played as of login:
[Player Info]
Defeat the Hive Guardian
Defeat the Balefire Golem
Defeat the Balefire Dragon
Defeat the Red Dragon
Defeat the Dracolich
Defeat the Frost Lord
Defeat the Molten Lord
Defeat Black Beak
Defeat Blue Barry
Defeat Mean Gene the Green
Defeat Squawk Red-Eye
Defeat the Shadowshroom King
Defeat the Wight Lord
Defeat Amperius Maximus
Defeat Lord Boneshanks
Defeat Diatrymaximus
Defeat Quetzalcoatlus
Defeat Savicious
Defeat Wrex
Defeat Cera
Spring Fling 2020 1/6: Hello, Hello, to all of Trove, it time for Spring Fling, didn’t you know? My name is Qubesly and I am your friend and I need you to craft this BEFORE season’s end. In the hub, you will find, a place to craft Spring Fingers, they’re one of a kind. The Radiant Dayspring is where you will need to go, hurry up quick, there’s no time to be slow.
Craft a Spring Flinger
Spring Fling 2020 2/6: Trovian, Help, I think something is wrong. I can’t seem to speak without speaking in song. Hurry, hurry, throw those Flingers fast, we need to do something, lest this rhyming last.
Fling the Spring Flinger
Spring Fling 2020 3/6: A dance, do a dance! That might buy us some time. Anything to stop me from speaking in rhyme.
Dance during Spring Fling
Spring Fling 2020 4/6: Bad news, friend, that did not work. I was really hoping this would stop with a twerk. Maybe mount up and put on a show, perhaps this is caused by moving too slow?
Prance during Spring Fling
Spring Fling 2020 5/6: I know what it is; it’s the Moon Daughters might. To win we will need to put up a fight! So take on the shadows, go where they lurk. Take down dungeons and wipe off her smirk.
Mop up some bad during Spring Fling
Spring Fling 2020 6/6: Am I free? I’m free! You did it Trovian! I’m free from the Rhyming! Although, I must admit, I’m quite pleased with your timing. Ok, no more rhyming now I mean it! Jump up and down to prove you’ve defeated it!
Hop up like mad during Spring Fling Thing
You must wait {0} more seconds to reset the boss.
You can't reset the boss right now.
Use the Atlas from the Menu to move to another world.
Sorry, but you must wait before attempting another command.
Jump Strength
[Combat Stat Info]
Inert Geodes: +200 Carrying Capacity!
An incredible limited time deal on 150 Credits! This deal can only be purchased once each time it appears, so act fast before it's gone!
Credit Daily Deal
An incredible limited time deal on 1 Empowered Water Gem Box! This deal can only be purchased once each time it appears, so act fast before it's gone!
Water Daily Deal
An incredible limited time deal on 1 Empowered Cosmic Gem Box! This deal can only be purchased once each time it appears, so act fast before it's gone!
Cosmic Daily Deal
An incredible limited time deal on 1 Empowered Fire Gem Box! This deal can only be purchased once each time it appears, so act fast before it's gone!
Fire Daily Deal
An incredible limited time deal on 1 Empowered Air Gem Box! This deal can only be purchased once each time it appears, so act fast before it's gone!
Air Daily Deal
A Snowfest themed costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nHelmet not included.
Mistletoe Matron
A Snowfest themed costume for the Ice Sage.
Cookie Conjurer
A spring themed costume for the Knight. Ready to take on anything, despite the rain.
Heroic Hydrophobe
Increases the maximum amount of Inert Geodes you can hold by 200.
Inert Geode Wallet Expansion
This limited time pack unlocks the Growing Gator mount, Sir Dapper Duckington ally, Frolicking Fable ally, Bouquet Buggy Magrider, The May Flower Boat and Sail, The Heroic Hydrophobe costume for Knight, The Precipitation Princess costume for Neon Ninja, and the Van Gardener costume for the Vanguardian. Get them quick before they dip!
Spring Fling Pack
Your group has progressed in this Delve. Teleport ahead?
Your Tome is no longer gaining charge.\nSwitch Tomes to earn more rewards!
Total Collectables Unlocked
Total Mastery XP
Trove Mastery Rank
Available now for a limited time! Visit the Trove Store to learn more.
Get in style with this limited time pack!
Push your luck with this limited time pack!
Cannot invite a player to a closed delve.
Cannot invite a player to Geode cave.
That player is already in a delve.
Cannot invite a player to a PvP match.
Players may not join a public delve after it was created.
Mastery XP
Deep Fallow
Increases chance for standard Delve enemies to drop Inert Geodes upon death
Increases the amount of Nitro-Glitterine obtained while mining
When in Delves, your attacks slow your target's movement speed
When in Delves, Damage dealt to you has a chance to restore 35 Energy
10 x Delve Gateway (Challenge Mode)
50 x Pressurized Cave Kelp
75 x Condensed Cave Milk
100 x Freerange Electrolytic Crystals
10 x Delve Shadowkey
5 x Delve Shadowkey
10 x Delve Gateway (Private Mode)
Delve Adventure Reward: Pressure-Locked Delver's Cache
Delve Adventure Reward: 3 x Pressure-Locked Delver's Cache
Delve Adventure Reward: 5 x Pressure-Locked Delver's Cache
Froze companion, use '/freeze_companion false' to unfreeze.
No valid companions in 3-block radius.
The freeze_companion command can only be used in club worlds.
Unfroze companion.
Use a Delve Shadowkey nearby to claim your reward.
Shadowy Soul Vault
Heavy Pressurized Chest
Pressurized Chest
Harness a gust of wind to pull in nearby plants, crystals, and monsters. Vacuuming up Crystals gives power ups once upgraded.
Increase radius by 50%
Crystal Vacuums refund half the N-Charge cost
Reduce cooldown by 20 seconds
Crystal Vacuums restore GAS or double Health Regen in Delves
Increase radius by 100%
Crystal Vacuums reduce equipped Module Cooldowns.
Reduce N-Charge cost to 60
Vaca-matic can now pick up Plants.
Doubles Crystals that are vacuumed.
Balefire Golem
Balefire Dragon
Red Dragon
Frozen Dracolich
Ice Giant King
Black Beak
Blue Barry
Mean Gene the Green
Squawk Red-Eye
Shadowshroom King
Wight King
Bone Blade
Get double the Dragon Coins for your next 25 coins! This effect lasts 72 hours.
Temporary 25 Dragon Coin Boost
In "The Hive" Delve, reveals hidden platforms within pools of Honey.
In Delves, chance when a nearby enemy dies to root and debuff two nearby enemies.
In Delves, every 2.5 seconds, twenty enemies within 40 blocks become outlined through walls with a random color.
Bronze Badge: Public Delves
Bronze Badge: Public Delves
Diamond Badge: Challenge Delves
Diamond Badge: Challenge Delves
Gold Badge: Private Delves
Gold Badge: Private Delves
Obsidian Badge: Challenge Delves
Obsidian Badge: Challenge Delves
Platinum Badge: Private Delves
Platinum Badge: Private Delves
Silver Badge: Public Delves
Silver Badge: Public Delves
Clipper class ship. Original obtainable from Spring Fling 2020.
May Flower
Said to bring spring cheer. Originally obtainable during Spring Fling 2020.
Bouquet Buggy
Find solace in your instincts, for they are your greatest strength.
Kami of Surefooted Stalking
What are you waiting for? Turn it up to eleven!
Electric Boogaloo
You've got mail!
Cute Courier
Spike Roller
Balelight Flier
Moonsail Glider
Shadow-Stitched Snowfest Quilt
Tyke Present Trike
Just add water to your handy dandy fairy circle for instant results!
Enchanting Faefin
This stag may be high tech, but it sure is no low-life.
Neon Stag
Fear the flowery fiend. Originally obtainable during Spring Fling 2020.
Growing Gator
Try not to get stuck in a sticky situation, and be sure to serve with toast!
Jelly Jamboree
Budding Delevant
Blooming Delevant
Deep Undertow Delevant
Peppermint Goatyata
Reckless and full of rampaging wrecks.
Mega Mechwalker
Prophet's Throne
Moonbeam Gunship
Woven from snow, shadow, and the combined love and effort of Qubesly, the Delver's Guild, and Trovians like you!
Don't stray too far from shore, lest you be dragged down below... Slowly. Very, very slowly.
Unhurried Undertow
Skulpin Airswimmer
Find her galloping through the garden and prancing through the plains.
Flowering Filly
Give her a cracker or walk the plank. Your choice.
Shadow's Sock of Soot
Trovian's Sock of Treasures
Don't tell Mary where this one has run off to!
Little Lamb
Rainbow Slayer Cake
Sally Spikes
His Royal Shellness, King of Lava and Land alike.
Handsome Harold
Toxic Sporeling
Wee Hive
Lil' Whiptop
Deathweaver Recluse
Animated Jug
Potted Powerplant
Ol' Wobbles
Lil' Sprinkles
Peleope Skelepone III
Toxie Roxie
'Map, please. Mapphew was my father!'
Shielded against the rain and ready for fun! Originally obtainable during Spring Fling 2020.
Frolicking Fable
Just a little sip can't hurt, can it? You won't even feel a thing.
Blad the Impaler
Turn it up by turning the page!
Raving Reader
I prefer to go by Sherbet, and I am serious.
Sherly Sherbert
Do you ever look at someone and wonder: What is going ON inside their head?
Crimson Cephalopod
Hands free luggage. What a feature.
Larry the Carry guy
I miss my 99 red friends.
Redford the Rainbow Balloon
Former friend of Hookline.
Sinker Swim
Knighted after defeating a bread monster. Originally obtainable during Spring Fling 2020.
Sir Dapper Duckington
A Snowfest themed ally.
Teensy Tinsel Team
Originally obtainable during Spring Fling 2020.
May Flower Sail
100 Movement Speed\n100 Glide\nUsable in Private and Challenge Delves.
Abyssal Paragon Wings
Cube Rooter
Sweet-Stepper's Standard
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Movement Speed
Martial Standard of the Phoenix
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Attack Speed
Martial Standard of the Forlorn
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Energy Regen
Darkshroom Martial Standard
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Movement Speed
Martial Standard of the Snowflake
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Attack Speed
Snowfall Standard of Martial Prowess
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Energy Regen
Chrysalis Standard of Martial Prowess
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Movement Speed
Shadow Knot Standard of Martial Prowess
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Attack Speed
Abyssal Standard of Martial Prowess
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Energy Regen
Martial Prowler's Standard
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Movement Speed
Standard of the Arcane Invoker
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Attack Speed
Firecage's Arcane Standard
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Energy Regen
Standard of the Arcane Sisters
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Movement Speed
Standard of the Arcane Seedbearer
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Attack Speed
Frontiersvian Standard
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Energy Regen
Standard of the Arcane Cactus
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Movement Speed
Standard of the Arcane Sabreskull
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Attack Speed
Hive Standard, Arcane
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Energy Regen
Standard of the Arcane Fungus
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Jump and Movement Speed
Standard of the Pirate Fortress
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Jump and Attack Speed
Pirrot Fortress Standard
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Jump and Energy Regen
Standard of the Twinfish Fortress
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Movement Speed
Bluefort Standard
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Attack Speed
Greenfort Standard
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Energy Regen
Standard of the Stalwart Fortress
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Movement Speed
Fortress Conduit Standard
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Attack Speed
Standard of the Radiant Fortress
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Energy Regen
Progenitor's Standard
Banner of the Geodeseeker
Nitro Chaser
Maniacal Standard
Steelweave Standard
Tracker's Standard
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Martial Standard of the Phoenix
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Martial Standard of the Forlorn
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Darkshroom Martial Standard
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Martial Standard of the Snowflake
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Snowfall Standard of Martial Prowess
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Chrysalis Standard of Martial Prowess
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Shadow Knot Standard of Martial Prowess
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Abyssal Standard of Martial Prowess
Aside from granting Physical Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Martial Prowler's Standard
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Standard of the Arcane Invoker
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Firecage's Arcane Standard
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Jump and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Standard of the Arcane Sisters
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Standard of the Arcane Seedbearer
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Frontiersvian Standard
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Standard of the Arcane Cactus
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Standard of the Arcane Sabreskull
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Hive Standard, Arcane
Aside from granting Magic Damage, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Standard of the Arcane Fungus
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Jump and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Standard of the Pirate Fortress
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Jump and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Pirrot Fortress Standard
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Jump and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Standard of the Twinfish Fortress
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Bluefort Standard
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Greenfort Standard
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Health Regen and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Standard of the Stalwart Fortress
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Fortress Conduit Standard
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Standard of the Radiant Fortress
Aside from increasing Maximum Health, this battle standard also grants Flask Capacity and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Progenitor's Standard
Grants Physical Damage, Jump, and Movement Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Phoenix
Grants Physical Damage, Jump, and Attack Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Forlorn
Grants Physical Damage, Jump, and Energy Regen
Enchanted Torch of the Darkshroom
Grants Physical Damage, Health Regen, and Movement Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Snowflake
Grants Physical Damage, Health Regen, and Attack Speed
Enchanted Torch of Snowfall
Grants Physical Damage, Health Regen, and Energy Regen
Enchanted Torch of the Chrysalis
Grants Physical Damage, Flask Capacity, and Movement Speed
Enchanted Torch of Knotted Shadow
Grants Physical Damage, Flask Capacity, and Attack Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Abyss
Grants Physical Damage, Flask Capacity, and Energy Regen
Enchanted Torch of the Prowler
Grants Magic Damage, Jump, and Movement Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Invoker
Grants Magic Damage, Jump, and Attack Speed
Firecage's Enchanted Torch
Grants Magic Damage, Jump, and Energy Regen
Enchanted Torch of the Sisters
Grants Magic Damage, Health Regen, and Movement Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Seedbearer
Grants Magic Damage, Health Regen, and Attack Speed
Frontiersvian Enchanted Torch
Grants Magic Damage, Health Regen, and Energy Regen
Enchanted Torch of the Cactus
Grants Magic Damage, Flask Capacity, and Movement Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Sabreskull
Grants Magic Damage, Flask Capacity, and Attack Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Hive
Grants Magic Damage, Flask Capacity, and Energy Regen
Enchanted Torch of the Fungus
Grants Maximum Health, Jump, and Movement Speed
Enchanted Torch of Piracy
Grants Maximum Health, Jump, and Attack Speed
Enchanted Torch of the Pirrot
Grants Maximum Health, Jump, and Energy Regen
Twinfish Enchanted Torch
Grants Maximum Health, Health Regen, and Movement Speed
Bluefort Enchanted Torch
Grants Maximum Health, Health Regen, and Attack Speed
Greenfort Enchanted Torch
Grants Maximum Health, Health Regen, and Energy Regen
Enchanted Torch of the Stalwart
Grants Maximum Health, Flask Capacity, and Movement Speed
Conducive Enchanted Torch
Grants Maximum Health, Flask Capacity, and Attack Speed
Enchanted Torch of Radiance
Grants Maximum Health, Flask Capacity, and Energy Regen
Enchanted Torch of the Progenitor
Grants Physical Damage, Jump, and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Phoenix
Grants Physical Damage, Jump, and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Forlorn
Grants Physical Damage, Jump, and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Torch of the Darkshroom
Grants Physical Damage, Health Regen, and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Snowflake
Grants Physical Damage, Health Regen, and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Torch of Snowfall
Grants Physical Damage, Health Regen, and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Torch of the Chrysalis
Grants Physical Damage, Flask Capacity, and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Torch of Knotted Shadow
Grants Physical Damage, Flask Capacity, and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Abyss
Grants Physical Damage, Flask Capacity, and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Torch of the Prowler
Grants Magic Damage, Jump, and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Invoker
Grants Magic Damage, Jump, and Attack Speed
Firecage's Enshadowed Torch
Grants Magic Damage, Jump, and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Torch of the Sisters
Grants Magic Damage, Health Regen, and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Seedbearer
Grants Magic Damage, Health Regen, and Attack Speed
Frontiersvian Enshadowed Torch
Grants Magic Damage, Health Regen, and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Torch of the Cactus
Grants Magic Damage, Flask Capacity, and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Sabreskull
Grants Magic Damage, Flask Capacity, and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Hive
Grants Magic Damage, Flask Capacity, and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Torch of the Fungus
Grants Maximum Health, Jump, and Movement Speed
Enshadowed Torch of Piracy
Grants Maximum Health, Jump, and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Torch of the Pirrot
Grants Maximum Health, Jump, and Energy Regen
Twinfish Enshadowed Torch
Grants Maximum Health, Health Regen, and Movement Speed
Bluefort Enshadowed Torch
Grants Maximum Health, Health Regen, and Attack Speed
Greenfort Enshadowed Torch
Grants Maximum Health, Health Regen, and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Torch of the Stalwart
Grants Maximum Health, Flask Capacity, and Movement Speed
Conducive Enshadowed Torch
Grants Maximum Health, Flask Capacity, and Attack Speed
Enshadowed Torch of Radiance
Grants Maximum Health, Flask Capacity, and Energy Regen
Enshadowed Torch of the Progenitor
Grants +100 Light for the dark depths of Delves
Gleaming Spelunker's Standard
Can be consumed for 250 credits.
The Sunseekers are researching Inert Geodes! Please donate any extra Inert Geodes you have, thank you!
Donate Inert Geodes
Fling this to plant flowers! Hold down button to aim.
Spring Flingers
Sets your current class to level 5!\n\nClass Boosts can only be used on unlocked classes.
Class Boost: Level 5
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Aged Candorian Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Phoenix Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Invokers' Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Firecage Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Sisters' Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Seedbearers' Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Rawhide Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Standard of Spines
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Sabreskull Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Hive Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Fungal Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Pirate Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Pirrot Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Twinfish Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Blueshift Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Greenshift Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Redshift Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Yellowshift Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Radiant Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Conduit Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Stalwart Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Progenitor Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Prowlers' Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Abyssal Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Shadow Knot Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Chrysalis Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Snowfall Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Snowflake Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Snowflake Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Darkshroom Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Forlorn Standard
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Found somewhere within Delves. Used to craft Light Banners at the Delve Workbench.
Lineage Standard
Found somewhere within Depth 25+ Delves, this Banner Pole creates Banners that increase Physical Damage
Banner Pole of the Martial Way
Found somewhere within Depth 25+ Delves, this Banner Pole creates Banners that increase Magic Damage
Banner Pole of the Arcane Way
Found somewhere within Depth 25+ Delves, this Banner Pole creates Banners that increase Maximum Health
Banner Pole of the Fortress
Crafting Material. Use to craft a Delve Shadowkey at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Delve Shadowkeys can open Shadowy Soul Vaults, sometimes found after defeating Delve bosses.\n\nFound by completing dungeons in Fae Forest (Uber (4)) or higher Worlds.
Delve Shadowkey Fragments
Coin of the Obsidian Delver
Hoarded by Bosses within Delves, these interesting mineral formations are of great interest to the Sunseekers
Inert Geode
This charge is safety rated ONLY for use within Delves!
Depth Charge
This charge is safety rated ONLY for use within Delves!
D-4 Charge
Loot Collect for a plethora of Inert Geodes!
Volatile Geode
Drink: Every 5 seconds, one enemy within 40 blocks becomes visible through walls. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Delve Tracker's Potion
Drink: Every 5 seconds, five enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in Aqua. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Aqua)
Drink: Every 5 seconds, five enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in Black. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Black)
Drink: Every 5 seconds, five enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in Blue. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Blue)
Drink: Every 5 seconds, five enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in Green. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Green)
Drink: Every 5 seconds, five enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in Magenta. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Magenta)
Drink: Every 2.5 seconds, twenty enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in a random color. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Random)
Drink: Every 5 seconds, five enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in Red. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Red)
Drink: Every 5 seconds, five enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in Yellow. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Yellow)
Delictable and light, this snack is coveted by bosses within Delves. Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.
Pressurized Cave Kelp
Rich with nutrients, a certain amount of pressure is required for this naturally occurring, pudding-like snack to congeal. Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.
Condensed Cave Milk
Only the deepest of Delves have the right environments for the formation of this splendid snack. Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.
Freerange Electrolytic Crystals
Delve Shadowkeys can open Shadowy Soul Vaults for great rewards, sometimes found after defeating Delve bosses. They can also be used in Shadow Towers for lesser rewards.
Delve Shadowkey
This box has a Pressure Sensitive lock and cannot be opened within a Delve or Geode cavern
2 x Ornate Pressure-Locked Cache
3 x Ornate Pressure-Locked Cache
This box has a Pressure Sensitive lock and cannot be opened within a Delve or Geode cavern
Ornate Pressure-Locked Cache
Pressure-Locked Delver's Cache
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Fortress
Fortress Heirloom Capsule
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Arcane Way
Arcane Heirloom Capsule
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Martial Way
Martial Heirloom Capsule
Find solace in your instincts, for they are your greatest strength.
Kami of Surefooted Stalking
JWhat are you waiting for? Turn it up to eleven!
Mount: Electric Boogaloo
You've got mail!
Mount: Cute Courier
Mount: Spike Roller
90 Movement Speed\n100 Glide Speed\n\nUsable in Private and Challenge Delves
Mount: Balelight Flier
Mount: Moonsail Glider
Just add water to your handy dandy fairy circle for instant results!
Mount: Enchanting Faefin
This stag may be high tech, but it sure is no low-life.
Mount: Neon Stag
Try not to get stuck in a sticky situation, and be sure to serve with toast!
Mount: Jelly Jamboree
65 Movement Speed\n\nUsable in Private and Challenge Delves
Mount: Budding Delevant
65 Movement Speed\n\nUsable in Private and Challenge Delves
Mount: Blooming Delevant
90 Movement Speed\n\nUsable in Private and Challenge Delves
Mount: Deep Undertow Delevant
Reckless and full of rampaging wrecks.
Mount: Mega Mechwalker
Mount: Prophet's Throne
Mount: Moonbeam Gunship
Don't stray too far from shore, lest you be dragged down below... Slowly. Very, very slowly.
Mount: Unhurried Undertow
Mount: Skulpin Airswimmer
Find her galloping through the garden and prancing through the plains.
Mount: Flowering Filly
Mount: Lunaclipsia
Give her a cracker or walk the plank. Your choice.
Ally: Pollywanna
Don't tell Mary where this one has run off to!
Ally: Little Lamb
Ally: Aemppie
Ally: Sherbie
Ally: Rainbow Slayer Cake
Ally: Flick
Ally: Aevyr
Ally: eyeSpy
Ally: Skyver
Ally: Puck
Ally: Sally Spikes
Ally: Thrinky
Ally: Waddles
Ally: Shelldon
Ally: Handsome Harold
Ally: Pearl
Ally: Ferdinand
Ally: Ferdinand
Ally: Quell
Ally: Toxic Sporeling
Ally: Plucky
Ally: Honeyguard
Ally: Wee Hive
Ally: Lil' Whiptop
Ally: Abracadabracus
Ally: Skitters
Ally: Hooksnout
Ally: Deathweaver Recluse
Ally: Jingles
Ally: Animated Jug
Ally: Flowerguard
Ally: Potted Powerplant
Ally: Ol' Wobbles
Ally: Ol' Wobbles
Ally: Lil' Sprinkles
Ally: Peleope Skelepone III
Ally: Toxie Roxie
Ally: Mapphew
Just a little sip can't hurt, can it? You won't even feel a thing.
Ally: Blad the Impaler
Turn it up by turning the page!
Ally: Raving Reader
Do you ever look at someone and wonder: What is going ON inside their head?
Ally: Crimson Cephalopod
Allows you to craft D-4 Charges at the Delve Workbench
Recipe: D-4 Charge
Use: Teaches you the Delve Workbench Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Aqua)
Recipe: Aqua Tracking Potion
Use: Teaches you the Delve Workbench Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Black)
Recipe: Black Tracking Potion
Use: Teaches you the Delve Workbench Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Blue)
Recipe: Blue Tracking Potion
Use: Teaches you the Delve Workbench Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Green)
Recipe: Green Tracking Potion
Use: Teaches you the Delve Workbench Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Magenta)
Recipe: Magenta Tracking Potion
Use: Teaches you the Delve Workbench Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Random)
Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Random)
Use: Teaches you the Delve Workbench Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Red)
Recipe: Red Tracking Potion
Use: Teaches you the Delve Workbench Recipe: Advanced Tracker's Potion (Yellow)
Recipe: Yellow Tracking Potion
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Phoenix at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Standard of the Phoenix
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Invoker at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Standard of the Invoker
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Firecage's Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Firecage's Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Sisters at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Standard of the Sisters
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Seedbearer at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Std.d of the Seedbearer
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Frontiersvian Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Frntsvn. Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Cactus at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Standard of the Cactus
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Sabreskull at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Standard of the Sabreskull
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Hive Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Hive Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Fungus at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Standard of the Fungus
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Pirate Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Pirate Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Pirrot Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Pirrot Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Twinfish Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Twinfish Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Bluefort Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Bluefort Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Greenfort Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Greenfort Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Radiant Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Radiant Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Conduit Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Conduit Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Stalwart Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Stalwart Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Progenitor Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Progenitor Std.
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Prowler's Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Prowler's Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Abyssal Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Abyssal Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Shadow Knot Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Shadow Knot Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Chrysalis Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Chrysalis Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Snowfall Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Snowfall Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Snowflake at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Standard of the Snowflake
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Darkshroom Standard at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Darkshroom Standard
Allows you to craft Decorative Banner: Standard of the Forlorn at the Delve Workbench
Decorative: Standard of the Forlorn
Costume: Snowfest Slugger
Gumball Gunner costume for the Gunslinger class\n\nDesigned by MagicMate
Costume: Cookie Conjurer
Costume: Lederhosen Lancer
Costume: Mistletoe Matron
Memento: Deep Waspider
Memento: Darknik Dreadnought Mk II
Memento: Greater Balephantom
Memento: Balefire Dragon
Memento: Frozen Dracolich
Memento: Red Dragon
Memento: Ice Giant King
Memento: Magman
Memento: Black Beak
Memento: Blue Barry
Memento: Mean Gene the Green
Memento: Squawk Red-Eye
Memento: Shadowshroom King
Memento: Wight King
Memento: Amperium Plasma Projector
Memento: Bone Blade
Memento: Ifera, Underlord of the Deep
Memento: Lobstroso
Memento: Daughter of the Moon
Memento: Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon
Memento: Vengeful Pinata God
Memento: Weeping Prophet
Memento: Diatryma
Memento: Quetzalcoatlus
Memento: Therizinosaurus
Memento: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Memento: Triceratops
Memento: Spike Walker
Memento: Amperia
Memento: The Hive
Memento: Confectious Caverns
Memento: Cursed Caves
Memento: Neon Underground
Memento: Corners of Q'bthulhu's Realm
Memento: Primordial Pit
Memento: Forbidden Depths
Memento: Toxic Tunnels
Memento: Subnautic Passage
Memento: Volcanic Vaults
Increases the maximum number of Inert Geodes you can hold by 200
Inert Geode Wallet
Increases the maximum number of Inert Geodes you can hold by 200
Inert Geode Wallet
Increases the maximum number of Inert Geodes you can hold by 200
Inert Geode Wallet
Memento: Archeosaurus
Memento: Cave Bat
Memento: Dragon Whelp
Memento: Cave Beetle
Memento: Lava Beetle
Memento: Jade Scarab
Memento: Amperium Hive Drone
Memento: Candy Cornet
Memento: Cyberdrone
Memento: Decompiler
Memento: Firefly
Memento: Magmito
Memento: Hive Bee
Memento: Stingdrake
Memento: Taseroid
Memento: Vesracna
Memento: Amperium Infantry Drone
Memento: Gingerbread Man
Memento: Red Popman
Memento: Muffin Tough
Memento: Crustacean Corsair
Memento: Magman
Memento: Dark Mushroom Man
Memento: Pirate Cannoneer
Memento: Pirate Sailor
Memento: Undead Pirate Cannoneer
Memento: Undead Pirate Sailor
Memento: Cyberian Android
Memento: Skeleton
Memento: Reanimated Knight
Memento: Undead Emperor
Memento: Ancient Viking Skeleton
Memento: Vespucci Dragon Ogre
Memento: Ricci Dragon Ogre
Memento: Sharkman Raider
Memento: Sharkman Shaman
Memento: Sharkman Spear
Memento: Terracotta Warrior
Memento: Cave Yeti
Memento: Inflammatory Ivy
Memento: Megaton Marigold
Memento: Incendiary Iris
Memento: Sand Skitterer
Memento: Amperium Launcher
Memento: Blue Crab
Memento: Red Crab
Memento: Lava Crab
Memento: Dimetrodon
Memento: Giant Dragonfly
Memento: Red Dragon
Memento: Watchful Gourdian
Memento: Umbral Shadefin
Memento: Smoky Fox Phantom
Memento: Permafrost Guardian
Memento: Emerald Iguana
Memento: Moray Magician
Memento: Pentapod Shadowcaster
Memento: Amperium Punchbot v2.0
Memento: Pound Cake
Memento: Amperium Mobile Artillery
Memento: Biped Cannonbot
Memento: Flying Cannonbot
Memento: Amperium Robowraith
Memento: Bladebot
Memento: Jadebound Phantom
Memento: Amperium Spiderbot
Memento: Cave Recluse
Memento: Robospider
Memento: Stiltstitcher
Memento: Lanky Lurcher
Memento: Simian Troglodyte
Memento: Avian Troglodyte
Use: Collect this item for Mastery Experience
Memento: Saurian Troglodyte
Memento: Anuran Troglodyte
Memento: Boneblade Wraith
Memento: Wraiths
Adds one day of Patron Status to your account. Check the Patron Tab in the store for details!
Patron (1 Day)
Adds three days of Patron Status to your account. Check the Patron Tab in the store for details!
Patron (3 Day)
100 Movement Speed\n100 Glide\n\nUsable in Private and Challenge Delves
Wings: Abyssal Paragon Wings
Hair Bun
Heroic Hydrophobe's Hat
Precipitation Princess's Hat
Snowfest Slugger's Hat
Van Gardener's Hat
Deer Me
Sky Mouse
Fish out of Water
Pretty in Pink
Owl be Danged
Share it
Party Rock Hopin
Iced Iced Beary
Snooty Snek
Cookie Conjurer's Cap
Lederhosen Lancer's Lid
Snowfest Slugger's Mitts
Van Gardener's Trowels
Blade of the Abyss
Devoided Radiance
Flame On
Precipitation Princess's Parasol
Red Dra-Gun Whelp
Night Piercer
Glaive of the Spire
Lederhosen Lancer's Spear
Monk's Light
Shaman's Shell
Mistletoe Matron's Holly
Gamma Ray
Ship in One Hand
Cookie Conjurer's Spatula
Scream of Dark Flame
Deep Waspider
Greater Balephantom
Amperium Plasma Projector
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Press [HK:Loot] to Trade!
Rescued Pebble Trader
Press [HK:Loot] to see what Inert Geodes can buy!
Rescued Boulder Cache Trader
Delve Merchant
Press [HK:Loot] to see what Inert Geodes can buy!
Rescued Boulder Recipe Merchant
Press [HK:Loot] to trade with the merchant.
Cave Bat
Lava Beetle
Jade Scarab
Amperium Hive Drone
Hive Bee
Amperium Infantry Drone
Red Popman
Dark Mushroom Man
Cyberian Android
Undead Emperor
Ancient Viking Skeleton
Vespucci Dragon Ogre
Ricci Dragon Ogre
Cave Yeti
Amperium Launcher
Blue Crab
Red Crab
Lava Crab
Giant Dragonfly
Red Dragon
Emerald Iguana
Amperium Punchbot v2.0
Amperium Mobile Artillery
Biped Cannonbot
Flying Cannonbot
Jadebound Phantom
Amperium Spiderbot
Simian Trog
Avian Troglodyte
Saurian Troglodyte
Anuran Troglodyte
Boneblade Wraith
Decorative Banner: Cube Rooter
Decorative Banner: Sweet-Stepper
Decorative Banner: Tracker
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Phoenix
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Invoker
Decorative Banner: Firecage's Standard
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Sisters
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Seedbearer
Decorative Banner: Frontiersvian Standard
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Cactus
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Sabreskull
Decorative Banner: Hive Standard
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Fungus
Decorative Banner: Pirate Standard
Decorative Banner: Pirrot Standard
Decorative Banner: Twinfish Standard
Decorative Banner: Bluefort Standard
Decorative Banner: Greenfort Standard
Decorative Banner: Radiant Standard
Decorative Banner: Conduit Standard
Decorative Banner: Stalwart Standard
Decorative Banner: Progenitor Standard
Decorative Banner: Prowler's Standard
Decorative Banner: Abyssal Standard
Decorative Banner: Shadow Knot Standard
Decorative Banner: Chrysalis Standard
Decorative Banner: Snowfall Standard
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Snowflake
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Darkshroom
Decorative Banner: Standard of the Forlorn
Decorative Banner: Geodeseeker
Decorative Banner: Nitro Chaser
Decorative Banner: Maniacal Standard
Decorative Banner: Steelweave Standard
Decorative Banner: Delve, Single Chevron
Decorative Banner: Delve, Double Chevron
Decorative Banner: Delve, Triple Chevron
The Geodians you've freed have set up a temporary camp here!
Delver's Standard
The Geodians you've freed have set up a temporary camp here!
Delver's Standard
The Geodians you've freed have set up a temporary camp here!
Delver's Standard
Cave Mammals
Salt Seekers
Light Banners
Delve Recipes
Delve Workbench
Delve Shadowkey Mold
Ancient Torch Mods
Enchanted Torch Mods
Enshadowed Torch Mods
Some enemies have increased Movement Speed and Damage
Some enemies can only be damaged when attacked by 2 or more Trovians
Dynamic Shielding
Some enemies have reduced Darkness
Some enemies have increased Health, Damage, and Stability
Grows stronger when reduced below a certain health threshold
Some enemies heal and grow stronger for each other nearby enemy slain
Unbridled Fury
Some enemies grow stronger upon seeing an ally fall in battle
Some enemies will buff players within 3 Blocks when slain
Cursed by Light
Some enemies debuff attackers who are more than 5 Blocks away
Reactive Distance Shielding
Occasionally forces airborne players to the ground
Sit Down
Occasionally chills the ground around Trovians
Cool Steppin
Occasionally turns the ground around Trovians into Lava
The Floor is Lava II
Occasionally turns the ground around Trovians into Lava
The Floor is Lava
Takes additional damage from players
Vulnerable I
Takes additional damage from players
Vulnerable II
Takes additional damage from players
Vulnerable III
Takes reduced damage from players
Hardened I
Takes reduced damage from players
Hardened II
Takes reduced damage from players
Hardened III
Takes reduced damage from players
Hardened IV
Takes reduced damage from players
Hardened V
Once the Boss is engaged, players have 180 seconds to defeat it
Impending Doom
Occasionally slows Trovians in their tracks
Boney Grasp
Player movement speed capped
Occasionally is buffed to punish Trovians who deal damage to the Boss
Trigger Finger
Trovians are no longer protected from being killed by a single enemy attack, and Death Defying Vials no longer automatically trigger
Lifting of the Veil
When slain, enemies have a chance of refilling a single flask charge for all players within 3 Blocks
Curse of Water
Flask capacity set to 0
Reduced Flask Capacity
Thirsty? I
Reduced Flask Capacity
Thirsty? II
Reduced Flask Capacity
Thirsty? III
Some enemies have reduced health and take extra damage
Some enemies spread ice
Players take additional damage
Terror I
Players take additional damage
Terror II
Players take additional damage
Terror III
Players take additional damage
Terror IV
Players take additional damage
Terror V
Players take additional damage
Terror VI
Players take additional damage
Terror VII
Players take additional damage
Terror VIII
Players take additional damage
Terror IX
Players take additional damage
Terror X
Players take additional damage
Terror XI
Players take additional damage
Terror XII
Players take additional damage
Terror XIII
Jump reduced to 0
The Deep
Jump set to 2
The Deep
Jump reduced by 1
Entropy I
Jump reduced by 3
Entropy III
Jump reduced by 5
Entropy V
This Tier contains a Shadowy Soul Vault
Shadowy Soul Vault
Ground markings pointing towards the boss' lair have been removed
Directionally Challenged
Some enemies are immune to Physical damage
Physical Immunity
Some enemies take reduced Physical damage
Physical Resistance
Some enemies take no damage from attacks made more than 5 Blocks away
Distance Shielding
Trovians receive 50% less healing from all sources
The Long Path
Some enemies reduce player movement speed until killed
Ensnaring Grip
Some enemies may duplicate themselves
Split Personality
Some enemies spawn Sporelings
Spore Carrier
Some enemies call for Shadow Chicken allies
Some enemies deploy Flamethrower Turrets
Flame Spitters
Some enemies are immune to Magic damage
Magical Immunity
Some enemies take reduced Magic damage
Magical Resistance
Some enemies have increased Darkness stat
Tenebrous II
Some enemies have increased Darkness stat
Tenebrous III
Some enemies have increased Darkness stat
Tenebrous I
Trovian attacks heal them for a percentage of their maximum health
Some enemies do less damage and have reduced health
Inflammatory Ivy Wall Trophy
Megaton Marigold Wall Trophy
Incendiary Iris Wall Trophy
Watchful Gourdian Wall Trophy
Stiltstitcher Trophy
Wraith Wall Trophy
Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A beautiful work of architecture that has been simplified to its base form. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed. This Framework is placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds.
Basic Cornerstone Shrine
Place to queue yourself for this week's Challenge Delve at Depth 110, then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue. Biomes: Depth-Locked Invites: Return Invites Only Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Depth 110
Delve Gateway (Challenge Easy)
Place to queue yourself for this week's Challenge Delve (Initial Depth: 110), then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue. Biomes: Depth-Locked Invites: Return Invites Only Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Challenge Delve Depth of placing Player
Delve Gateway (Challenge Mode)
Gathering spot for developer delve mode
Delve Developer Queue
Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve, then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Public Delve Score of queued Classes
Delve Gateway (Private Mode)
Gathering spot for delve embarcation.
Delve Gateway
Press [HK:Loot] to reset the completed dungeon.
Dungeon Reset Switch
Resets a completed dungeon.
Dungeon Reset Switch
A Snowfest themed costume for the Vanguardian.
Snowfest Slugger
A spring themed costume for the Vanguardian. Ready to take first in the fair.
Van Gardener
A Snowfest themed costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nUnleashes your inner beast when angry.
Lederhosen Lancer
A spring themed costume for the Neon Ninja. Ready to take on the rain in style.
Precipitation Princess
Changed Strings
Changed Strings detected in Delves.
- $Adventure_Unique_ShadowMerchant_01_name - Defeat 3 Delve Bosses
- $Adventure_Unique_ShadowMerchant_01_longdesc - Dive down deep into a Delve and defeat 3 of the bosses within.
- $Adventure_Unique_GoldenMimic_02_longdesc - Obtain a Chaos Chest from creatures or dungeons in Adventure Worlds. Remember, I only count looted chests.
- $Claims_NewPlayerDaySevenDesc - Final New Player Daily Login Bonus!
- $DelveRequirement_Completed - Activate the Cursed Skulls to summon the Delve Tier Boss
- $DelveRequirement_KillNPCs - Kill creatures: {0}
- $DelveRequirement_KillPrefab - Kill {1}: {0}
- $DelveRequirement_KillPrefabs - Kill {1} and {2}: {0}
- $DelveRequirement_KillTags - Kill {1} or {2} creatures: {0}
- $DelveRequirement_Loot - Collect {0}: {1}/{2}
- $DelveRequirement_GetPlayersToTheSkullPile - Reach Cursed Skulls: {0}
- $DelveTier_BeeHive - The Hive
- $DelveTier_Neon - Neon Underground
- $DelveTier_Candoria - Confectious Caverns
- $DelveTier_Graveyard - Cursed Caves
- $DelveTier_Terracotta - Forbidden Depths
- $DelveTier_Underwater - Subnautic Passage
- $DelveTier_Volcano - Volcanic Vaults
- $Leaderboard_Category_ShadowTower_reward_tooltip - Lets you change your name color to 'Delve Depth Purple'
- $prefabs_abilities_tombraiser_ghost_form_item_description - Turns you into a ghost, which reduces damage taken by 90% and causes your primary attacks to affect all nearby enemies and Skellittles. Banshee's Boon rapidly depletes your energy and ends when energy reaches 0.
- $prefabs_abilities_tombraiser_passive_soulbuff_item_description - The Tomb Raiser passively attracts Restless Souls periodically and upon slaying enemies, up to a maximum of three. Attracting Restless Souls also draws in Skellittles, up to a maximum of 6. Basic attacks heal the Tomb Raiser for a small amount of the damage done.
- $prefabs_abilities_tombraiser_throw_minion_item_description - Consume all Restless Souls to attract Skellittles to fight for you. If you already have 6 Skellittles your excess Restless Souls will instead choose a Skellittle to posses for 30 seconds, causing them to take and deal increased damage.
- $prefabs_abilities_tombraiser_ultimate_minion_item_description - Gather the Restless Souls possessing your Skellittles to summon a Grave Goliath! The more Skellittles that are possessed, the stronger the Grave Goliath is.
- $prefabs_abilities_tombraiser_heal_minion_description - Summons a friendly Banshee to heal your Skellittles and that turns into a Restless Soul on death. Also turns you into a ghost, which reduces damage taken by 90% and causes your primary attacks to affect all nearby enemies and Skellittles. Banshee's Boon rapidly depletes your energy and ends when energy reaches 0.
- $prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_neon_01_item_name - Vibrant Vibe
- $prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_neon_01_description - Become one with the Neolord. Previously known as Neon Nemesis.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_qubesly_diggsly_shadow_item_name - Diggsly's Shadow's Shadow
- $prefabs_collections_tome_chaoschest_item_description - Produces 10 Chaos Chests when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_dragoncoin_item_description - Produces 25 Dragon Coins when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_eye_item_description - Produces 15 Eyes of Q'bthulhu when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Obtainable at the Shadowy Market in Shadow Arenas.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_eye_legendary_item_description - Produces 400 Eyes of Q'bthulhu when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Obtainable at the Shadowy Market in Shadow Arenas.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_flux_item_description - Produces 100 Flux when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_formicite_item_description - Produces 50 Formicite when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_glim_item_description - Produces 150 Glim when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_infinium_item_description - Produces 25 Infinium when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_mushroomparts_item_description - Produces 50 Mushroom Chunks when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_robotparts_item_description - Produces 15 Robot Parts when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_sentience_shard_item_description - Produces 5 Sentience Shards when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at a Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_charged_circuit_item_description - Produces 5 Charged Circuits when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at a Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_memory_matrix_item_description - Produces 5 Memory Matrices when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at a Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_logic_loop_item_description - Produces 5 Logic Loops when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at a Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_plasmium_item_description - Produces 30 pieces of Plasmium when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at a Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_shapestone_item_description - Produces 100 Shapestone when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_tentacle_item_description - Produces 1 Tentacle of Q'bthulhu when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Obtainable at the Shadowy Market in Shadow Arenas.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_tentacle_legendary_item_description - Produces 20 Tentacles of Q'bthulhu when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Obtainable from the Shadowy Market in the Shadow Tower.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_fertilizer_item_description - Produces 10 Rich Fertilizer when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_wonderbox_item_description - Produces 2 Troves of Wonders when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Occasionally sold by Luxion.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_bigbomb_item_description - Produces 40 Big Bombs when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_pinata_mastery_legendary_item_description - Produces 5 Mastery Pinatas when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 280.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_instagrower_legendary_item_description - Produces 20 Insta-Growers when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_gems_empowered_legendary_item_description - Produces 1 Empowered Gem Box when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_booster_jadeclover_legendary_item_description - Produces 100 Jade Clovers when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Store.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_boundbrilliance_legendary_item_description - Produces 5 Bound Brilliance when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_gemdust_blue_legendary_description - Produces 5,000 Blue Gem Dust when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 330.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_gemdust_red_legendary_description - Produces 5,000 Red Gem Dust when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 530.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_gemdust_yellow_legendary_description - Produces 5,000 Yellow Gem Dust when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 430.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_gemdust_opal_legendary_description - Produces 5,000 Cosmic Gem Dust when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_dragonwonder_legendary_description - Produces 15 Dragon Coins and 1 Trove of Wonder when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 100.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_fishinglure_legendary_description - Produces 100 Fishing Lures when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 490.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_shadowkeyultra_legendary_name - Delve Shadowkey Codex
- $prefabs_collections_tome_shadowkeyultra_legendary_description - Produces 5 Delve Shadowkeys when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 270.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_gems_foci_legendary_description - Produces 1 Lustrous Gem Box when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 630.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_gleamstone_legendary_description - Produces 35 Gleamstone when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_builderite_legendary_description - Produces 35 Builderite when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_ancientgears_legendary_description - Produces 35 Ancient Gears when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_daydrop_legendary_description - Produces 25 Day Drops when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_moonlitmoss_legendary_description - Produces 25 Moonlit Moss when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_wallflowers_legendary_description - Produces 25 Wallflowers when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_metamatter_legendary_description - Produces 4 Metamatter when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_cinnabar_item_description - Produces 40 Cinnabar when fully charged. Standard Tomes can be charged repeatedly. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Runecrafting Bench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_coin_bomb_legendary_description - Produces 5 Bomber Royale Coins: Season One when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Bomber Royale Merchant.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_coin_bomb_02_legendary_description - Produces 5 Bomber Royale Coins: Season Two when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Bomber Royale Merchant.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_forge_fragment_legendary_item_description - Produces 100 Forge Fragments when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Found rarely in Lesser Geodian Topside Caches.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_auricarray_legendary_item_description - Produces 5 Auric Arrays when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_crystallinecore_legendary_item_description - Produces 50 Crystalline Cores when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Craftable at the Crystallogy Workbench.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_primordialplating_legendary_item_description - Produces 5 Primordial Plating when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.
- $prefabs_collections_tome_quantumconduit_legendary_item_description - Produces 5 Quantum Conduits when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.
- $CustomHead_Race_Lady - Clean
- $CustomHead_Race_Guy - Stubble
- $prefabs_item_pinata_trove_item_description - Spawns a Celebratory Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_shadow_item_description - Spawns a Shadow Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_mastery_item_description - Spawns a Mastery Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_shadowseve_item_description - Spawns a Autumn Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_spring_item_description - Spawns a Spring Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_summer_item_description - Spawns a Summer Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_version1_item_description - Spawns a Party Animal when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_winter_item_description - Spawns a Winter Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_shadowkey_item_description - Legacy Item. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Shadow Keys will eventually fade back into Shadow.
- $prefabs_item_shadowkey_hard_item_description - Legacy Item. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Moon Keys will eventually fade back into Shadow.
- $prefabs_item_shadowkey_ultra_item_description - Legacy Item. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Eclipse Keys will eventually fade back into Shadow.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_valentines_item_description - There's no candy in the world worth breaking its heart. Spawns a Romancing Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_stqubeslick_item_description - A good luck charm for safe travels. Spawns a Shamrockin' Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_crystal_item_description - It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens. Spawns a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_starbar_notrade_description - Spawns a Starglint Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_pinata_clubit_description - Spawns a Clubyata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
- $prefabs_item_consumable_crystal_50_description - Increases Crystal and Shadow Shard Gathering from all sources by 50% for the next hour!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowkey_fragment_item_description - Legacy Crafting Material. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Shadow Key Fragments will eventually fade back into Shadow.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowkey_hard_fragment_item_description - Legacy Crafting Material. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Moon Key Fragments will eventually fade back into Shadow.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowkey_ultra_fragment_item_description - Legacy Crafting Material. Can be exchanged for Delve Shadowkey Fragments at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Extra Eclipse Key Fragments will eventually fade back into Shadow.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowshard_item_description - Crafting Material. Used to craft mounts and items on the Shadowy Market such as Shadow Caches.\n\nA plentiful crafting material found in Delves.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowkey_hard_gem_item_description - Crafting Material. An old item, place in a Loot Collector for something useful. Extra Moon Key Gems will eventually fade back into Shadow.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowkey_gem_item_description - Crafting Material. An old item, place in a Loot Collector for something useful. Extra Shadow Key Gems will eventually fade back into Shadow.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve2018_token_item_description - Can be used at the Shadowy Station in the Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2018 event, these coins will disappear at the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_shadowseve2019_token_item_description - Can be used at the Shadowy Station in the Hub to craft a unique lootbox and collections.\n\nA token granted during Shadow's Eve 2019 event, these coins will disappear shortly after the end of Shadow's Eve 2019.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_chaoscore_item_description - Used to craft rare chaotic collectibles at the Chaos Core Crafter.\n\nAcquire from Chaos Chests and by deconstructing Chaos Chests rewards.
- $prefabs_item_currency_sunfest_pinata_2019_description - Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Panatea' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disappear at the end of Sunfest.
- $prefabs_item_currency_sunfest_start_2019_description - Redeem at Qubesly in the hub for a banner signifying loyalty to one of three Trovian dragons and their Houses\n\nThis token will disappear at the end of Sunfest.
- $prefabs_item_currency_sunfest_trove_2019_description - Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Tysorion' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disappear at the end of Sunfest.
- $prefabs_item_currency_sunfest_end_2019_description - Redeem at your House Purveyor in the hub for a permanent banner signifying your house loyalty.\n\nThese hairs will disappear at the end of Sunfest.
- $prefabs_item_currency_sunfest_goldenvale_2019_description - Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while 'Sunfest Banner: House Carys' is equipped.\n\nUnspent coins will disappear at the end of Sunfest.
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_npcdeath_explosion_t109_description - Empowered Water Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_npcdeath_explosion_t110_description - Empowered Water Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_npcdeath_explosion_t109_description - Empowered Fire Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_npcdeath_explosion_t110_description - Empowered Fire Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_npcdeath_explosion_t109_description - Empowered Air Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_npcdeath_explosion_t110_description - Empowered Air Gem for any class. Killing enemies causes them to explode. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
- $prefabs_item_lootbox_chaoschest_item_description - Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.
- $prefabs_item_lootbox_crystal_lesser_description - Open for Crystals or rarely Drillbits, Crystal Pinatas or Bronze Companion Eggs!
- $prefabs_item_plotter_flattener_item_description - Flatten a region that can become an arena or minigame. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_plotter_flattener_bedrock_item_description - Flatten a region to bedrock that can become an arena or minigame. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_skin_candybarbarian_demonicinferno_description - Demonic Inferno costume for the Candy Barbarian class\n\nDesigned by Evilagician
- $prefabs_item_skin_candybarbarian_demonicinferno_notrade_description - Demonic Inferno costume for the Candy Barbarian class\n\nDesigned by Evilagician
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_candy_item_description - Terraform a zone into Candoria. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_dragon_volcanicfields_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Volcanic Fields. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_faewilds_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Uncanny Valley. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_frontier_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Desert Frontier. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_highlands_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Medieval Highlands. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_highlands_fjord_item_description - Terraform a zone into Frigga's Fjord. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_isletreasure_item_description - Terraform a zone into Treasure Isles. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_neoncity_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Neon City. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_neoncity_resistor_item_description - Terraform a zone into Neon City's Luminopolis. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_newzone_item_description - Transform the Sea of Regret into something useable.\n\nWarning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones."
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_parkinglot_item_description - Terraform a zone into a blank slate. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_peaceful_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Peaceful Hills. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_peacefulfield_item_description - Terraforms a biome into a Peaceful Field. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_peacefulfield_styler_item_description - Terraforms a biome into a Peaceful Field. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_peaceful_plains_item_name - Peaceful Field Terraformer
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_peaceful_plains_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Peaceful Field. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_peaceful_rockplains_item_description - Terraforms a biome into Frozen Tundra. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_peaceful_rockplains_styler_item_description - Terraforms a biome into Frozen Tundra. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_seaofdeepregret_item_description - Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Deep Regret. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_seaofdeepregret_styler_item_description - Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Deep Regret. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_seaofdeeptranquility_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Sea of Tranquility. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_seaofregret_item_description - Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Regret. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_seaofregret_styler_item_description - Terraform a zone back into the Sea of Regret. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_tundra_item_description - Terraform a zone into Permafrost. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_undead_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Cursed Vale. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_forest_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Primal Preserve. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_swamp_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Saurian Swamp. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_spires_item_description - Terraform a zone into Forbidden Spires. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_geode_cerise_sandsea_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Geode Cerise Sandsea. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_geode_hollow_dunes_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Geode Hollow Dunes. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_geode_skyway_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Geode Skyways. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_item_terraforming_geode_weathered_wastelands_item_description - Terraform a zone into the Geode Weathered Wastelands. Warning: This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the boarders of adjacent zones.
- $meta_rewardId_270444_description - Delve Shadowkey Codex
- $Adventure_adv_auto_24hour_keyfrag_01_longdesc - Daily Adventure: Collect a Delve Shadowkey Fragment from completing dungeons in Prime Uber worlds. This Adventure gives experience and is only available for 24 hours.
- $prefabs_placeable_crafting_worldspring_item_description - Craft terraformers that are used to customize and expand your Club World. Warning: Terraformers will destroy everything in the target zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
- $prefabs_placeable_fixture_hoard_description - Utility Fixture. Grants a bonus to Magic Find and to finding Adventure Boxes, and Pearls of Wisdom if this is selected as your primary Club.
- $prefabs_placeable_fixture_hoard_bonus_description_01 - Hoard of Prosperity, Tier 1 - Grants +100 to Magic Find and a small chance to loot bonus Adventure Boxes, and Pearls of Wisdom.
- $prefabs_placeable_fixture_hoard_bonus_description_02 - Hoard of Prosperity, Tier 2 - Grants +150 to Magic Find and a 2x greater chance to loot bonus Adventure Boxes, and Pearls of Wisdom.
- $prefabs_placeable_fixture_hoard_bonus_description_03 - Hoard of Prosperity, Tier 3 - Grants +200 to Magic Find and a 4x greater chance to loot bonus Adventure Boxes, and Pearls of Wisdom.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_candycane_large_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. No-one knows whether these sizeable sweet structures that dot the Candorian landscape are natural or artificial. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_gumdrop_hill_green_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A great big gob of sweet green goop. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_icecream_hill_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A scoop of ice cream that somehow survives under the Candorian Sun. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_lair_cake_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A luxurious Candorian house. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_lair_gumball_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A Candorian sentry station to keep watch over the surrounding countryside. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_lair_milkshake_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. An outsized storage tank for a precious Candorian resource. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_lair_popsicle_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. This towering giant must have taken many decades to grow this big. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_lollipop_large_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. To this day, Candorians build these monuments to mark places of power. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubshadowseve_hauntedhouse_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A spooky attraction beloved by all Trovians who appreciate the Shadow's Eve festivities. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubshadowseve_pumpkin_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A small, Shadow's Eve-themed shack for folks to congregate in. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubspring_advtower_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A tower built to symbolize the shattered world of Trove, with portals to many of its scattered shards. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubspring_clubhearts_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A podium with portals to popular Club Worlds. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubspring_dragonstatue_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A noble statue that watches over the Dragonforge. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubspring_hut_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Keeps all the off-season accoutrements safe. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubspring_hut_02_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A simple structure to decorate and hang out in. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubspring_pvpshrine_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A small temple dedicated to the deities of battle and conflict. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubspring_sunstatue_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A towering statue depicting Elysia, the Sun Goddess, in all her glory. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubsummer_shipshack_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. It seems like only yesterday that Saltwater Sam appeared in the hub and set up this shop. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubturkeytopia_turkeyshrine_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A small homage to Turkeytopia's Bird of the Moment. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_hubwinter_icerink_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. This enclosure appears in the Hub in winter, ready to accept all casual skaters and hardcore sportsters alike. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_tree_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. It takes hard work to keep a tree this prim and proper. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_tree_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A tree that commonly grows in the Forbidden Spires. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_tree_02_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A pruned tree is a happy tree. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_tree_03_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Knotty, but nice. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_gazebo_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A beautiful work of architecture. Seemingly harmless. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed. This Framework is placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_bridge_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A sturdy bridge to pass over a stream or a gorge. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_arch_small_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A decorative arch built by the denizens of Forbidden Spires. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_arch_medium_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A slightly larger decorative arch built by the denizens of Forbidden Spires. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_palace_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A grand palace tower built by the ancient rulers of Forbidden Spires. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_wall_long_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A long wall segment of the Forbidden Palace. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_wall_corner_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A corner segment of the wall of the Forbidden Palace. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_spires_wall_gatehouse_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. The grand gatehouse of the Forbidden Palace. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_candy_tree_02_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Could use a little trimming of its lower branches. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_undead_crypt_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Such magnificent refuge for restless souls. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_undead_statue_angel_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. In silence it contemplates your mortality. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_undead_statue_shadowgiant_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Who would build monuments to the enemy? Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_undead_tomb_statue_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. The statue atop it depicts some hero from ages past. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_undead_tree_large_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. One wonders what it feeds on to get so big. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_undead_tree_med_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Its branches rustle restlessly in the chilly breeze. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_undead_tree_small_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Still but a sapling, but already towers in a menacing manner. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_mastery_castlewall_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A stout wall, complete with battlements and internal passageways. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_mastery_castlegate_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A fortified opening in a castle wall. Used to sally forth with style. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_mastery_castletower_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A three story watchtower, suitable for early threat detection and rooftop parties. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_snowfest_gingerbreadhouse_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Has the added benefit that once you're done with it you can just eat it, no need for packing or storage! Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_snowfest_tree_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A prize pine perfectly prepared for placement on your property Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_cornerstone_tower_radiant_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A luminous lookout tower inspired by the architecture of the Radiant Realm. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_cornerstone_tower_shadow_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A lugubrious lookout tower, fashioned in the style of Shadow architecture. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_mine_00_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Just the right size for one person to work out of, but watch out for explosions Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_cornerstone_house_trove4floor_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Quite the upgrade from your starter fixer-upper. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tree_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A strange tree that grows in Neon City. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tree_02_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A strange tree that grows in Neon City. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tree_03_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A strange tree that grows in Neon City. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tree_04_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A strange tree that grows in Neon City. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_narrowBuilding_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Illuminating Luminopolis for all to see. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_narrowBuilding_02_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Provides power to the largest structures of Luminopolis. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_narrowBuilding_03_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Illuminating Luminopolis for all to see. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_narrowBuilding_04_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Provides power to the largest structures of Luminopolis. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_narrowBuilding_05_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Provides power to the largest structures of Luminopolis. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_narrowBuilding_06_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. Illuminating Luminopolis for all to see. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_05_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_01_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_02_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Resistor headquarters in Luminopolis. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_03_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_04_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_08_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the headquarters of the Amperium in Luminopolis. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_07_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_06_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_tallBuilding_09_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_neon_pearl_building_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. The crowning jewel of Luminopolis architecture. This building is impressive, even by Amperium standards. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_eggcase_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. This freakishly humongous egg appears to be dormant, and even Gabbro has no idea how to incubate it or what may hatch from it. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_medium_hubtree_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Chalcedarny trees can live for thousands of years, and grow to gargantuan size. This is one is relatively young still. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_gazebo_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A small gazebo built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_pillars_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A small chamber built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_stairs_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A staircase built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_rest_building_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A small building in the architectural style used in the Sunseeker Spire. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_shuttle_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A sturdy and nimble craft used to ferry Trovians from Sunseeker Spire to the SS Solidarity and back. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_sunstatue_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. The style and materials may be different, but the Sun Goddess's likeness is unmistakeable. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_twistedmushroom_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. As fungoliths grow, they create twisting rock formations, and this one has been growing for a long time. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_small_crescentrock_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A rock formation left behind as a fungolith grows, this one is relatively small. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_cross_building_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. An architectural crossroads built in a long-lost style. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_small_hubtree_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A young chalcedarny tree, probably only a few decades old. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_medium_cavemushroom_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. This gigantic fungus is common to the caverns below Geode's surface, and forms one of the cornerstones of their ecology. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_large_crescentrock_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A striking rock formation common to the Geodian landscape around Sunseeker Spire. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_orb_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A mysterious structure suffused with magical energies, its creation and purpose are unknown to even the sagest Geodians. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_large_beanstalk_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Just be careful not to fall off. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_medium_bridge_name - Grassy Bridge
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_medium_bridge_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Perfect for quiet contemplation. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_small_flower_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. This flower would win any Gardening competition with flying colors. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_medium_flower_01_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. This flower would win any Gardening competition with flying colors. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_medium_flower_02_description - Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. This flower would win any Gardening competition with flying colors. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_medium_fountain_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A beautifully crafted stone fountain, complete with detailed fish carvings at the top. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_small_greenhouse_name - Grower's Greenhouse
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_small_greenhouse_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Dedicated gardeners don't let a little foul weather impede their growing efforts. Placeable in Club Worlds only. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_medium_hillhouse_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. This house sits inside of a cosy hill and a hillside house means comfort. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_medium_pond_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. A peaceful pond where you can while away the hours after a long day. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_medium_shroomhouse_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Ever wanted to live inside a mushroom? Well now you can! Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_frameworks_gardening_large_treehouse_description - Placeable in Club Worlds only. Who doesn't love a tree house? Gather some friends and hang out. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank9_item_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter a Forbidden Spires World at Uber-6 difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank10_item_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World at Uber-7 difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank11_item_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World at Uber-8 difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank12_item_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World at Uber-9 difficulty, where all the biomes the Sun Goddess ever dreamt of are scattered about.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_arena_shadow_tower_item_description - Venture into the Shadow Tower, where unknown dangers await in its many floors.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_pvp_battleroyal_interactive_item_name - Bomber Royale Portal
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_pvp_battleroyal_interactive_sign_title - Bomber Royale Portal
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank4_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where the races of Fae have turned their backs on the outside world to focus on a bloody civil war.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank5_description - Press [HK:Loot] to voyage into this Adventure World, where clashing confectionery civilizations vie for power and influence.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank6_description - Press [HK:Loot] to beam into this Adventure World, where a technological singularity wrought the rise of the ruthless Robot Overlords to power.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank7_description - Press [HK:Loot] to travel to this Adventure World, a land unchanged for aeons until the arrival of a mysterious meteorite.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank8_description - Press [HK:Loot] to brave this Adventure World, a land of fire and Dragons thrown into turmoil by a false prophet.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank9_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where a once mighty empire now lies silent, and yet their edifices remain in all their splendor.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank10_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, an amalgam of many lands coalesced in the aftermath of the Sundering.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank11_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, an amalgam of many lands coalesced in the aftermath of the Sundering.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $prefabs_placeable_portal_adventure_rank12_description - Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World at Uber-9 difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_Event_expertise_tomes_03_Name - Fully Charge your Tome
- $Quest_GoldenThread_Event_expertise_tomes_03_Description - Good job! Tomes charge up when you complete Dungeons or collect resources in the Geode Caves. When Tomes are fully charged, they grant resource. Standard Tomes can be repeatedly refilled, but Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. So, charge up your Tome and enjoy the results!
- $Quest_GoldenThread_Event_expertise_tomes_04_Name - Charge your Tome Again
- $StoreProduct_trove_patron_15_description - +50% Experience Boost\n+4 Chaos Factor\n2x Chaos Factor Rewards\n+2 Flask Capacity\n+5 Jump\n+50 Lasermancy\n+100% Crafting Rate\n+100% Magic Find!
- $StoreProduct_trove_patron_30_description - +50% Experience Boost\n+4 Chaos Factor\n2x Chaos Factor Rewards\n+2 Flask Capacity\n+5 Jump\n+50 Lasermancy\n+100% Crafting Rate\n+100% Magic Find!
- $StoreProduct_trove_patron_3_month_description - +50% Experience Boost\n+4 Chaos Factor\n2x Chaos Factor Rewards\n+2 Flask Capacity\n+5 Jump\n+50 Lasermancy\n+100% Crafting Rate\n+100% Magic Find!
- $StoreProduct_trove_patron_6_month_description - +50% Experience Boost\n+4 Chaos Factor\n2x Chaos Factor Rewards\n+2 Flask Capacity\n+5 Jump\n+50 Lasermancy\n+100% Crafting Rate\n+100% Magic Find!
- $StoreProduct_trove_patron_12_month_description - +50% Experience Boost\n+4 Chaos Factor\n2x Chaos Factor Rewards\n+2 Flask Capacity\n+5 Jump\n+50 Lasermancy\n+100% Crafting Rate\n+100% Magic Find!
- $ChaosFactorFormat - Chaos Factor: {0}\nRewards Earned: {1}\nRewards Remaining: {2}
- $WorldChallengeDelveRestriction - Players may not join a challenge delve after it was created.
- $Store_Patron_BetterDropsDetails - Get double Magic Find to hone in on rarer equipment!
- $Store_Patron_ChaosChests - More Chaos Chests!
- $Store_Patron_ChaosChestsDetails - Increases Chaos Factor by 4 and doubles your Chaos Factor rewards!
- $Welcome_DailyBonus_ShadowDay - Delve Day
- $ShadowTower_LevelRequirement - It costs {0} Flux to open this portal.
- $ShadowTower_Instructions - You can re-run Shadow Tower bosses as often as you like!
- $ClubCommand_WaitPrimary - You can not currently change your Primary Club.
- $ClubCommand_MakePrimaryConfirmation - Are you sure you want to make {0} your primary club? You can only benefit from one primary club at a time.
- $ClubCommand_MakePrimary_StillUnderCooldown - You cannot currently change your primary club.
- $ActivityTomeDesc - Charge Tomes to earn additional rewards!
- $TomeInCooldown - {0} is fully charged and has activated.\nSwitch Tomes to earn more rewards!
- $Stat_ChaosFactor_Description - Rewards one Chaos Chest for the first dungeons completed each day, up to the current amount of Chaos Factor.\nPatron rewards an extra Chaos Chests per trigger.\n"/chaosfactor" can be used to see remaining rewards.
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_TowerLeader - Delve Depth Purple
- $CharSheet_PatronBonuses - +50 Experience Gain\n+4 Chaos Factor\n+2 Flask Capacity\n+5 Jump\n+50 Lasermancy\n+33% Adventurine\n+100% Magic Find\n+100% Daily Bonuses\n+200% Cubits\n+200% Flux\n+2 Max Flasks\n+100% Crafting Speed\n+100% Battle Boxes\n+100% Gem Box Karma\n+100% Chaos Factor Rewards
- $CharSheet_MasteryDescription - Increase Trove Mastery by adding to your collection and by leveling up classes. The first 500 Trove Mastery Ranks each grant +0.6% Health, +0.2% Damage, and +4 Power Rank. After that each rank gives +1 Power Rank and +1 Magic Find.
- $CharSheet_GeodeMasteryDescription - Increase Geode Mastery by adding to your collection. The first 100 Geode Mastery Ranks each grant 10 Light, and +5 Power Rank.
- $PowerRank_Breakdown - +{1} from Class Level\n+{6} from Subclass Level\n+{0} from Equipment\n+{2} from Mastery Rank\n+{3} from Geode Mastery Rank\n+{4} from Dragons\n+{5} from Gems.
- $TomePercentFilled - {0}% Charged
- $TomeInCooldownTimer - This tome is fully charged. It will be ready to be charged again in {0}.
- $TomeReady - This tome is ready to be charged.
- $TomeReadyUnequipped - This tome is ready to be charged if equipped.
- $Metrics_EnemyKills - Enemies Defeated
- $Metrics_Deaths - Deaths
- $Metrics_Revives - Players Revived
- $Metrics_Revived - Times Revived
- $Metrics_QuestsCompleted - Dungeons Completed
- $Metrics_MagicFindTriggers - Magic Find Triggers
- $Metrics_LootDropsSinceMagicFindTrigger - Drops Since Magic Find Trigger
- $Metrics_ItemsDeconstructed - Items Deconstructed
- $Metrics_ItemsFished - Items Fished
- $Metrics_BoxesOpened - Boxes Opened
- $Metrics_DaysLoggedIn - Days Logged in
- $Metrics_ConsecutiveDaysLoggedIn - Currrent Consecutive Days Logged in
- $Metrics_MaxConsecutiveDaysLoggedIn - Max Consecutive Days Logged in
- $Metrics_ItemsForged - Items Forged
- $Metrics_Purchases - Purchases
- $Metrics_MarketplacePurchases - Marketplace Purchases
- $Metrics_MarketplaceSales - Marketplace Sales
- $Metrics_PVPSecondsPlayed - Seconds Played in PVP
- $Metrics_PVPEnemyKills - Enemies Defeated in PVP
- $Metrics_PVPFlagsCaptured - Flags Captured in PVP
- $Metrics_PVPFlagsReturned - Flags Returned in PVP
- $Metrics_PVPGamesWon - Games Won in PVP
- $Metrics_PVPGamesPlayed - Games Played in PVP
- $Metrics_PVPDeaths - Deaths in PVP
- $Metrics_PVPPointsScored - Points Scored in PVP
- $Metrics_PVPGamesAFK - Games afk in PVP
- $Metrics_GemUpgradeAttempts - Gem Upgrade Attempts
- $Metrics_HeartsSent - Hearts Sent
- $Metrics_HeartsReceived - Hearts Received
- $Metrics_GemsRepaired - Gems Repaired
- $Metrics_SecondsLoggedIn - Seconds Logged in
- $Metrics_InvadersKilled - Invaders Killed
- $Metrics_PinatasThrown - Pinatas Thrown
- $Metrics_PinatasLooted - Pinatas Looted
- $Metrics_ShapestoneMined - Shapestone Mined
- $Metrics_FormiciteMined - Formicite Mined
- $Metrics_InfiniumMined - Infinium Mined
- $Metrics_CinnabarMined - Cinnabar Mined
- $Metrics_PrimordialFlameMined - Primordial Flames Mined
- $Metrics_GlacialShardMined - Glacial Shards Mined
- $Metrics_CrystallizedCloudMined - Crystallized Clouds Mined
- $Metrics_DarkSoulMined - Somber Souls Mined
- $Metrics_GoldenSoulMined - GoldenSouls Mined
- $Metrics_MoonstoneMined - Moonstone Mined
- $Metrics_QuirkstoneMined - Quirkstone Mined
- $Metrics_LunariumMined - Lunarium Mined
- $Metrics_BlazineMined - Blazine Mined
- $Metrics_SparkziteMined - Sparkzite Mined
- $Metrics_EverlightMined - Everlight Mined
- $Metrics_GeminiteMined - Geminite Mined
- $Metrics_ChronozineMined - Chronozine Mined
- $Metrics_MightstoneMined - Mightstone Mined
- $Metrics_GleamstoneMined - Gleamstone Mined
- $Metrics_BuilderiteMined - Builderite Mined
- $Metrics_AncientGearsMined - AncientGears Mined
- $Metrics_BuildersBoxMined - BuildersBox Mined
- $Metrics_BuildersChestMined - Builders Chest Mined
- $Metrics_BuildersVaultMined - Builders Vault Mined
- $Metrics_ChallengesCompleted - Challenges Completed
- $Metrics_DungeonsRank1Completed - Rank 1 Dungeons Completed
- $Metrics_DungeonsRank3Completed - Rank 3 Dungeons Completed
- $Metrics_DungeonsRank5Completed - Rank 5 Dungeons Completed
- $Metrics_DungeonsRank5Bonus - Rank 5 Dungeons Completed in Time Limit
- $Metrics_ClubWorldLiked - Club Worlds Liked
- $Metrics_DeepestPublicDelve - Deepest Public Delve Depth
- $Metrics_PublicDelvesCompleted - Public Delves Completed
- $Metrics_DeepestChallengeDelve - Deepest Challenge Delve Depth
- $Metrics_ChallengeDelveCompleted - Challenge Delves Completed
- $TomeBar_Tooltip_Description - The Tome Bar can be filled to earn rewards. Tomes can be charged in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves
- $SlashCommand_Stuck - Use the [HK:Atlas] to move to another world.
- $Collections_Category_Tome_Description - Collect and equip Tomes to earn additional rewards by completing Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.
- $Collections_Category_Aura_Description - Auras can be applied to Radiant or stronger weapons and Stellar or stronger hats.
- $Metrics_GlimCollected - Glim Collected
- $Metrics_FluxCollected - Flux Collected
- $PlayerCommand_GetTomeXP_Display - Tome charge: {0} / {1}
- $ClubLogLine_ClubCurrencyDonated - {0} donated {1} Clubit(s).
- $module_barrier_description - Geode Caverns: Shield that nudges enemies, prevents energy damage, and increases movement speed while active. Delves: Reduces incoming damage by up to 35% depending on Upgrade Level. With a Level 5 Vaca-matic equipped, an active barrier can occasionally pull in enemies when struck
- $module_pathpainter_upgrade_10_name - No longer generate aggro in Geode Caves while boost is active
- $module_hookshot_upgrade_10_name - Can now stun critters in Tier 5 and Delves
- $module_vision_upgrade_07_name - Increase radius by 50% and reveals Delve enemies through walls
- $Welcome_daily_bonus_details_shadow_1 - Double Crystal Drops
- $Welcome_daily_bonus_details_shadow_3 - Double Inert Geode Drops
- $Welcome_daily_bonus_details_shadow_1_patron - Triple Crystal Drops
- $Welcome_daily_bonus_details_shadow_3_patron - Triple Inert Geode Drops
- $StoreProduct_trove_spring_fling_pack_description - This limited time pack unlocks the Growing Gater mount, Sir Dapper Duckington ally, Frolicking Fable ally, Bouquet Buggy Magrider, The May Flower Boat and Sail, The Heroic Hydrophobe costume for Knight, The Precipitation Princess costume for Neon Ninja, and the Van Gardener costume for the Vanguardian. Get them quick before they dip!